Another Classic Highlight-Filled Bad Moon Rising Video

Huge Gigantacus Good Moon Rising Deck

Pvz Heroes Pvz Heroes Plants Vs. Zombies: Heroes (ok, now the dumb YouTube algorithm likes me)

Recorded 2023-09-08

Fry Em Up Merch!

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43 thoughts on “Another Classic Highlight-Filled Bad Moon Rising Video”

  1. I had a sweet game mechanics: playing the "plants get -1/1" environment on neutron imp fronted by potato mine will result of imp attacking the plant hero before dying.
    Also pretty sure it´s already vid 17 of asking Fry for Rarran collab

  2. Hey Fry do you know that I use your videos so i can fall asleep 🗿
    Literally i don't even play the game any more, when i can't fall asleep or i have headache, i watch one of your videos

  3. Sigh BMR is the most overrated card in the entire game. I can’t stand it when people think BMR is good. You guys, this is a 7 cost card that transforms your tempo. It has a garbage ability. Now let’s look at it’s abilities. Transform all zombies into random ones that cost 5+. Thats almost no- think about it. In order to get this up to the actual stats that it needs to be as a 7 cost card, this would have to buff like 3 zombies just to break even. It would have to grow 4 zombies to actually be viable. The fact that people think that it is a good idea to transform cards, it really means you have no idea how to play pvz heroes. It’s not at all reliable! This is- it’s- you dont make a deck that has BMR in it, that’s not a good strategy, there are some good 5+ zombies in the game but you just have to sacrifice too much tempo in it. It’s transforming cards on turn 7, the last turn you’re gonna be transforming cards as a zombie player is going to be on turn 3. it’s so overrated, it’s just a big piece of trash, just look at this thing, a big ugly thing. it’s based on by the way the worst archetype in the entire Fra- actually universe of archetypes in the entire history of the planet, RNG, who is a simp, douchebag, has no superpowers, is the lamest, dumb. and do you know what, it’s appropriate cuz this is the stupidest card in the game and it’s based on the stupidest archetype ever. This is so overrated, It’s so grunts it’s so, I’m sticking this in F tier I don’t even care

  4. 35:15 you could try the deck with Super Brains? then you'd have deadly power & CutDown as other ways to remove big minions without Toxic Waste Imp. but HG gives you more teleports and has an Imp as a power, so its a difficult choice…

  5. The second game where he EACTLY TOPDECK MOLEKALE, Pot of Gold clutch, somewhat "useful" double HG Super, and BMR cluntch until ROLL A ONE ON BLOCK METER, is very very intense!

    That goes to the Fail comp!

  6. Obviously the optimal version of this deck is -3 nubullas, plus one teleport and teleportation zombie, and then a token swabbie 🙏

    for real though, idk, would lazer base be any good? It could help Spacetime hit face, make your BMR summons finishers, and be more environments with HG's powers so a stray pear paradise or force field doesnt take over the game lmao. Sure theres always pogo/mug, maybe yeti, but then that just absolutely destroys the fun and makes this deck just another sweaty sneaky deck

  7. Man I hate Solar Players when they have one of the most gayest cards in the game and somehow they win on turn 20 by healing and using strong cards at this point just concede don’t deal with these players! I bet these Solar Flare Player don’t touch grass at all.

  8. Congrats Fry Em All, I, "paper_doli", donated 200 bits to tell you that I accidentally put a "B" at the end of my "show Fry your deck" Imgur Link in the prior stream, but didn't get refunded despite "starchlordop" telling me I would.. Not only was I NOT refunded, not only did you tell me that you'd look at my deck at the end of the stream (despite not Doing that", BUT AT NEAR THE END OF THE STREAM, I BOUGHT THE "SHOW FRY YOUR DECK" AWARD AGAIN , AND STARTED SAYING STUFF LIKE "NOOOOOOO, READ ITTTTT, CMONNNNNNNNN" , AND I SAW IT APPEAR ON THE STREAM, BUT THAT DID NOTHING .

    In summary.. Bro it's probably not ur fault, (even though it by definition is), but I spent 200 bits and 2000 channel points,, FOR NOTHING

    Edit: (the stream was the imps with no win condition one. (I'm putting this here so nobody asks.))


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