Are Aliens Spying On NASA With A UFO In The Sky? | NASA’s Unexplained Files

A mysterious circle of light over Houston has led some people to explore the theory of a UFO circling the skies – and even spying on NASA.

From Season 3 Episode 7.

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43 thoughts on “Are Aliens Spying On NASA With A UFO In The Sky? | NASA’s Unexplained Files”

  1. Of course they are spying on us to judge just how to react with us they see what we do to each other which gives them some caution. They are simply studying us and mostly the planet we live on. I know this from watching a landing out by the Snake River in southwestern Idaho 4 nights in a row and what's so strange is looking through a telescope at the lander and bumped it which took me off of my target,only as I was getting back on the lander much to mine and my daughters surprise there was 3 of the same type of craft hovering over the lander,so yes they are doing what we were trying to do when we went to the moon uninvited and since that time they have decided if we can come to their house guess it's ok to visit our planet uninvited. Think what you like I don't care. We also seen two types chasing and seemingly fire a weapon at the ball of light and miss its target. The reason I don't care if you believe me or not because 3 of us witnessed them almost every night. Humans are ignorant and the reason I can say that is because we close our eyes and drift off to sleep every night during the only time you can see out through our atmosphere and on into space.

  2. It's not lens flair . You really must think we are IDIOTS ! The naked eye doesn't surfer lense flair. Or has each person observing that ring of light only look at the sky through a type of lens ? No first they see it with their bare eye THEN they obser SAME image through a camera lens.
    Why are you soooo afraid of saying it? WE ARE NOT ALONE !!!!!!

  3. You can obviously see it's the reflection on the camera from the street lamp, but you said no credible evidence has been put forth. This type of stuff is why people can't take the subject serious. Sensationalist like quest tv. YouTube, please stop showing me these heretics.

  4. "It could be light reflecting off of the clouds." Bull. Fucking. Shit. Light reflecting off the clouds would be disperse and regular not CLEARLY defined circular points of light in a perfectly circular shape that move in relation to each other and maintain that shape. Yes clouds can reflect light but anyone giving this as an explanation like mentioned in the video is a damn cuck and knows full well that's not what it is.

  5. 4:00 look at the sun right there very very very close. I will say maybe a few thousand feet away from the craft. That’s awesome and they say the sun is like 93 millions miles away😅😅😅 yeah right. The moon and the sun are just a few thousand feet up in the sky. I will say maybe 190,000 feet.

  6. I've actually seen ball lightning very close up, inside of a dome tent with 8 other people, we had a cooler in the middle with empty bottles on top, and it just appeared over the cooler right before our eyes, it was about the size of a basketball made of bright blue white light, it was there hovering above the cooler for about 10-15 seconds, you could feel the static electricity feeling in the air and it lit the tent up blue, it was kind of scary honestly, and then just dissapeared like it was never there, the tent and everyone inside was unharmed luckily, it was a nasty storm, we were camping on the top of a rock quarry at it's highest point, I feel like us in a circle like that because of the shape of the tent acted as a sort of lighning rod, and it formed a ball instead of bolt. We'll all always remember the time we almost all died in a tent on top of a mountain.

  7. After what I have learned over the last 40 plus years of researching this subject. It would not be a surprise to me if extraterrestrials were actually spying on nasa. Anything in this universe is possible. Because God the father of Jesus runs it. After all he created it. And everyone in it including the extraterrestrials. God bless them. Amen.

  8. A couple of minor points… 12 lights on the highway lamp spaced tightly together …. all focussed and cowled downwards towards the road… to illuminate the highway. For this considerably larger 'object' to be a clearly defined projected expanded reflection to a considerable distance away, the reflection from the road would need to be a totally undiffused, unscattered equivalent intensity 'light source'…. which maintained a close circular relationship between each individual element in the circular series over a considerable distance.
    Equally for this to be the a result of light leakage directly upwards from the highway lamps… then a similarly undiffused, unrefracted and unscattered 12 individual focussed beams would be necessary to manifest this as a clear on cloud reflection. In both cases very, very unlikely I would suggest.. apart from which identical objects have been seen all over the world in other countries with no highway lights involved!

  9. I have been visited by Extraterrestrial Life / Beings belonging to the general group of ˋReptiles´ since last year {~ after I put forth a ˋCall For Help´ into the Universe which very well might have had something to do with it…! ~} — They often express themselves through Star~like / ShootingStar~like stunningly beautiful Visuals in the Night~Sky which often follow One Intelligent Pattern ~ There are Meteor~like Expressions among other (..also technical..) things which are definitely Not of `natural origin´ when one is Aware Of The Specific Context of the Appearances (..the likelihood that I for example would encounter a genuine meteor etcetera precisely when I step out on the balcony / open a window – and by now I have encountered DOZENS of them in various beautiful forms – is of course all idiotic in itself..) — There is a Telepathic Connection between the Consciousness that thus Connected with me & my person (..which at this present point is a ˋone~way~street´ due to my by comparison lack of Evolvement: meaning They can read my mind but I cannot do it in return unfortunately..) and their StarShip´s True Form is one Gorgeous Bright Orange Triangle (..Pyramid~Shaped Craft, the Triangle being one side of it..) They showed Themselves to me as such as well one Mesmerizing Night 🙂
    And YES all of this happens to be the Most Positive & Emotionally Most Uplifting Experience that could have ever found me: Sharing it to show the Most Beautiful Nature of Extraterrestrial Life…! ~

  10. Could it be they were detecting radiation from the 22 high altitude nukes they detonated in 2 weeks back in 62 under operation " fish bowl of the lord "
    No. No way. Go back to sleep human. Hybrids at work here. SHOOOSH !!


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