Answering Questions We’ve Avoided (babies? money? God?)

Thank you to Dell Technologies for sponsoring this video. Learn more about the XPS 13 Plus powered by Intel® Core™ i7 processor at . After 5 years of silence on some of these topics, we thought it was time you get our honest answers!

0:00 answering YOUR questions from Instagram
0:30 are Eamon & Bec married?
2:30 will we travel with Oso?
2:57 how did we meet? first impressions of each other?
4:17 will you bring back freestyle fridays?
5:10 when you lost Lee did you reevaluate God?
7:10 Bec’s hair post cancer…
8:06 Eamon tattoo tour
10:15 dump run & alone time?
11:35 how do we make money?
13:36 driving our van to Mexico tomorrow
13:56 what happened to Chaiwala?
15:25 our biggest fight
16:30 no longer vegan?
17:29 do you want babies?
19:30 speed round
23:00 YouTube a long-term plan?
24:56 update on building permits

@Dell #DellXPS @Intel #IntelEvo


46 thoughts on “Answering Questions We’ve Avoided (babies? money? God?)”

  1. I love you both. You both are so real and I know your purpose is shown in these videos every day. As far as the God topic, I went from struggling that I did not understand why I can't I be like these women in church, which I tried so many kinds and visited so many different type of churches, temples etc. I finally, finally to long finally🙃 have come to the conclusion like you and a lot of people I have met that God is Love and kind and I do not need rituals that someone else needs to be part of something. It felt unnatural FOR ME and I found having a direct conversation and contact with my higher power I choose to call God makes my days on this earth amazing. My life is great! I have had cancer, I was in foster and children's homes growing up, I have a list of things I call challenges. I have a much bigger list of miracles that I can list. You both are spreading the love, that will always come back to you. What I put out I always get back and more. Thank you for sharing your life with us no matter what side or how much you decide to share. 🙏

  2. This really hit home. I’ve started working on myself and getting the best for my family as I’ve put the money I saved aside and invested it, making great returns. Made my first $100k milestone and I’m never going back to the rat race. Most of all, expertise helps in managing one's finance.

  3. Yayyyyy babies!!!! Sending so much baby dust your way 🎉🎉🎉 I just know you will be rewarded with an easy fertility road since you’ve already put your time in for a hard knock life 😉

  4. You guys are such a cool couple and I'm so glad that I and my Grand-daughter where able to meet you guys at Chiwala. Marriage – it's not the actual ceremony that 'makes a marriage', it's waking up the next day beside this person and thinking, "OMG what have I gotten myself into". I went out with my husband for 8 years before we got married. We were married for almost 30 years before I realized that this was NOT the person for me. As far as hair or no hair, I've been bald 2 times in my life because of Cancer, and Bec, your hair (or lack thereof) DOESN'T DEFINE YOU! You are sooooo much more than just what is on the top of your head. You are a beautiful person with or without it. Eamon is one lucky dude to have you in his life!

  5. Bec, your short hair somehow fits you as well now as your long hair did before your health struggle and the passing of Lee. I don't know how to explain it, maybe it is a little more wise? Either way you look gorgeous and stylish.

  6. Praying and sending lots of pineapple vibes to you guys! (Pineapples are a symbol for fertility!) You will have a beautiful family when the timing is right. The universe knows. Lee is on your side, the universe is on your side. There’s already a plan in place and you will be wonderful parents to your babies, however they may come along! 💛💛💛🙏🏻

  7. Also Bec, your hair is soooo gorgeous at this length! It allows your facial structure to really shine! I tooootally relate to that feeling of your external appearance not matching how you feel tho… it’s a sort of dysmorphia… I’ve not felt able to wear skirts or dresses since cutting my hair short! That might sound trivial, but I like having the opportunity to feel feminine when I want to, and recently I haven’t felt able to express that side of my identity. It turns out my hair has more power over me than I want it to 😅 I wish I could just not care…

  8. You 2 are so cute , I thought you were married excited for the day and the kid’s you’ll make great parents,also there is a God and the soul does live again I also believe 🙏🏾🥰

  9. Honestly with the pressure of your last 10 vids…. I think you just need to keep in mind that people have their own lives and sometimes that just means they need a little more time before they can sit down and enjoy catching up with your videos

  10. I love your channel so much but please don't say that every religion is the same. Judaism don't believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Christianity knows that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Muslims believe that Jesus Christ is just a prophet. We don't all believe in the same thing. Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, but He also said that it is more important to love God (God the Father (Yahweh), God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit) with all your heart, mind and soul. God loves us if we honor Him. When we love living in our sins, He hates it. We can come to Him as we are but after that we need to repent of all our sins, accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour and live righteously according to the teachings of Jesus in The New Testament. Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth and the life. No one can go to the Father except through Him. Not all religion is the same.


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