'Another Pulitzer photo': Chinese women's volleyball team wears masks in international competition

On August 25, the Chinese women’s volleyball team wore masks while playing against Iran’s team in the Asian Cup match in the …


13 thoughts on “'Another Pulitzer photo': Chinese women's volleyball team wears masks in international competition”

  1. china ccp and xi xinping are such a joke to force their atheletes to wear masks!! HOW stupid is that. they need more oxygen for their muscles and brain than any other time during a game… this is restricting that. it will cause harm to them eventually

  2. It speaks loudly on the difference in their freedom. Perhaps a small miscalculation on their part. The world has moved on from what their stuck in. But honestly I'd still wear a mask, just out habit or do the Japanese-thing when I'm sick.

  3. everybody talking about chinese team,but….. what about iranian women? isn't it oppressive? where are the feminists organisations? wher's critique towards Iran?


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