American FIRST B-21 Raider The Whole World Is Afraid Of

American FIRST B-21 Raider The Whole World Is Afraid Of
Bombers race is brewing between the US and China. In a move that would put the US ahead in the race, the first B-21 Raider has finally been unveiled after seven years of development. However, for China, this is far from game over. Like the US, China is working on a brand new bomber with a similar flying wing design as the B-2 Spirit. This new Chinese bomber is known as the Xian H-20.

This is only another testament to how well China has managed to stay side-by-side with the US in the bomber space despite the US having 25 years of bomber dominance through the 2-billion-dollar B-2 Spirit. However, even during this time of B-2 dominance, China developed its most advanced bomber yet in an attempt to stand its ground against the B-2. This bomber is now known as the H-6, developed from Russiaโ€™s Tu-16 Badger. This latest staredown between the two bombers began when eight B-2s took an elephant walk at the culmination of the recent Spirit Vigilance 22 training exercise in November.
China, unwilling to ignore a staredown launched an elephant walk of its own involving eight H-6 bombers. That was the latest move in the bomber race between the world powers until the unveiling at the Northrop Grumman facility that introduced the world to Americaโ€™s most lethal bomber โ€“ the $630 million B-21 Raider.


28 thoughts on “American FIRST B-21 Raider The Whole World Is Afraid Of”

  1. A Chinese Airliner are you getting on…be my guest

    I will take the 787

    So they are not even close

    Please they are great people not very good engineers

    And anyway believe it or not
    all this hoopla about the xxx
    and its really just a cover story
    for the Stealth of Stealths


  2. Oh One last thing , I was already in Zzzz land, nothing I am aware of these Aircraft makes it to DOD "ARTIFACTS" ( IE ALIEN TECHNOLOGY) its all by the book American Stealth derived from NAZI Germany Flying Wing Concepts strictly human๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ

  3. This country needs to stop revealing its military secrets so much. Notice how he said they don't really know anything about the China equivalent to this B21. The same the US needs to do. Stop puffing up our chest and revealing details.

  4. Comparing the Chinese H-6 bomber (a knockoff of an old Soviet design) with the B-2 is like comparing a Russian Lada with a Corvette. But as usual the Chinese are playing their steal and copy game in trying to build something remotely comparable to the B-21 raider.

  5. Wait wait wait!!!! Don't come out with this yet. Dang seriously you're going to let this out while Biden is president. Really just really!! Dang again don't you all know the Democrats especially Joe or Hunter etc, some Democrats are going to sell the information on this plane will absolutely go to China. Don't you guys know by now after 10 to 20 yrs except when Trump was in office these people were selling military secrets of planes , subs etc etc. we're absolutely going to China and thank God Trump caught this out engines from GE were to be sold to China in What country. Packistan. and Trump sent Special Forces to Stop it all. And special forces Did stop the sale in packistan. A very very secret deal and America like usual with Democrat Congress all knew it was happening but Trump had to stop it Why does everyone think why Dems are doing everything possible to stop Trump. Because Trump knows everything about these traitors because of why? The military uppers. They knew what was happening and asked Trump a long long time ago to run and he won. Thank God and all American should be happy as Hillary had a hit on Washington state as the first state hit by a nuclear weapon by Russia. How would this work. Why do you think Obama and Hillary as Vice president Obama's second term did it. Hillary and Obama gave Russia aassive portion of our nuclear material back then. So then when a buck hit actually by the US hit that Obama and Hillary ordered to hit Washington State. Then Obama are vice president Hillary could then say Russian middle just hit America. Get it yet. Don't believ me. Go ahead and do you're own research if you weren't paying attention back then. I know because I was awake back then and heard everything. It was on all you're so called conspiracy theories web sites or YouTube sites you all called as bunk. Well hell where are we at now. China has exact copies of literally everything we have and how did they get this. No no no it's not by spy's or internet spy's they would never ever get that much Deatail ever. It's also been proven fact their is no way to get product detail and fiber materials etc. Way way to much detail and tech to get Don't any of you remember Congress hearings on this. It's absolutely impossible to do this by internet alone. It had to be transfered by storage cards and block storage capacities. That's massive info and of course it is. Details specs and secret info on how to make such products take massive details to do nothing by just word of mouth. This if done was massive blocks of information that had even how massive the instructions were to make it would take years to explain it in detail in writing. So this was not just done by a little info by spyies This info was transfered by the top of the top and funny how China keeps coming up with exact copies of what we have. In now way experts say this is just a one or two time spy look into it or in our country doing this. This is absolutely info sent by our government for massive amounts of money to do this. Even our personal don't have clearance into most all of this information l.


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