AOS tactics: GHB 22.23 season 2 guide & analysis

Welcome to a new Strategoi video. Now that the dust has settled on the new GHB, Ryan and Jonas review the new book in its entirety. Especially Ryan’s insights on the missions is pure gold. Hope you enjoy!

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All images in this video are owned by Games Workshop.

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9 thoughts on “AOS tactics: GHB 22.23 season 2 guide & analysis”

  1. Thanks, great analysis and visuals. I have learnt a few things for sure from your insights.
    So how many GCs should we take in our lists ? 2 seems fair but sometimes I feel my gc is more of a weakness than a strength…

  2. Twists and Turns rewards foresight, but it rewards luck more. Honestly I think the bigger issue though is just how hard it is to get your mind around how it works and really figure out what makes sense and what doesn't. You can say that rewards skill, and to a certain point it does – but it rewards a kind of skill the rest of the game doesn't really test, and I'm not sure that's a great idea. I think it's too big a "gimmick" for a battleplan. Even if there is a deceptively large amount of strategy involved, the majority of players aren't going to grasp it and are just going to roll a bunch of dice to see which objectives turn on and off, and then feel like their games just came down to who rolled better on their checks.

    The other problem is that a lot of the shape of the battle is often determined on T1 by how those 4+s go, sometimes even at the top of T1 if the player going first rolls well on the objectives they pick. I don't think it's much fun to go to all the trouble and effort of setting up and game and then feel like the win or loss was determined on how your respective 4+s went on T1.

  3. 1:15:12 from my games, I have found that you should have at least 2 GCs to be able to complete the majority of battle tactics, if not, they you really want to build towards being able to complete your book tactics instead, and having at least one GC that can fight, or at least finish off a unit is important as well

  4. In the presence of Idols and battle lines drawn were the 2 I played in my most recent tournament, and very much first player has a massive lead, but it can be taken away easily if their troops are too split, one thing I will say is that the majority of the time player who went second will be trapped in their deployment, and the battle is mostly concentrated in the centre as they are pinned. These 2 are perfect for alpha strikes, but also you’d have to be very mindful of deep striking. Both very fun battle plans

  5. Part of the value of fueled by Ghurish rage is that some opponents adjust their decision making because it’s a gamble. It can act as both defense and deterrent. Not as consistent value as others but still a good investment.


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