Ancient Artifacts Spotted On Mars?

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20 thoughts on “Ancient Artifacts Spotted On Mars?”

  1. Around the time of the dinosaurs around 100 to 70 million years ago there were rivers running across North Africa that rivaled the Amazon river is size and volume.
    The riverbeds have all disappeared in the Sahara Desert.
    Mars rivers stopped flowing between 2 to 3 billions of years (according to mainstream science) yet the riverbeds are still visible from space after eons of desert storms.
    Something to think about.

  2. Someone's gonna say there are no aliens so it must've been us who did it a couple of cycles ago. Sumerian says the miners there were disappointed when the atmosphere was stripped away and they didn't wanna work there anymore and mutinied.

  3. Mr. sichens has been debunked is a scholar of Semitic languages. He had been asked to interpret certain passages by other scholars, and couldn’t even get close so anything that comes from his work is highly suspect. And I find this channel the mostly credible at times using this charlatans work throws suspicion overall of the stories it covers it is easy to find out and check the credibility, most scholars and one who is so Egregious one only has to look to Wikipedia, or some of the other commonly accepted websites, defined out the truth

  4. Sitchen was a masonic paid shill, upholding the alien/space lie sci-op being propagated on humanity, which this channel seems to go along with. Bullshit channel, bullshit narrative.

  5. How about the fact mars isn't really red its a filter to make it look inhospitable just look at some of the ESA photos looks much more like our own landscape. Maybe nasa forgot to tell ESA to use a red filter woops please stop calling it the red planet 😬

  6. Don't you mean spotted in greenland, or antartica, or islands in artic ocean!
    those are a few of the places nasa has research areas set up for the study of hostile envirements for space exploration. pictures of nasa personal and equipment with their logo on them in those areas. all they have to do is tweek the color contrast of their footage in one of these extreme unearthly hostile looking envierments, and you have mars, or any other planet location you desire for filming. OH and lets no forget any millitary base anywhere, they can get their unearthly footage from. millitary bases, and vadican chuches, are useally built on anciant archiolgical sites
    to hide from the public.

  7. 300,000,000 year old ruins, artifacts, SKULLS,,,I suggest Mars met total anilation, the molten core even the iron core was taken, leaving Mars without a magnetic field,,,planet Mars is hollow and ready to be moved in to,,,the surface holds nothing, solar collection, wind generator, render fuel from the atmosphere,,,but teraform the inner planet thats what the Martians did with our Moon, Venus and Mercury,,,planetary space craft,,,

  8. I had to stop watching within the first minute of this video I can't take it seriously if you cannot pronounce pareidolia correctly because it just goes to show the person talking about it has no idea what it is

  9. The object near the crater looks like Oumuamua, could it be from an earlier mission from another civilization? Or just another planetary shard that happened to impact on our moon?🤔😉

  10. The guy didn’t say “something not of this world is under the pyramid” Matt

    He said “something not of this world is still IN the pyramid”. In and under are two different things. You even quote what they guy said, and still got it wrong. Why quote him, to then immediately misrepresent the quote you yourself just quoted? Wtf… lol


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