Answers For Sasquatch 67 Years Of Taboo Knowledge Shared


38 thoughts on “Answers For Sasquatch 67 Years Of Taboo Knowledge Shared”

  1. Maybe the ones that are overcoming the laws of physics are using the likeness of sasquatch, but shape shifted or causing themselves to appear to be what's in the mind of the beholder ?

  2. STEVE IS SO DUMB, he leaves rat traps out for his animals to get hurt by. . SAID NO ANIMAL LOVER EVER šŸ«µšŸ½šŸ«µšŸ½šŸ«µšŸ½šŸ«µšŸ½šŸ«µšŸ½šŸ«µšŸ½šŸ«µšŸ½šŸ«µšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½

  3. Might Try Listening to The Words Of Our Elders..recorded in
    The Bible..Even if One has a negative outlook of it…Doing Inevestgative Research includes checking things We May or May Not Want to hear…
    God Bless..God's Speed to You, Steve & All of Our Brothers & Sisters…
    Been doing Investigative
    Research for about 30 yrs.
    Stay Frosty Everyone &
    Watch Your Six
    5:5 Wheels Up….

  4. Don't comply,home school yes,pay w/cash as much as possible,be as independent as possible>grow,harvest & teach yourself to make things. Like Steve says,I say & the Bible says "Fear Ye Not". Stay on a high vibration keep negative away. Jus a thought it would be ideal to start w/a day of no looking at our cell phones & staying off the internet,payed w/cash for anything. Imagine if most of the population in this world did that for jus 1 day. I wonder what would happen. I could do it,you get so much more done on your to do list I believe. L&R

  5. Here's a little download for the curious…[ Can you say, East India Trading Co.? Jacob Rothschild, Henry KIssinger, Jared Kushner and his/their relationship with Chabad Lubovitch (it's a New York affair). Don't forget this is not being accomplished politically. That's just a distraction, albeit an insulting one. This is ALL being done by private enterprise, it's all business. Of course these creeps get the full support of the political clown of the day and the media for sure, since their arguably the most notorious liars in history…LOL! ] That's my rant for the day…look it up…and good luck out there. As a contributor to this channel wrote in…"Stay Vigilant, Walk Softly and Carry a Big Gun"

  6. First off, the only good cat is a…Lol. I'm just kidding.
    Not a big cat fan.
    I have to say that if you and I were prey to the Sabe people,the human race would probably be at the point of decimation, at this point.
    That shadow "thing" that spoke to that man was in my mind, a bad actor in the field of the spirit world and he should seek out some help from a Shaman or a priest.

  7. With every video .. I finally feel a community where I belong. I am a 57 year old redneck in Los Angeles as a native 4th gen cal. There has not been a place for me for years.
    Thank you for expressing things unsaid.

  8. Thank you Steve and every single person šŸ™ ā¤ on this Chanelle šŸ™ ,it's a WE THING & TOGETHER WE must always spread the truth and teach our children the whole truth and nothing but the truth!!! I know some people say ,don't tell your mother about what we saw šŸ‘€, I so disagree with that ,PLEASE TELL YOUR FAMILY ABOUT THEM EXPICALLY THE CHILDREN!!! <

  9. I never had a puzzle. Mine was to live a life. What a ride. On Tesla. Trump uncle ended up with all of his work. One thing people need to comprehend. The Elites they know are not whom they are. None of them. Since the Elites forbidden me to have a life. It ended up into research. Every single subject. Learned on endless YouTube videos. To say there are those on YouTube pushing lies, etc is overwhelming. When I started on YouTube in 2014. The truth was easily found. Now. Not so much. You would have had to do research way back when to be able to go threw the BS today. The nuke power plant. Same as most. Underneath them are port holes. Learned from the one talked about here. Why they had to destroy it. Yet. The port holes never closed as the one man's story went. Power plants are for the underground. Not above ground. We get our electricity from free energy. Oh well. Again. The Elites are not who they say they are. Making their line of events that must match a number or a symbol a lie. If the Elites were whom they say they are. Then that would be a fact. In short. Earth is ran off of only lies. Take everything you know. Put it into a box. Kick it to the side. Start over if you can. Since 2012 people as I have been telling everyone the truth. We are called liars. Now people finally are looking for the truth. As everything. It gets erased. Again. Where is all of Tesla work. Go ask the guy that calls himself Trump. He has it all.


  11. The puzzle pieces that are of a national, and international global nature can generally be put into place by identifying the issue, then following the money.

    If you want to know the answer to any questions that are of human nature, follow the money.

    Wherever the money goes, you will find your answer.

    Sometimes where the money comes from is where the answers lay.

    None of the details come easy. They are layered. Intentionally buried in several levels to keep us off the trail.

    In the end, the bottom line is that it all comes down to one thing.


    To solve the puzzle, all puzzles, end the corruption.

    Focus your energy on solutions to ending corruption.

  12. Watched both videos,always very interesting.
    I feel that there is not just one version or people of power,but different divisions of controlling.
    One for media,one for politics and thereafterā€¦ā€¦
    Maybe one day we have all our eyes opened, to this whole shitstorm.

  13. Hiya good folks of TRToK. Steve and Sarah glad you're doing well. The NDE thing is freaking a trip and a half, right? Those fortunate to come back I pray that you enrich others lives as well as your own. GOD bless all you good people. "May the force be with you, always" ; ) hahaha making fun on a serious topic, only adding levity. Have a wonderfully beautiful life everything.

  14. well i can tell ya they really dont like being shot at now yall i didnt know he was there an from the distance i was shooting at it took 15 sec to hit the 4ftx4ft steel im thinking he got a little splash damage

  15. Iā€™m glad I know what I know. He gave me the gift of wisdom and at least I obeyed Him when He said Come out of her I did to bad Christianā€™s want to argue with me. Dumbasses

  16. Joseph Bailey nice to meet you. If you research the Hebrew language you will find that there isnā€™t any ā€œJā€ā€™s so your name is Yoseph

  17. covid isnt shit i was in the hospital for kidney problems when i was brought to my room th doc comes in tells me what is going on with my kidneys an just before he left he says do you know you have covid i said i do now then he asks you want the shot i said only if its CM tattoo on the rocks an make it a double then i ask how long do i have he say baring you get yerself killed some other way 50 some years an on top of all that i have 7 different thing that should have made getting covid a death sentence

  18. When I was a teenager (16-20), I would have a couple drinks and try to tell my friends to think outside the box as far as space, planets, galaxies, etc, but nobody could follow my train of thought or didn't want to. Then I moved and quit drinking at the age of 20. LOL

  19. I drowned at 16 and things you have knowledge of when you come back, and it carries into life of more abilities that you can see here because of dying.


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