Angoramon Mega VS AncientSphinxmon: Dilbitmon Debut | Digimon Ghost Game Episode 58 + 57 Reviews

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Angoramon’s mega form had its animation debut and gave Digimon fans a sense of what a more male presenting take on Renamon and Sakuyamon could look like. To me this is like the Gardevoir & Gallade split!

Dilbitmon, Diarbitmon, Diarbbitmon…however you spell it, this mega form rules.

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 57 Review
Digimon Ghost Game Episode 58 Review – Angoramon Mega First Appearance

0:00 Intro
0:35 57 Review
5:10 SkillShare
5:53 58 Review

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Cassette Man Animation by Jess Tat
Writing, Narration & Editing: @CoreyOnline
#AngoramonMega #Dilbitmon #Diarbbitmon


37 thoughts on “Angoramon Mega VS AncientSphinxmon: Dilbitmon Debut | Digimon Ghost Game Episode 58 + 57 Reviews”

  1. Angoramon evolution story basically a nerd who in love with a girl and transformed himself to be a beauty then after the girl got harmed he became a beast to protect her but in the end he became a charming prince that we love
    (Note : Ruli is the Girl)

  2. let me just say…i lost me ish when i saw Lilithmon, its always great to see one of the 7 sin lords of digimon in action cause they have always been such a supreme threat due to how powerful they CAN be. Thier major down side is them falling to the sin they represent BUT GOSH seeing lilithmon was a treat. Overall the past 3 weeks of Ghost game have been amazing!

  3. Episode 57 was pretty good. We are finally learning more about what is happening, and the kids will hopefully be asking questions soon about who the big bad is and his motivation. I did enjoy Gammamon showing some of his evil parts as he confronts Lilithmon, one of the seven sins Digimon. The battle was alright, but nothing special.

    As for Hiro's friend, I'm okay that he hasn't learned about Digimon. It didn't play into the next episode, so I don't feel he needs to find out yet. Him finding out doesn't change anything. Ruli's friends know, but their just waiting for her to tell them. I'm sure he'll learn soon.

  4. Remember that in episode 58 people are starting to be aware of digimon and humans riding them, taking pictures of Ruli. I would like to think that this is the story escalation of the show :3
    Your videos remind me to go and watch the episodes every week, keep it up! 😛

  5. Episode 58 was pretty good but a bit disappointing. My first problem is with AncientSphixmon and how weak the show made him. Let me first say I know the legend of a Sphinx and riddles are a part of their powers, but it felt like a pointless power. None of the kids were able to counter this power, as he just turned them to stone whether they gave an answer or not. I mean, Kiyoshiro was targeted just a month ago for his intelligence and couldn't get one answer, right? I also think AnientSphixmon should have more power, but it's not that big of a deal.

    The battle was alright. I like that the other Digimon friends they've made are helping in the fights. That so far has been pretty good. As for Diarbbitmon's debut episode, it felt a little disappointing. It was lacking the impact that Siriusmon's episode had. Yeah, he looked cool but felt limited in his battle. I feel like AncientSphixmon would have won that fight if he didn't use that last attack. They should have picked a different Digimon for Angoramon's mega form. Angoramon's rage mode was not handled well, as I feel like that should have only been for Gammamon. Not sure why they thought 2 Digimon needed this?

    My last two complaints are simple. I wish the show would stop dropping in random friends each time as if they have been shown dozens of times. Just use the 2 friends she has now.

    Are you telling me Ruli's whole character is finding a hobby? I thought the whole blogging thing was for. This part feels so cheap and random, as she's never mentioned this until now.

    Again not a bad episode, but a good one, either.

  6. gammamon does have a evil line and both megas do fuse together they have the digimon Dim coming out for them they have a fusion called Proximamon with Arcturusmon the dark mega line

  7. I think Neemon has finally gotten a digivolution and we are just now realizing after 2 Digimon series that this series that does have Bokomon in it, is without Neemon’s existence entirely.

  8. Fun fact, Diarbitmon's swords share names with a celtic demigod that, if I recall his info right, cleaves through ill fit fate. So does this mean he's a new god-man digimon?

  9. The gulus side didn't need to be solved to evolve to seriusmon since, although the arm color gives a different impression he isn't a combination of both. Proximamon is the full combi of gammamons light and dark side, so the gulus plot doesn't need to be dealt with until probably the final episodes.

    BTW when do you think Regulus will debut? Wanting to see it so bad. Looks awesome on dim.

  10. The black eyes scene was quick but cool. Sad we didn't get Gulus after but maybe it was bc Lilithmon could have recognized him like the last time he appeared, and they would have had to advance things somehow at that moment.

