Americans have 'given up' on Congress

Curtin University Political Analyst Professor Joe Siracusa says Americans have pretty much “given up” on Congress.

Professor Siracusa’s remarks come after Republican Senator Kevin McCarthy was finally voted in as Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

“Research shows that about 80 per cent of Americans don’t expect Congress to do the right thing, so Congress could have been there all you know until the cows come home counting votes,” he told Sky News Australia.

“Americans didn’t expect much from them.

“Congress is going to have to prove itself.”


40 thoughts on “Americans have 'given up' on Congress”

  1. Your commentator is a joke.
    There is nothing more important than a criminal justice system that is without political bias and the American justice system is a joke!
    " 10 percent for the big guy to be held by H"
    Russian misinformation says 50 high ranking intelligence officers. Seriously? Where is the special prosecutor on that piece of 5hit?

  2. The American system of government is based on the idea that government was to be limited, with very clearly defined areas of authority. The separate Houses of Congress and the Administration was supposed to constitute checks and balances against any one institution gaining too much power.
    The fight of the Speaker of the House is exactly how a vital and responsive political process is suppose to Work!
    Not a "smoke-filled" back room deal!

  3. This guest is clueless on the Speaker of the House vote. The concessions weren't insignificant. The changes moved more centralized power from the Speaker back to the members than they've had in DECADES.
    What you didn't see what was going on behind the scenes. Everyone played their parts beautifully and "rolled" McCarthy. He really didn't have a choice.
    Yes, McCarthy's not ideal but if he goes back on his word he can be removed due to the concessions he made. If he's smart he won't fight the 20 Freedom Caucus members.
    The guest is obviously biased against the Freedom Caucus which you can tell by his use of "MAGA" Republicans as if it's a slur. The proper term is "UltraMAGA"!!! Seriously, there is so much corruption of most Republicans In Nane Only or "RINO" members of congress by corporate donors and other big money that cause the members to vote against the interests of the US and the citizens and we are tired of it. We're sick of 4000 page bills that most members only see hours before a Yes/No vote with no opportunity to add amendments or vote against specific parts.

  4. Biden has only made it worse. He has the least amount of support of any president in history. He is scared that he waited so long to act like he’s going to do something.

  5. The concessions that McCarthy made were NOT SUPERFICIAL! They will be extremely important in seeking JUSTICE for all of the CRIMINALITY that the DEMOCRATS and their establishment Republican LAP DOGS have committed. If the MAGA Republicans hadn't fought so hard to get these concessions, we would never get to the bottom of what actually happened on January 6th or any of the other criminal, choreographed TREASON that the establishment has committed. Don't be fooled, McCarthy is NOT a "Republican". He's just another part of the UNI-PARTY. With the exception of the MAGA Republicans, it doesn't matter if they call themselves Democrats or Republicans they are ALL ON THE SAME SIDE. That is the side that is for the political elite and AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

  6. We gave up on that rich corrupt no good Republican party I guess will vote for Democrats at least they’re destroying the country and they’re doing it fast maybe that way we can start all over again👍

  7. Under former President Trump, the U.S. national debt rose by $8 trillion, following the third-largest primary deficit growth out of all U.S. presidents except for George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln. Trump didn’t launch two foreign conflicts like Bush or pay for a civil war like Lincoln. Here i thought he was a successful business man. More like a successful shonk who fails at everything. How did that china deal go for our farmers? Anyone…anyone?………..

  8. The Republican congress has issued its first agenda. A proposal to make it harder for working families to get tax rebates and loopholes so it's easier for their donors to not pay tax.
    This is always the way.
    Will you hear it here? Of course not.

  9. We do expect much from congress , really both houses , regular America’s are watching closer now then ever … we now have woke on both sides good for us…. We need less war planning and more stoping war.


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