Are Asus Motherboards Safe for Your Ryzen 7000 CPU Build?

How is my Asus B650E-E combined with the Ryzen 7800X doing? Is Asus safe now, or has my CPU been fried? Cooked? Well done? Or popped like popcorn?

BTW: ignore my stupid comment about B650E-F. It’s a fantastic motherboard.


12 thoughts on “Are Asus Motherboards Safe for Your Ryzen 7000 CPU Build?”

  1. Always nice when you upload and listening to your reasoning. One of my fav hardware channels!

    As for me, I experienced great value and quality with my 2nd last b450 MSI A pro max, so my preference tended more to MSI for the next purchase. But after all the drama it was hard to miss that ASUS was trying to redeem themselfs by lowering prices and providing premium warranty (maybe customer support too). I personally will avoid asus for a bit, solely cause of what they did 🙂 But yeah for people who dont care its a good time to buy their stuff. I dont have a favourite brand, cause whenever you do your research you always find something where they fucked up. So everytime its checking comparisons and value. And no motherboard purchase if it doesnt have bios flashback! The rest is personal preference.

  2. I had the same problem with an ASUS board, and same thing…when it broke, it ended up being better just because I didn’t have to toil with the thing anymore. I’ve tried a couple Gigabyte boards and have been very happy with them, but on my 7800X3D system there was some issue I don’t remember what, but I couldn’t get the ITX MB I wanted from Gigabyte. So I gave ASUS another chance there. No problems yet, but it’s not like it has much time on it yet.

  3. it is safe, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, you will have some weird ass problems, if you lucked out bad.

    my USB connections time out after like 3,5 days. well, it's more like all connections, cause i also loose access to the web. my internet beforehand seemed to crash aside from youtube, which was working on every browser, but everything else internet releated seized to function, this was aleviated once i reinstalled windows compeltly. but it turned into the next problem.
    it tends to happen after a few cycles of putting the PC to sleep.

    oh, and for the biggest issue. one reboot cycle, after finished memory training takes 3 minutes. i have the fastet gen 4 m2.ssds you can buy.

    so it's safe, but you'd be better off to use a peanut butter sandwich as a mainboard.
    friend bought a 7000 series CPU too, 2 months ago. he bought a pretty cheap asrock mainboard and has zero issues.

    also, something to think about if you buy anything but a 7800x3D. the fact that it parks your cores, makes your PC a drag if you try to multitask. anything which windows deems as a ghame, even an android emulator, will make your PC function worse.
    so yeah, if AMD doesn't add a controller to their next mix CPU high cache/normal cache, stay as far away from it as humanly possible, except if you never multitask on your PC.

    also, dunno if this is an AMD or mainboard issue. if i don't put the PC to sleep, i don't get the loss of USB atleast not after 5 days. but, it runs choppy after 3 days of continious on time, as if it was a windows vista PC.
    i had my 8086k intel CPU driven old PC, on for over 20 days, with a plettera of sleep cycles inbetween, and felt barely any chop, until i overloaded the system.

    all in all, my first AMD experience has been a nightmare. the bios revisions coe out every 2 months now, if not longer, and the really glaring issues are not even spoken about. i tried writing intheir forum, but i get casually ignored there, as if those issues don't matter cause, yeah, it matters more than they basiclly created a fire hazard in our houses, with their worst product ever.
    what really rubs me the wrong way is, that i constantly see ads for new products, but barely and information on the plettera of issues that my strix 670e-f board has.

    sadly, the new intel chip wasn't the lifeboat i was hoping for, so i'm going to stick this out, until AMD or intel show us their new products, and probably going to change then, and this time, i'm going to scan every info on every mainboard i'm throwing an eye on, because this experience in 2023, was bonkers.
    if i would live in the US, i would've sued asus, hands down. this type of business should be illegal.

    why didn't i exchange it and just taken another one? i bought the mainboard months before the CPU arrived. the shop i bought it here, also went boobs up, because some of our precious, too big to fail banks, thought that multiple electronics shops, weren't qualified for a prolonging of their business. they also had the money and everything to prolong it, but the bank decided that my country only needs 3 electronics titans to duke it out, and that all smaller shops deserved to end. corporatism is nice.
    but even if they still existed, until i've known what really even was the issue, the 2 week exchange period ran out a long time ago.

    so yeah, i mean if it works, it works as it should. but guess what, my mainboard was almost 500 bucks, and my friend got his for 200, andhis works far better than mine ever will, cause i have doubts up the wazoo that asus is actually oing to fix it, and just drop a revision that doesn't have those weird quirks.

    oh yeah, and i have the 7950x3D. in my opinion, even if you mutitask, don't buy those. been trying same programs on the 7800x3D of my friend to see if there's any tanglible diffrence in haptics, and the only one is, he can do two things which trigger game mode for me, with something which wouldn't, and his system doesn't get choppy, and mine does.
    but of course it would, why AMD didn't put a controller chip on thhis CPU is beyond me. yeah sure, windows gamebar is goinng to handle that.
    windows already has enough trouble to handle itself ffs…

  4. i tried your guide at the end, and shock horror, it actually worked, i mean "it worked" it still takes 1,5 minutes to boot up into windows, but that's better than 3,5 minutes.
    thanks for that. now they only need to solve the issue were the USB controller suddenly checks out, after multiple sleep cycles. i seen multiple ppl on the ROG forum have this same issue.
    but now that a boot up isn't a whole cigarette anymore, i'm atleast not going to be bothered as much, by having to reboot the PC.

    also yeah, i thought context restore is the standard to be on, as soon as you turn on expo, as it's essential, as much as i read on said same forum.
    they really need to fix their sh*t.


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