AQ3D Most Colorful Items EVER! AdventureQuest 3D

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33 thoughts on “AQ3D Most Colorful Items EVER! AdventureQuest 3D”

  1. All y'all need to shush, it's a fine event and more than most games are doing
    The items are lovely and beautiful, and serve the point of "pride month" spectularly

    Companies embracing pride month is literally the same as them embracing every other holiday
    LGBTQ+ isn't being targeted
    You're just being bunched in with other holidays
    If anything, it means you're recognized by companies and everyone as a genuine community with a genuine holiday

    So please stop.
    Nobody's complaining that Santa's items in Christmas events are becoming less and less like "Christmas", so why are you complaining that the items are all flags (the most prominent symbolism in the LGBTQ community) you wear on your back or wonderful weapons with cool designs. They could have made the flags and been done with it.

    At the end of the day, they didn't even have to do anything, but they did, and they made everything available to the average player, not DC locking anything to my knowledge.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

  2. The thing is, while people is all thinking that AE is "pandering the gays" or whatever, the truth is that this doesn't change anything, at all. They're a company, and every company does that type of stuff like they care and next month they don't cross a eye on us.
    Design wise, I love the weapons, I like almost every design. My problem is with the capes, as they are just cropped flags… They could do something more original, or just… Don't put the flags of a community on their game like they actually care about us.
    If you're mad with them, please, just remember that we didn't asked for this, so please, there's not a place for harassment of another humans like you.

  3. Nice idea for the awareness month. I like the new unique weapon, so I'm going to have to grab one of those. Thanks for the set feature 🙂 I really liked putting that one together.

  4. I'm wondering the same thing as you…The blade of unity looked sparkly with white metal in the picture that dage had posted with sort of a glowing rainbow aura instead of actually being rainbow in color,why does it look rusted brown and kinda just meh now….

  5. This game is dead and they need to do something. It’s been a promise of updates and never actually progressing to get real updates we want such as housing or the map

  6. Dear God, this comment section is a hellhole. I thought you people were better than this! They add some half-assed pride items and everyone looses their minds. And they all come up with arguments that were lost years ago to support the idea that this event is somehow a great calamity.

  7. this comment section does not pass the vibe check. as a queer person, i do have a few issues with the collection (allies don't need a flag, there's no trans flag, the lesbian cape should've been called the sunset cape, amongst other issues), BUT i'm happy to see that the devs acknowledged pride month at all. i'm also happy to see identities beyond just l/g/b/t in the collection (even if they left out the T). now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go run around battleon with my nonbinary cape and mace >:)


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