Are ‘arrogant’ Prince Harry & Meghan Markle too ‘toxic’ now? | Palace Confidential

Are ‘arrogant’ Prince Harry & Meghan Markle too ‘toxic’ now? | Palace Confidential

After blistering coverage in the likes of the Hollywood Reporter and US business magazine Forbes, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are looking to reset their brand, but have they become too toxic? That’s the question asked by the Daily Mail’s Royal Editor Rebecca English on Palace Confidential.
She takes aim at the pair’s ‘very arrogant statement’ about their future plans ‘that they’ve done the last of their lookback projects now – ie the ones that are attacking the royal family – and now it’s all about looking forward,’ she tells our royal talk show. ‘But in doing what they’ve done they’ve lost so much credibility, there’s a lot for them to claw back. And it will be really interesting to see how toxic they are or not as a brand.’

0:00 Will King Charles cut off Andrew? Can Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ever recover their momentum? All this and more on today’s Palace Confidential
0:50 Rebecca reacts to latest Royal engagements ahead of Christmas
2:35 What should we expect at the Royal Christmas at Sandringham?
3:35 Did King Charles want to have Christmas at Sandringham though?
5:25 Do the Royals play any games?
5:56 Prince Andrew is back in the news…
7:23 The Jeffrey Epstein scandal just keeps coming back
8:08 Would King Charles ever CUT OFF Prince Andrew?
9:30 Your best comments!
10:45 ANOTHER video from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle…are they ‘cashing in’?
13:13 Are Harry and Meghan a lesson on the ‘ultimate brand buzz FAILURE’?
14:30 What is the plan for Harry and Meghan in 2024?
15:52 Reaction to Prince William’s ‘One Pint Willy’ nickname
17:50 Richard says Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh are his unsung heroes of the year
21:55 The cute Royal photo comparisons
22:21 Robert Hardman previews his documentary about King Charles
25:57 It’s montage time!

#palaceconfidential #princeharry #meghanmarkle #royals #kingcharles


50 thoughts on “Are ‘arrogant’ Prince Harry & Meghan Markle too ‘toxic’ now? | Palace Confidential”

  1. I really don't give a rat's a$$ about H & M. Going through a pandemic and the authorities didn't want us to ask questions. The first remark Harry makes on arrival to America was calling our 1st Amendment, Bonkers. That's the Amendment our forefathers thought was the most important. 1st Amendment guarantees us with Freedom of Speech and Religion.

  2. how can we not get upset about all the trashing that is being done to them! I have worked with quite a few Brit colleagues and they don't behave like so many Brits behave that we see/hear about. The gossiping, the trashing of each other, is just so rapid over there and I just don't understand why they have the time or energy to worry about anyone other than their own family. The trash that gets dished out by the Royals as well, don't get it, don't understand it. I am so over all this crap that gets spewed by trash magazines against M&H. No wonder they live in N America, to get away from all that crap

  3. You know, I really do enjoy your program, you all do great honor to the Family, and I've been meaning to say so forever now! I started out at age 10 as a diehard Richard III aficionado, so much so that I would have chosen to study medieval British history "if only." That was before I learned about Queen Elizabeth and her path to the throne. Kindness seemed to shine from her eyes when she smiled; her serenity, devotion to duty, and love of family set fine examples for young people, and she easily captured my young American heart. So, goodbye, bellicose Plantagenets. (Well, maybe just now and then!) I'll continue to admire and pray for the current and future generations, challenges, foibles and all!

  4. Harry and Meg will never return to the UK because they hate having to stand behind Will & Kate and having to follow their lead. Can't stand being second fiddle to the future king & Queen.

  5. This is the second time, I just want to stop watching. At least twice VICTORIA stated things that were questionable 1- she had to be corrected about the size of attendees at Sandrehim and 2-bringing up Prince Philip in a commercial, who does not have a title nor has trashed the RF. Victoria does not add credence to the show. Not sure why she continues to appear. I did enjoy Natasha. She spoke with confidence in her reporting.

  6. Harry and his vile wife have been far far far too toxic since the Oprah bloodfest written and performed by Meghan Markle, the champion Liar. They deserve nothing – nothing from the Family, nothing from the Nation, nothing from the Forces, nothing from the Commonwealth. Ignore them completely and forever. Make them disappear permanently. I don't believe there are real children and that they're rented or borrowed but not real. Not until independent DNA tests are done on them will I change my mind. Get on with the real Royals, the working ones, and get away from the freeloading mental cases in Montecito.

  7. All last week I have been having video montages of happy Harry and even the children popping up on my feed. I was wondering where they were coming from because I don’t think it would be Megan because she wasn’t in them except for a few in the background instead of front and center. Then earlier today a similar montage of Megan alone popped up. Why this end of year push of images of a happy, active and flattering duo and their children when it isn’t the norm?

