ANOTHER Mercy SUPERJUMP CHANGE!? Patch Explained & Thoughts

In this video, we once again talk about Mercy’s Superjump as the latest patch changed it again. We talk about the pros and cons of Superjump being on a meter, touching upon aspects like easy Backwards Guardian Angels and harder Superjumps

im very tired

Overwatch 2 is a free to play sequel to the hit Blizzard game Overwatch. It releases in Early Access in October!

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30 thoughts on “ANOTHER Mercy SUPERJUMP CHANGE!? Patch Explained & Thoughts”

  1. Sorry for uploading this so late!! Also on the day this video goes live, I'll be streaming later on in the day (around 8pm uk time). Lemme know what yall think of this change!

  2. I finally played the beta on stream today and Mercy feels bad imo. The GA just…. feels bad now idk how else to explain it. I've been playing zen a lot more bc mercy just isn't fun right now lol

  3. i dont really like this change much. constantly having to fling your camera around for simple movement that didnt require that before just feels bad. it also kinda neuters the ability to do your job and look wherever you want. overall, i like how they are experimenting with her but i think they should focus on other aspects of her character rather than focusing in on superjump. theres been a lot of proposals made by the community for possible changes (burst healing, cleansing ability, shielding, etc.) that would be really interesting to implement, even if its not for the final game. i understand that they want some accessibility and help for newer players but there has to be ways to do that without screwing over veteran mercy players that took their time to learn the techs over hours and hours of play.

  4. I saw someone suggest that instead of changing super jump fully, they leave it as is but add these new controls as an option under mercy’s specific hero settings. I personally am still on the fence about the changes, love the juke potential but I’m definitely worried about her movement becoming clunky. Mercy’s movement was a big reason I liked her kit. What do you guys think?

  5. The inability to short-distance super jump really hurts. It happens too often in games where an ally rushes at me or is so close that the ability to even GA to them isn't available. But when I need to get to high ground quickly it feels like mercy is stuck being grounded. I mean I guess you can try to backward GA then GA back to them after getting the distance to then flick the camera up to get high ground but… that's way more involved and not as user-friendly as the original crouch GA jump…

    Honestly, I was just getting used to the auto super jump. This change has really thrown me off.

  6. This change is so incredibly terrible why would you have to look up to the sky to super jump? mercy needs to be aware of whats going on 24/7 doing this forces you to look away from your team… i wish they would just leave her ga alone.

  7. something i want to really highlight is how suboptimal this is for console users. the analog sticks aren’t very forgiving when it comes to dramatically changing what you’re looking at in the half seconds before mercy reaches her targets, and to do a traditional jump, you need to go out of your way to look up, often times messing up your thumb placements on the joysticks and you’d have to readjust. every. single. time.

    like this was changed with mouse and keyboard users in mind it feels like, with console players being an afterthought.

  8. Actually, I just went to the practice range and discovered to get more height, you have to literally just do the same thing as before, you know crouch and fly and wait for the little boop to jump. Of course you have to aim your camera up, but it’s actually back to how it was.

  9. So if ga goes in the direction that you’re looking, my Pharah mercy play is going to be screwed cause I play with preferred beam target and avoid looking at Pharah 😅

  10. As someone who mains support, but almost never plays Mercy (i.e. I've never even tried super jump outside of the training room), this feels A LOT better to me.
    I wish the max jump went further though.

  11. The new SJ just looks and feels like they put mercy in a jar of honey. Everything in OW2 is FASTERFASTERFASTER and OMGMOARFLUIDITY but they make her less of all of that…? Like honestly, at this point, they might as well just leave the old one in?

  12. I kinda like this new implementation of guardian angel, but to your point I can definitely see the struggles for lower sensitivity/console players. What if they made it so pressing spacebar desperately during the jump made you fly up? And if you wanted to go forward or backwards with a slingshot then you just either press W or S.

  13. I hate it. Just let her old movent be this isnt her problem. I dodnt get why change something so essencial witch so many ppl masterd. It was so good before this is why i loved her.


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