America CAN'T Compete with China's Infrastructure!

America CAN’T Compete with China’s Infrastructure!

In this video, I’m sharing why America can’t compete with China’s infrastructure. China has years of experience building world-class metro systems, and America simply can’t match that level of expertise.

Perhaps the most striking example of this is the Shenzhen Metro. The Shenzhen Metro is a massive underground transportation system that stretches for over 300 miles. The Shenzhen Metro is a stunning example of Chinese infrastructure and it’s clear that America simply can’t compete.

Today we will be checking out the impressive Gangxia North station and a few other stations along line 14 of Shenzhen’s amazing subway system. How does it compare to New York’s subway? well it’s simply uncomparable. America just can’t compete.

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34 thoughts on “America CAN'T Compete with China's Infrastructure!”

  1. Live in New York and I tell you it’s not the lack of Vision it’s the people! Everyone wants upgrade no body wants it in there area! We have made Some improvements but just not nearly enough

  2. Hi America here. I will give him several things he got right about America 1. We basically are forced to use cars for major transportation reasons. 2. Our systems are outdated but they are maintained enough to work. 3. America basically hasn’t cared about its infrastructure like other countries have. But to simply answer your question to why our public transportation system is ass. Well most are designed to get you around the major cities. Our high way system was originally developed as a military application project. Its kinda difficult to design a public transportation system in a country that has states the size of countries in Europe and other places

  3. How to compete with China. You guys saw videos of the flood in NYC last week. The entire city and subways was flooded shutdown. Dirty flood mixed with "urine" water with rats swimming in it all over. Wonder how their infrastructure gonna compete with China.😂😂😂

  4. Let's go very easy on this one. Of course the U.S. cannot compete with China when it comes to infrastructure. As it cannot compete with a considerable number of other economically successful countries. And there is a number of reasons for this.
    1. Infrastructure was a point of concern in the U.S. in previous times, but when all cities had their railway station, their freeway access, their airports, shopping malls, schools, water treatment plants and electric power plants, the U.S. entered into a phase of exhaustion, listlessness and lack of imagination. China, and many other nations, at the same time felt backward and made every effort to catch up. As did Japan fifty or sixty years earlier. And in the case of China, they have the strength that lies in numbers. If you can plan an airport for 40 million people, and from the scratch to boot, it's obvious that the result will be more impressive than if you are expected just to make a renovation plan for an airport that's been there before and which is supposed to serve only four million people.
    2. Psychologically, if you have a competitor who you feel is ahead of you, you will make every effort to get ahead of him. If there is no such person – or country – left, you loose orientation. Such was the case with the U.S.. And Japan. And it'll be the case with China in about one generation.
    3. Population density helps. If you have more persons living on one square mile, you can provide more infrastructure per square mile. Conversely, with a low population density, your average infrastructure investment per square mile will be much lower. Ever wondered why there are so many off-grid homes in the U.S.? There are practically none in Japan.
    4. The U.S. society always has been centered on individuals, and on wealthy ones at that. As long as first class service for the wealthy was guaranteed, in whatever respect, the rest was of minor importance. Even the less-than-wealthy ones accepted that, because there always was the hope of being able to join the upper crust one day. This is different in societies that are more community-oriented – and in that respect both China and Japan are astonishingly similar. Hence, they have way better public transport infrastructure than the U.S., particularly in the densely populated areas (see No. 3).

  5. Amazing train stations ❤ but China is the second most populated country. Why are there less people in these train stations 🤔🤔 suspicious. Is it not allowed to all people? Trains are also almost empty. 🤔


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