  11. I think it's interesting how lamortmon acts so differently from the rest angoramon forms. It's not completely berserk but it's clear that some cognitive functions were traded for more power. This mega is like a return to a calm and sophisticated demeanor

  12. Angoramon's whole line is based on Beauty and the Beast as a major motif, so while we didn't get Lamortmon truly losing it (I feel like had the episode shifted things just a tad and Ruli was pinned under AncientSphinxmon's paw, that's exactly what would've happened) Diarbbitmon is the Prince waiting for his princess in a sense rescuing her from the villain as you pointed out.

    At the same time, i'd wager if not for GulusGammamon, Angoramon would've been the one with a proper dark Digivolution in the classic sense with some kind of sadistic and evil version of the noble Diarbbitmon

  13. Late here, but I am starting to have a theory. I see Lillithmon coming back and actually doing something that splits Gammamon and GulusGammamon into two separate beings. This results in Gammamon losing access to CanoWeissmon while Gulus gets Regulusmon. Gammamon gets new Ultimates that two are DNA Digivolutions between the RGB champions and Espimon and Ginryumon. These new Ultimates eventually allow a return to Siriusmon. Gulus sides with Lillithmon, enjoying his new power, but he has became a villain who shows signs of actually being reasonable, a sign of Hiro's influence on him. Seeing this, Hiro repeatedly tries to convince Gulus to come back, partly due to learning that he and Gammamon are both on borrowed time. Eventually, the two reconcile and at the final battle, they become Proximamon, therefore restoring Gammamon. But knowing how things go, this is probably just wishful thinking.

  14. This week was actually quite good but I noticed the animation was as crisp as when siriusmon debuted…. Clearly the mega come when the Motw (monster of the week) is also a mega but seeing that this go round I was prepped for the mega coming

  15. i noticed an error in animation for Dillbitmon. compared the lenght of feet in evo sequence VS in fight. the ones in evo sequence are much more rabbit like. I love the Angoramon line tbh. Lamorthmon and Dillbitmon both have a lot of personality

  16. A little curious about how Diarabitmon’s evolution sequence ended with flames like Siriusmon’s. Usually they go out of their way to make the elements distinct but it still ended with red and blue flames. Only reason this is really noticeable is because Siriusmon had red and black flames rather than blue. I wonder if this symbolizes anything or if it’s just a design choice (probably overthinking this but you never know)

  17. Hmm…something tells me that the solving of each Digimon/character’s “demons” is going to play into a secondary gimmick to the digivices. Only time will tell what happens, but that just feels like the likely outcome.

  18. So far I've loving the Egyptian theme Digimon we been getting I did like Lilithmon she was scary but I think Ancient Sphinxmon got her beat I found it creepy that if you don't say his riddle fast enough You become your own tomb with your own body becoming the Pyramid forever until you die what terrible way to go if he won against the Digi destines ! 🐲🐲🐲

  19. so with Diarbittmon debut, it seems like there's a theme going on when it comes to their memories before evolution to mega, which is about the human world
    Siriusmon covers the humans nature that not all human are impure and have ill intention, and the bond that can be created
    Diarbittmon covers humans civilization and culture, and things that can be enjoyed within said culture and civilization
    which make sense since these things are something that Gammamon and Angoramon learn about the human world, loved about it and what makes it worth protecting.
    Which i like, it kind of give them this nice reason to protect the world despite coming from an entirely different world and shows a good character development that makes the things they've gone through have some weight to it no matter how small it is

    all that left is Amphimon, which makes me curious what's gonna be the theme for her

  20. The sound that the vital bracelets make when they’re about to go mega is the same as the sound that the time limit on their ultimate forms had so perhaps they weren’t timing out but trying to go mega but their bodies, the vital bracelet or their bonds couldn’t handle that much power and reboots leading to their digivolution canceling?

  21. Diarbitmon was cool and it’s interesting to see his various interests and character arc. AncientSphinxmon was an interesting antagonist and I wonder if he is still alive. It seems like there’s multiple gods or deities. It feels like there’s a specific area or dark continent place in the digital world. It seems like a specific amount of strength may be needed to open a portal. It would be interesting if they did decide to separate Gulusgammamon from BetelGammamon or canonweissmon. We need to see Regulusmon at some point and I noticed that some info suggest we need a combination evolution between Siriusmon and Regulusmon. It’s almost like Angemon and Devimon being needed for a complete evolution. Having the light and dark components for a fully developed evolution of Gammamon. Also the producers heard us and decided to make Angoramon the second instead of the final partner to get an evolution lol. It feels like we are heading towards the finale in around the 60ish episodes. A berserker form for an Angoramon evolution may happen. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a part 2 where they go to the digital world. Or maybe they end up in the digital world by chance and then end up finding the main antagonist(s). I do think our expectations at times affected how we viewed the series. As kids, we didn’t necessarily think as much or have as many expectations for what we watched which isn’t necessarily a good or bad thing


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