An Islamophobe reads the Qur'an, Surah 6: Livestock

I find my stride, making clear why I believe the things I do, and why it may seem that I am more willing to believe (or convert) than I actually am.

Come complain, argue and/or generally distract me on every day at 18:00 (GMT+1)


23 thoughts on “An Islamophobe reads the Qur'an, Surah 6: Livestock”

  1. While watching your video, particularly around the 13:00 mark, I noticed your comments on the concept of a God who doesn't tolerate the worship or acknowledgement of other deities and idolatry. You expressed a lack of respect for any deity who isn't solely focused on promoting good and avoiding evil, likening such gods to petty tyrants unworthy of reverence. I'd like to offer a perspective on why a God might reject the consideration of other gods. It's about the consequences of such actions. When you entertain the existence of multiple gods, those entities or their creators may demand certain acts to appease them. However, the true God aims for a straightforward and righteous path, free from conflicting messages that could muddle your judgment. This clarity is crucial because what might seem like good deeds under the influence of these diverse commands could, in reality, be harmful or evil.

  2. Your comment at the 1:11:00 mark of the video about the significance of invoking God's name during animal slaughter in Islam raises an important point. You suggested that the requirement to mention God's name might be seen as vain or tyrannical. However, this practice has a deeper, spiritual significance.

    In the pre-Islamic era, it was common for people to sacrifice animals in the name of various idols or gods. The Islamic injunction to mention only Allah's (God's) name at the time of slaughter is meant to distinguish Islamic practices from idolatrous ones. It serves as a reminder that the act of taking a life, even for food, is solemn and should be done with mindfulness and respect for God's creation.

    The Quran emphasizes the importance of mentioning God's name as a way to acknowledge His sovereignty and as a means of dedicating the act to Him alone. This practice is not about vanity or tyranny but about monotheism and the recognition of a single, supreme Creator. By mentioning God's name, Muslims reaffirm their faith and the intention that the act of slaughter is for lawful and noble purposes, such as feeding the poor and needy, rather than for idolatrous rituals.

    This principle is rooted in the Islamic belief that all acts, even daily routines like eating, can be forms of worship if done in accordance with divine guidance and with the intention of pleasing God. Thus, invoking God's name is a way to sanctify the act and ensure it aligns with ethical and religious principles.

  3. I would once again raise the same question, you said god should only care about good deeds, can you define good deeds according to Atheism, and tyranny according to Atheism?

    God created us, and he is worthy of worship because he has created the act of worship and the world and you ofcourse.

    He gave you everything and only asks you to do worship him, you think that is pity.

    I think it's very pity of you to be so arrogant that you can't have some humility infront of your very own creator.

  4. I have a point to make, how are you saying that God is a tyrant, even tho you wake-up everyday perfectly healthy, and perfectly sane. If God existed and he were a narcissist, then he would not just expect you to worship him, he would force you to do that. The complete point that I want to make will come up in The Quran so I will not exhaust myself here.
    (Also brother go light on the pepsi it's not healthy to consume that much)

  5. @Andy Oak.

    Keep reading until last Surah / Chapter.

    I like you Andy before,
    Im born muslim, but in my teenager age when in highschool until last year in college, im in practice of an agnostic. Never do Five time prayer & read Quran.
    I always feel edgy & scientific nerds that always have some ways to critic most the holy scripture or even God's existence. I love evolution stuff, etc. But…, until my both Grandmother dead. I afraid that someday my beloved both parent, Father & Mother also will dead & left me forever. I realize that there must be something Omnipotent Creature that control life & dead, Prosperity & Calamity, & so on. Also, while struggling to take a proposal to graduate from college, i start to pray again to God. Surprisingly, most of my struggle & hardship, my pray are answered! Even i dont believe i can do that before. Something & someone just like, i dont know, send for me to help at right time at right place.
    When i work, i begin reading many of Holy Scriptures from any religion. I read Tripitaka & Dhammapada from Buddist; I read Veda & Bhagavad Gita from Hindu; I read Conficianism; I read Christian Bible; And I read Torah. In Buddhism, its great of phillosophy in here & there but IM NOT FOUND THE GOD. In Hindu, I FOUND MANY GODS 😅. In Confucianism its just about morality. Christian Bible more confusing, There is Only One God but in Three (?). In Torah, this is better but still theres no answer of my question like Hereafter or Afterlife. So i begins read Quran translation for the first time of my life. From first to the very end, to know the meaning of all this. Im surprised again. So many foretold & prophecy are here & true. "This is surely a Holy Scripture", that i said in my heart.
    And now i realize that become an Agnostic, Atheist may feel like critical & smart guy but no… No, its just make you look dumber. Lol.

    There is The God up there.

    So my advice to you Andy, just keep read many of Holy Scriptures you can. And compare them each and you will find, which better to your heart. Dont try too edgy & hardening you heart… Try to open mind & objective. Remember, someday your surroundings that a living thing, will be dead & left you. And you also will be dead. You cant control it. Even you cant control your breath, your heartbeat. You cant know your tommorow what will happen. Where are you when you are sleeping? Who guarding you is not God? No one living things can escape dead. Surely there must be Entity that control all of it. Who are in control of life & dead, control what will happen next. He is in charge of EVERYTHING.

