An Actual Review Of Batman Arkham City

Soggy complaining about a masterpiece for 12 minutes.



#batmanarkhamcity #batmanarkhamknight #batmanarkhamorigins


19 thoughts on “An Actual Review Of Batman Arkham City”

  1. the reason arkham city was allowed to exist and for everyone and anyone to be jailed is due to quincy sharp greenlighting basically everything hugo asked.
    he is the mayor, and was brainwashed by hugo to do his bidding. people trusted him due to people believing he was the savior who stopped joker rampage in asylum or smth, i cant remember, and the inhumane conditions weren't revealed to the public until after city fell, after which quincy was jailed and later killed himself due to the brainwashing

  2. So you criticize everything related to a Batman videogame but you think it’s perfectly normal and credible that a man’s dresses as a bat and fights crime? Since you scrutinized every bit of the story like it’s supposed to make perfect sense, don’t you think the credibility of a Batman character is by far a worse problem?


  3. Regarding the establishment of Arkham City,it is explained that Hugo Strange approached Quincy Sharp,formerly the Warden of Arkham Asylum,with the proposal of Arkham City(Although we later find out that it was the plan of Ra's Al Ghul)
    As previously established in the tapes of Amadeus Arkham in Arkham Asylum, Quincy Sharp believed himself to be possessed by the spirit of Amadeus Arkham and was obsessed with cleansing Gotham of all criminals.Because of this and also the fact that Strange promised Sharp that if he greenlit the project of Arkham City,he could ensure that he would win the election and be elected as the Mayor of Gotham(by the help of the powerful friends of Strange which probably refers to Ra's and his League)which is why he allowed Strange to build Arkham City.

  4. The story has some big plotholes but i think it has a lot going for it, good pacing, cool setting, great characters, amazing soundtrack and fantastic presentation and voice acting


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