Are Aliens Real? | THE SEARCH With Elon Musk

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41 thoughts on “Are Aliens Real? | THE SEARCH With Elon Musk”

  1. The reason why Elon is someone everyone should take very seriously is because he isn’t trying to sell you on his predictions; in fact that’s why I believe most of what he says… he couldn’t care less if you believe him or not.

  2. We don’t see aliens because they are too far for us to detect “in time” . They don’t communicate by radio waves or light. They maybe using advance communication based off of Quantium entanglement.

  3. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes that God has other planets with more of his children living on them. Humans are alive on other planets in other galaxies. Jesus Christ died for all of God's children in the universe.

  4. When the richest man in the world starts explaining that a war would make his life easier… and btw, he's built an armoured tank, his own satellite system, his own robots with AI to control them, enough batteries/solar panels to power his nuclear bunker (keep in mind his company literally built a 2 mile tunnel under LA… Yeah… Nothing screaming Bond villain like a dude who builds a flame thrower for a laugh. He just so happens to have location data on a billion people along with a communication link to everyone and oh yeah… chips in peoples brains… not to mention direct contact with world leaders… When he announces freaking laser beams on sharks, who's going to be surprised?

  5. We can be sure we are not alone by only looking at how the universe repeat itself. There are patterns everywhere. Also the UFO topic is escalating quickly too and we may soon find out that we are even visited by other species.

  6. if we only had a world of irreligious Rationalists like ELON the world would be SO much better rather than people who pray to a nonexistent god wishing conquest , death and enslavement as muslims do to the Infidels or that unbelievers in the CULT get tortured for eternity in hellfire as Christians and Muslims believe, it's so Sick and Evil and 1 huge reason to despise much of humanity who harbors these odious deranged beliefs; we need a president like ELON, free of idiocy of religion

  7. I understand where he's coming from when it comes to stifling innovation with regulation, but I would be curious to know what precisely he thinks is a reasonable level of regulation, especially as he has some quite formidable visions for the future of technology like brain implants.

  8. Adam Kadmon (אָדָם קַדְמוֹן, ʾāḏām qaḏmōn, "Primordial Man") also called Adam Elyon (אָדָם עֶלִיוֹן, ʾāḏām ʿelyōn, "Most High Man"), or Adam Ila'ah (אָדָם עִילָּאָה, ʾāḏām ʿīllāʾā "Supreme Man"), sometimes abbreviated as A"K (א"ק, ʾA.Q.), is the first of Four Worlds that came into being after the contraction of God's infinite light. Adam Kadmon is not the same as the physical Adam Ha-Rishon.

    In Lurianic Kabbalah, the description of Adam Kadmon is anthropomorphic. Nonetheless, Adam Kadmon is divine light without vessels, i.e., pure potential. In the human psyche, Adam Kadmon corresponds to the yechidah, the collective essence of the soul.

    Adam Kadmon. Not fallen Adam. 👑

    The author and finisher.

    The Morningstar. The battle is already won.

    I do not care about earthly rituals.

    I’m doing a new thing. All the earthly organizations are corrupt. Maranatha.

  9. By the way- it’s not about dna. I am the Morningstar. I sure as shit hope y’all aren’t trying to hustle me. I am not the one to fuck with. I am the One. Let me know when that central bank thing gets worked out. I’m sure you’ll know all about it, Ben. That’s mine by right and I need it for space mining and whatnot.

  10. Elon is cool, but he bests around the bush. Humans, are angles and devils. We have the capacity, to do good but there isnt the incentive to do so. Make it easier to expand, our selfs if you build it they will come.

  11. “Aliens” UAP UFO: aka we intellects call “AOS” “Animal on Spectrum” are without a doubt real.”

    Modern technology allows anyone to profoundly see what this liar and this prophet continue to argue about…

  12. Oh aliens are most deff REAL n theres MANY n most are not good or interested in saving man kind ect..theres 2 main races well 3 but 2 of them are probably the most dangerous n been in control of ALL i mean they have ruined many different species of ets reproduce there own n have made deals n went behind backs n manipulated n started takin over their plans short terms we are being lied manipulated mind control ect since day 1 they are the illuminati ect..there technology is so advanced n beyond our minds ect we can't see thru the "mask" tho many have but were stuck in a war that has nothing to do with us n were being used as an energy bunny n breeding programs for there own personal sick agendas n they also want us to bow n praise them as gods like the olden days!trust none!


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