  8. Media really struggle to keep us listening and watching to the non events, the repetitive behavior of Harry and Meghan…there is a time to call it a day….eventually the ones being still all the way into covering every single move are looking more and more like Harry and Meghan themselves

  9. There’s SO much pressure in our society to drink alcohol. It starts young and through young adulthood, 20s, 30s and so on. I’ve now met more adults (male or female) who just aren’t drinkers and it’s refreshing. We need some role models who either aren’t big drinkers or who may not consume alcohol at all. It’s okay either way but we get to choose. I’ve had friends spike my drink even if I politely decline alcohol.

  10. The Duke and Duchess of Dimwits are too toxic to come back. It's OVER. If they ever try to reinvent themselves, it would have to be out of USA. They are considered losers and grifters. In America, one does NOT come back from those sentiments. MEGHAN IS A JOKE IN THE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD. Harry is clueless, not very bright. IMO, the two of them are couple clowns who are grifters and nothing more. It is hopeless in the states for any success for them.

  11. What is the obsession with Andrew – 170 names are going to be released why is it out of all these names only Andrew seems to be the villain and Aldo why the obsession to try and get Andrew banished from his family maybe they should do what Christ said – let the one without a sin throw the first stone

  12. So when Sexy Sally gets groped by the postie or the bloke from the corner store, why aren’t they splashed across the front pages ? Odd how only the well known or celebrities make the headlines. The media are like flies hanging around cow pats. Easy pickings that just fall in their lap.

  13. So M dragged this out of the archives to remind us that she willingly aligns herself with a company that 'supports slavery' and uses harmful ingredients from China in their products.
    Never mind monopolizing the whole commercial with mediocre acting skills. Interesting. So coffee from coffee beans is not vegan but coffee from oats is 😂😂😂

  14. Hairy needs to have his ass kicked! He should pray for the strength to shut his wife’s mouth! I don’t think he has the balls to stop her and he is doomed! Any person who believes a single word coming from them should check into a psych ward!!

  15. your WARs were plotted by Elizabeth and her indian, they are behind robberies, house break INS and theft with Lee Hsien Loong and his ministers, police tied to escorts hookers impersonating CCTVS, they break into homes to steal repeatedly, they stole all your TAXs to fund your OWN WARs, did it again during the pandemic. Lee is behind all the crimes with LIN -YIH, POH hock guan, Wayne Li, Sadon Suraiman, Jeanette AW, Fann WONG, WONG kan Seng, Chan Sek keong, NG Joo Hee, Chan Wei Hong, Melvin Yong Yik Chye, TAN Chuan Jin Tharman Halimah YACOB, Masagos Zukifli and more all stealing for a living . Inside Clementi HQ, Jurong HQ, Bukit Panjang, Bukit Batok nearby stations

  16. I'm an American and because I love history I am fascinated by the RF. After much reading I sincerely wonder what good is the RF except to expose atrocious behavior through Centuries with a guarantee of more to come. The last book I read showed how petty the Queen was. No I don't read books like the Endgame.

  17. Oh, please, Harry and Meghan are done.
    Their "brand" as they call it is highly toxic.
    The RF covered for Harry his entire life. Now we get to see the real Harry and it ain't pretty.
    As for Meghan….she's a user. She uses others and, when thy have served their purpose, she drops them. Word has certainly got around about her.

  18. I expect the royal family continue in service, having moved on from Harry, now a private citizen, and Prince Andrew, seemingly an unpleasant individual from puberty onwards, snapping at the heels of the royal family. Both Prince Andrew and Harry (as long as Harry is a US resident he is Harry, not prince Harry) are entertainment news and clickbait.

    Andrew and Harry have histories of spoiled and unmanageable behaviors stretching back to their childhoods. It seems the royal family has moved on, as they should. American's interest is who in the US will be named and what, if anything, it might mean. Harry and Meghan basically blew it from the beginning, best description I have read describing Harry's unrelenting self-promotion as the motherless child, Meghan's self-promotion leaving her increasingly marginalized from any celebrity career, and voila! Harry has found the woman who will share him with his dead mother. “They were both now drunk on a shared fantasy of being the instruments of global transformation, who once married, would operate in the celebrity stratosphere once inhabited by Princess Diana. Meghan, couldn’t, and wouldn’t, bide her time to get there.”

    Can't believe MI6 had not vetted Rachel Meghan Markle from the beginning when Harry was a working royal. Does anyone with an iota of intelligence think Queen Elizabeth was taken in by Meghan? The late Queen, a personage with a life time of experience in human jockeying, manipulation, and fakery taken in? No. So beloved is Harry by his grandmother, the Queen set aside tradition and protocol in hopes Harry could, would evolve to some maturity and find a role in the working royal family with a wife and eventually children. Ultimately the late Queen and Harry's family had little control over Harry and thus Meghan.


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