Ancient Handbag Symbol…It's Importance is Much BIGGER Than We Can Imagine

I was initially sceptical of this topic, but what I found during my investigation is truly astonishing. Several Sumerian carvings include depictions of handbag-like-shaped items. But this isn’t just found in Mesopotamia, it is all over the world. In New Zealand Maori art, Dogon wall painting, American petroglyphs, the ancient ruins of Turkey and even remote islands like Sumba, the same symbol appears far and wide. There is no doubt….the world was once connected.


39 thoughts on “Ancient Handbag Symbol…It's Importance is Much BIGGER Than We Can Imagine”

  1. The symbol of the pine cone comes to mind as it is similar to the thousands of cone shaped tools unearthed by Michael Tellinger,in southern Africa, which apparently has something to do sonic vibrations

  2. Seems to be part of some global legend or heroic tale or event, but there is still no really definite answer to this puzzle. Might as well have thrown in the odd pinecone looking device they are often shown pointing at each other. Could the handbags have contained the "food of the gods," the white powder gold or manna, which is thought today to be another form of matter that the noble metals can be transformed into which give immortality and psychic gifts?

  3. The bags have loops with a handle attached which seems weird because loops on a bag would be handles. The handle goes through the bag's loops and winds around itself. That design is unrecognizable to me and begs for investigation. Perhaps the handle attached to loops has some sort of insulating properties, like insulating from electricity or heat?

  4. Who were the people who carried those handbags? Wasn't that only the ›angels‹, the winged creatures? And do all the cuneiform writings never tell anything about them? And what are those ›wrist watches‹ (sort of) those creatures are wearing?

  5. In Maori lore, there were 3 baskets that are known as the baskets of knowledge, which Tane had to ascend to the Heavens to retrieve them. They were Te kete-tuatea (basket of light), Te kete-tuauri (basket of darkness) and Te kete-aronui (basket of pursuit)

  6. Every One of these images show the Entities also holding the Pineal Gland, that’s the common denominator. It is the Bag of Knowledge. The Seed Bag. Star Seed Bag if you will..It’s always shown when a new Civilization is being formed.

  7. If I give instructions on how to run a business and the only way is to carry them (the information) is in a bag (today’s wallet), would you do that?

  8. Looks more like a bucket with a handle or some sort of advanced tech to harness “magical abilities” like a anti gravity/force field power amplifying battery pack. There’s no Gucci stripe either. Not buying hand bag theory. They would surely be amazed by a long burst from a browning m2 from downrange however.

  9. I believe the sparse amount of trees needed to be pollinated by man until they took a hold, Also believe the pine cones were twisted clothe used in this pollinating process similar to how we have to date trees today so that they will produce dates.

  10. Symbols of the creator "gods" who bore the ME's ( divine powers/laws/rules ) the buckets /handbag may have been portable power supply allowing them to wield authority when away from their main ship And the pine cone symbolizes the human pineal gland again directly related to controlling/ manipulating the consciousness & GENETICS of the people( shown as the flowering tree /of life /DNA ) . Finally the wrist "watch" a communication device or link to a mainframe computer

  11. The common denominator is a lot of wings and wavey lines for the person holding the bag. I understand their math and science were as good if not better than ours. An uneducated guess is a personal transportation system.
    O, I can't help it:
    The machine is in the bag.

  12. Looks like a book to me. A book on a string filled with knowledge or a slate for writing drawing on. Or both.. materials may be organic or not. Could be square could be flat. Might not be a bag at all, it's how we perceive it.


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