American B-52 bombers deployed in Australia for training

Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell says government sources told him B-52 bombers are being deployed by the US in the Northern Territory for training and have been doing so “for years”.

Mr Clennell said B-52 bombers “could feature in some sort of China versus Taiwan conflict” as they are designed for long-range attacks with the capability of carrying nuclear weapons.


26 thoughts on “American B-52 bombers deployed in Australia for training”

  1. Only reason Straya presents its ass like a French chateau owner in WW2 is because of the erroneous expectation that Umericah will protect us from attack when in fact the invasion occurs with our full snoozing consent NO FKN US BASES !!!

  2. Well done, you are readying for WAR!. You pack f evil puppets. you killed most men already. You've no care for our country. nor the
    how dare these puppets bring us into this. A long dark time for all. Well done you absolute idiots. catch ya on the flip side. though you will all burn in hell, as you should.

  3. This will not end well for anyone. I don't think China will make a move without sending at least 100 Orbiting Hypersonic Missiles circling above US and Australia first. We only find out about there are China's Orbiting Hypersonic Missiles after they circled the Earth and came back down hitting their target within 20 miles. I just don't see how either side can win. We have no way of defending that now or in the next decade. Mentally we are still pounding our chests thinking the rest of the world stay the same as 50 years ago.

  4. America you need to back off! Your the terrorists killing innocent people… Australia doesn’t need nuclear weapons, we need Americans to think and have a heart not just kill and obliterate everything… I don’t trust America at all you lie all the time kill millions of innocent people a year. Guns are more important than birth control your literally barbaric cave men….

  5. Maybe we need to announce that we are no longer non nuclear. We now use nuclear threats. China has ICBMs that can reach Canberra in 30min from Beijing. They carry 10 warheads and changed direction midflight. We don't have the capability to stop these ICBMs. China has Nukes. B-52s are an outdated nuclear provocation… ????

  6. China considers Taiwan is own territory, so you don't invade your own land.
    Taiwan (president) considers itself already independent, so there's no need to fight. For 90% Taiwanese, they like the status quo.
    This imaginary war is in the heads of foreigners, a fan fiction really. It's funny if it isn't so scary…. 😂

  7. If this story was even true do we have a runway big enough to land these beasts. More Aussie bullsh… maybe tell the truth about Morrison and his Chinese Bribe signing off in the Darwin Port lease for FIRB before trying to find another story that sounds good. The Govt have been banned from Manus Island in Png but you don’t read that in the paper, so let’s print this because it sounds good and when we stir up the Chinese sit back and wait for the Yanks to fix our problems. I guess when you have had Defence Ministers like Pyne Reynolds Dutton Payne Marles just to name a few, no wonder our Defence is a shambles.


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