An epidemic of shoplifting | James O'Brien – The Whole Show

This is a catch-up version of James O’Brien’s live, daily show on LBC Radio from the 23rd of August 2023.

From Monday the 4th of September, we will be uploading James’ entire show in full to the LBC YouTube channel. Don’t miss a moment!

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41 thoughts on “An epidemic of shoplifting | James O'Brien – The Whole Show”

  1. Is it really too hard to understand that currently a generation is growing up that sees day-in day-out that there are no consequences for your criminal behaviour if you're just rich and powerrful enough? That's the world we created for them, that's the social role models we are setting.

  2. the class division and and poverty in a country with huge amounts of wealth held by a few are the main issues. honestly, it don't even matter how far back the generational wealth goes. until we come together and accept that we are ALL the inheritors of ALL is society's wealth, and that no individual can ever create wealth on his own and thus the wealth belongs equally to all. we will continue having these problems until a fairer redistribution happens. which i don't see ever happening since even or labour party is now just a tory with a red rosette on. and our left media are neo-liberal mouthpieces. yes even JOB unfortunately. i was disappointed by how softball he was in his interview with Keir Starmer Kid Starver)

  3. Interesting story about shop lifting. Here in the US we have the same problem…but I remember being in J-Burg in 2002 & EVERY store was locked & bared. If you wanted to come in you would have to wait until the shopkeeper opened the door. Where I previously lived I saw tweakers stealing needles from the bins at my local Farm store. When I reported it they said the same thing….they know it’s happening but don’t try to stop it. And farmers need to be able to buy the needles so they have to stock them w/o being under lock & key. A world gone crazy.

  4. Yayyy finally! Brit living in Bahrain here. I'm soooo happy to find this full show. Please please upload more full shows, I've watched every single short clip haha. Avid fan here

  5. I am a Swede who has wor,ed a lot in UK. 15 years ago i got the chance to look in tne history book of a friend's son history book. I was shocked in the proud way the colonial period was described. I have often been thimkimg about this when Brexit been discussed and the exceptionalism that I feel i see in many areas. This will never be fixed without correcring the description. I think this applies to many former colonial states but UK is so affected in tne society and in someway tbe old description legitimate it today.

  6. I have often watched the short bits of James show and love the way he presents. As for the shop lifting I think the UK is liveing in the last days of its empire. I was born in the UK just after WW2. and left 26 years later. The negative changes in the country I grew up in are excelerating, and all the politisions are just hoping it will last till they collect their pensions and head for the coast. I am not sure what the solution is, but I don't see how more growth and the introduction of AI is going to help.

  7. US slavery ended over 150 years ago. Five generations have come and gone since then. Most of us are fully supportive of helping the chronically impoverished in our current society, using current means of assistance. But to turn focus back to the Victorian era to try to determine beneficiaries and victims? Absurd. And by the way many families in the south were bankrupt by the end of the war as the confederate government took everyone’s’ savings to finance their campaign. Most families in the south received pardons signed by President Lincoln for having owned slaves and fought on the side of the south. Are those pardons abandoned, rescinded, cancelled?

  8. How much does rent cost? How much does it cost to buy a home? Electric bills? Petrol? Weekly groceries?
    How many shops are understaffed and underpaid staff? What are the employment opportunities for youths?
    What economic policies have been implemented in the past 5 years that have benefited the middle or working class?
    This is the same exact story told from the same perspective of “nobody is doing anything about it” and we need more policing and harsher penalties for these “gangs”.
    How low have we sunk that the answers to austerity policies and tax cuts for the rich and their companies is more police.
    Same arguments and solution American has been pushing.

  9. It's not really a surprise that these soulless Tory "machine men" don't give a toss about what they've done to small bands in regards to touring Europe. . It's still an incredibly sad state of affairs though. 😔

  10. No actually, historically capitalism was the result of (a) the invention of '0', (b) double entry bookkeeping (in Italy), (c) the emergence of the exchange (first bourse in the world @Antwerp), (d) the legal embodiment of property rights (low counties, have first shares in the VOC), (e) central banking (in Amsterdam) and the global export of the capitalist system by England to the world, upon the Glorious Revolution leading to a copy/paste job from capital & system from the Dutch Republic to the UK.

  11. The solution is to move.. Leave the country. What else is a government going to listen to when they so easily miniplate the public into supporting anything? I live in Japan and have zero regrets.


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