Amidst Galactic War, We Broadcasted A Message That Changed The Everything | HFY | Sci-Fi Story

Amidst Galactic War, We Broadcasted A Message That Changed The Everything | HFY | Sci-Fi Story


2 thoughts on “Amidst Galactic War, We Broadcasted A Message That Changed The Everything | HFY | Sci-Fi Story”

  1. The wonder of science fiction is the belief that "Even in the darkest of times, the light of hope, of freedom and of unity unity could illuminate the path to a brighter future". Powerful words that distinguish what we are loosing as a country. There was no graphic horror or death from war which invades every filmed series to sell advertisers and viewers.. The hero doesn't become greedy from the life he led to help the common people. They stick to their ideals because enough believed in them to support and triumph even amidst the inevitable difficulties. What a wonderful story from a time when we had a belief in truth and acknowledgment of facts binding us together. The story of acceptance of diversity and unity building a brighter future is a powerful message I wish would spread. Thank you for sharing your work.


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