  6. So the part about leaving people if you hear them talk about the revelation of God being denied or ridiculed, is simple, its to prevent harm and broken ties to yourself, speaking from experience, God knows best after all

  7. Please note all your questions after reading the quran. after that, make division of that question regarding the theme, ask people of knowledge:
    if the question is talking about torah (law, events, etc), ask rabi who have knowledge of their book
    if the question is talking about injel (law, events, etc), ask pope/priest who have knowledge of their book
    if the question is talking about science (universe,biology,physics), ask scientist on that particular case
    if the question is talking about islam (law/rules, practice, god etc), ask muslim who have knowledge

    also i suggest you to see muslim lantern or syeikh uthman farooq videos, you may find the answer there 👍

  8. I put no stock in religion or their organizations. I don't believe Jesus was a demi-god nor any other Man. There are no gods that fit our notion of what a god is. It is the ancient way of understanding our relationship with the universe psychologically. It is largely meant for the individual on a symbolic level. Taking it literally is what has proven to be dangerous to society. Religion is similar to science in that it is a double-edged sword. We seek to elevate men of science without taking into account the atrocities committed at the hands of scientists i.e. chemical warfare, biological warfare, nuclear warfare, forced sterilization, unnecessary amputations, etc. This is blatant hypocrisy. It is the same thing Christians do with Jesus; he is incapable of evil because he is 'not human' in their eyes. There is a model of the universe that views human beings as 'cells' within a larger being, so on and so forth. This is alluded to when religion speaks of the Breath of God, Divine Spark, Flame Imperishable (Tolkien reference), etc. Personally, I call this concept the One in my own life. It doesn't care, it doesn't expect anything, it doesn't have any particular plans. It is what it is no matter what happens. It does what it does in the many ways available to it. Are we any different as humans?

    This may sound weird but that is the message I have received from viewing it from a symbolic perspective. "Fallible understanding of man." I heavily agree that whatever we think we know, it will always be from the lens of a human being. That's just how it is. I'm excited when I'm proven wrong because it is an opportunity to learn the truth. Win-Win in my book lol. That doesn't mean what we experience is the only way or that we are incapable of knowing things. Dogs also have their way, the birds, fish, fire, water, air, space, ideas, etc. Miyamoto Musashi called it the Way of things. That makes sense to me. It was Buddhism that helped me view religion and philosophy differently. The logic presented is hard to argue with. Any time I do, I learn something regardless of whether I am correct or not. The best advice I heard from Buddhism was 'just be' and "don't take anything at face value." It is in the pursuit of knowing that we realize it is impossible for a human being to 'know all the data'. We discover and realize we will always be ignorant in some way. That goes back to the serenity, strength and wisdom verse regarding things outside of our control.

    I like when you said, 'It is impossible to grasp the infinite from the finite." That is a good analogy for what I previously stated about ignorance. A good point that I can challenge by giving you a tour (even if it is symbolic). What are you? A human being, right? Where did you come from? Go back as far as you can in our evolutionary process. Get as close to the beginning as is possible. Where do you find yourself? You are no longer yourself but, a single cell. Where did the cell come from? So on and so forth. What is your current body made of? Smaller beings. There are trillions of cells in the body. Each one is doing its part for the larger being. They form bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs, organ systems and ultimately the organism. Why do we view ourselves as 'one' being then? We are an environment within an environment within an even larger environment. Fractal models are pretty close but, they also rely heavily on assumptions. Any hypothesis is an assumption based on available data, no? I'm happy to be proven wrong.

    What are you compared to the universe? How are you any different in essence from the cell in the body? "We are the microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm" is probably the easiest way to say it. That idea is found in Greek philosophy i.e. Plato, Plotinus, Pythagoras. Our lives are so short relative to other beings like planets, stars, comets, etc. Do I think they are alive? In their way, yes. They are being and that is the essence of life passed on from one being to the next. This line of thinking is how I overcame death psychologically before the body and persona's accorded time. Lao Tsu said something along those lines. "If you know the beginning, you will know the end." That is a quote from Jesus found in a heretical text of the Apocrypha. I haven't found a beginning or an end. That is the answer I have at this time until more data can be attained. There is infinity AKA the Everlasting, Everchanging and all pervasive One. The entire universe! No beginning or end. I think that is our way of trying to comprehend infinity by saying Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last.

    What are your thoughts on all of this? What is your model of the universe? Do you feel the need to have one at all? I'm genuinely curious. I was born a rather inquisitive human being. It is a blessing, but I've also lost friends, family, and sleep because of it. I want to know the truth about the universe within and without myself even if it takes an eternity.

  9. Good luck Andy. Despite what you see now in contemporary Islamic religion in the power structure and the puritans like Salafis or Wahhabis, historically it was a pan-montheistic religion.

  10. 13:52 your comment here seem to be a contradiction. Our Lord, The Supreme creator is the most high, most majestic. Truly he is the one who sustains everything out of mercy and wisdom. You know we're just his mere creations, who was raised from nothing, as you didn't always existed like God. What makes you think a simple being like could even imagine to oppose a great force that can't be fathom by the human mind. You involuntarily move your hand away from fire when it is there for few milliseconds as it is a innate thing to not want to dwell in hell. how could you even wish for hell. When better option is to submit your will to the Lord. Im sorry man. I just really feel sorry.

  11. I'm a Muslim and a software engineer having knowledge of so many languages in computer world. I can learn more languages and tools and lots other things and reject other things. Sometimes I don't believe that a certain thing is possible to do in a certain programming language it is possible that it I'm wrong or I don't understand. Same thing is here as well. Muslims has similar questions as well in their head once in a while but yeah you always find what you are looking for.


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