Ana Sofia Rescue – The Lamplighters League Part 12 – (XCOM-like 1930's Vibe)

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Hi! My name is Christopher Odd and I’ve been playing video games on the internet for a few years. I really enjoy a variety of games but generally lean towards games with a unique and engaging story (Bioshock, The Witcher, Cyberpunk 2077, The Last of Us etc), strategy/roguelike games (XCOM 2 War of the Chosen, Darkest Dungeon, etc), and RPGs (Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Dragon Age, etc). Of course, I am always looking for great indie games too!

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32 thoughts on “Ana Sofia Rescue – The Lamplighters League Part 12 – (XCOM-like 1930's Vibe)”

  1. I'm glad to see you doing better on the concealment phase of fights. Early on you kept getting spotted early and it had the same painful feeling of when you ended up getting caught in a bad position when concealed in Xcom 2.

  2. Some say that our new combat medic can win a staring contest with a Cape buffalo. And that she once swam up the Amazon. All we know is, she's called Ana Sofia.

  3. I solo'd this mission with Eddie. My Eddie has Bullseye 2 and Barrage 3 and a level 2 The Blacksmith(Target teammates next attack deals 75% more Dmg) Mainly because there were 4 solo missions up. 2 which awarded Ether and Intel, And I figured you would get a companion, I went for Sofia straight away, then I sneaked around and got all the intel and other stuff. think anytime I need to try solo something from now ON EDDIE will be my goto guy. TIP in normal mode grab 1 or 2 mobs and drag em to any area free of other mobs so when you engage em you don't start a big battle. Solo pulls are best because you can literally 1shot everything with the blacksmith and Bullseye 2. IF you get 2 or 3 best way to handle it is do a covering shot followed by The Blacksmith on yerself, next round reload then pew pew. and once battle is over ALL your cooldowns are reset

  4. I think Ana Sofia seems great on paper but would only best be used on missions where you can bring four agents, due to the opportunity cost of bringing her. She's almost entirely about support, specifically healing – which Odd seems pretty okay at managing for the most part – with limited potential damage output. When you have only three agents, that means potentially cutting down your damage output by a third with the hopes that she is able to buff the remaining two agents' damage output to compensate.

  5. i made this heist mission without the prep work missions and i felt it was a big mistake because you dont get any reward for doing the much harder version and the difficulty ramps up after the heist significantly and you are more unprepared, i think taking your time here is more reasonable, i was very disappointed that the game actually punishes you for your rush and risk taking instead of rewarding, really really bad difficulty curve design

  6. Ana Sofia reminds me of something that "Mordin Solus" from Mass Effect said. Basically, if killing a few to save the many is a must, then so be it. "I'm a doctor. They let their guard down. Don't see me coming." (I can't remember the exact phrases, but that's the gist of it.)

  7. Explanation for the community but the satchel charge thrown at the mummy is because it had stress broken and turned hostile to the nearest character. When that happens the enemies treat the broken character as a hostile which can be very good for diverting aggression.

  8. So Strum deals a lot of fire and is weak to poison, Marteau deals a lot of shock and is weak to fire so I'd venture a guess that Nicastro deals a lot of poison and is weak to shock. This means Celestine is really strong against Strum (I don't think you noticed just how much stress she dealt to the infernals) and Nocturne is really strong against Nicastro (presumably). Should be important to keep in mind when making teams. So you need another bruiser (to give Ingrid a friggin' rest) and a pyromaniac to deal with Marteau.

  9. You post these so regularly that I am having to play catch up every day lol! Saying that it's a positive and not a moan, brings a bit of chill time each time to sit and watch these. Cheers Christopher for keeping us entertained.


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