Analysis of latest US and UK airstrikes against Houthi rebels

Professor Michael Clarke analyses the latest strike by US and British aircraft to target Houthi rebels operating in the Red Sea.

Another US airstrike on Yemen on Friday night was described as โ€œfollow-on actionโ€ from the Thursday night operation which included UK forces.

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#unitedstates #houthirebels #redsea

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44 thoughts on “Analysis of latest US and UK airstrikes against Houthi rebels”

  1. 1975 was when the ME kicked off and it failed to join the civilised West now we have the UN implanting these people in their thousand into our countries regardless of the security risk. The UN is the pox we need to change

  2. I wonder WHY Iran is training rebels in Yemen? I wonder, it's almost like the USA killed one a highly ranked Iranian military official not long back and they're doing Tit for Tat just like the Yanks are. Isn't it? Qasem Soleimani anyone?

  3. America and Britain are engaged in a conflict with that Superpower Yemen. Israel is engaged in genocide with the Palestinians whilst America and Britain look the other way. Ukraine and its Western backers (including nearly all NATO countries) are being soundly defeated by Russia. Does anyone spot the common thread? Incompetent politicians within the Governments of America and Britain (NEOCONS).

  4. We don't own the red sea why are we attacking anyone for something that isn't ours to start with, or are we just as bad as the Americans who slso dont own the red sea but apparently like the uk think they do? If we own it then i can understand the situation, a bit like Ukraine, what has Ukraine got to do with the UK, zero, our unelected prime minister wants us at war to keep himself in power.

  5. The policy is just very late. Biden's administration removed the terrorist classification from the Houthis put there under Trump within weeks of grabbing power. He then ordered the Saudis to stop attacking the Hothis on behalf of the Yemeni government, as the Hothis are rebels. The Houthis have since grown more powerful and bold. Thanks to the failed policies of Biden.

  6. 2:30 "the US is not getting involved in the Yemeni civil war" LOL The US has been selling weapons to Saudi Arabia used to carpet bomb Yemeni civilians and creating one of the biggest humanitarian crisis in current times, denounced by many as a genocide. The US is more than complicit to everything happening in that part of the world

  7. When your economy is in ruins whatโ€™s the best thing for the globalist war.
    911 Recession 2 Trillion dollars goes missing from the treasury war
    2008 Financial crisis War
    2024 global financial crisis war.
    See the pattern !!!

  8. Where is the motive for the Houthis?!?!?! This all amounts to suicide for the Houthis?!

    Yemen is in a state of civil war. There is no way to determine who is launching these drones and rockets. There are thousands of Mercenaries in Yemen with most of them working for International (Oil) Conglomerates. Oil CEO would sell their own mother to get the US and British Military forces to clear the way to commandeer Iran's and Yemen's oil and oil facilities.

    What the US and the British are doing is provoking a sovereign nation into war for tax-free profit for Exxon Mobil, BP, and CityGroup. This is modern-day fascism.


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