Amazon's Plan to Sabotage own MMO & Sell Boosts! Asmongold Reacts to KiraTV on New World Cash Shop

Asmongold watches a video by KiraTV, who goes over Amazon’s New World Response to the outrage after the completely unexpected news about the implementation of a cash shop inside the upcoming MMORPG, making the game practically Pay-To-Win or Pay-To-Skip before its even released. Kira also shows some interesting changes from December 2020 focused on diminishing the leveling experience…

Original Video: (Creating Problems , Selling Solutions – New World)

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New World is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing video game by Amazon Game Studios set to be released in 2021.

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► Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough

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36 thoughts on “Amazon's Plan to Sabotage own MMO & Sell Boosts! Asmongold Reacts to KiraTV on New World Cash Shop”

  1. Thanks as always asmon , amazing feeling when someone you've watched for a long time has a positive reaction to something you've made. Feels good.

    For the people showing love to me here and on my channel for the last 2 years. Thank you.

  2. If they're so concerned about supporting people with less free time get to end-game, offer the boost for free – build it into the game as an option for those players you are really worried about. But we all know they won't because that's not the real reason…

  3. Bro, Different people enjoy different ways of playing. I agree, everyone loves a unique, satisfying, meaningful reward for an achievement. Such an achievement can be boasted. The Pokemon GO game gave this feeling. Thats why it became a global hit.

  4. Here's a concept for fellow game developers:

    If you care so much that some people don't have the time to level up in your game, and you still want to offer them the endgame experience, create servers where everyone starts already "boosted" to the endgame. Making you pay extra to more easily access a part of a game you already payed for, and continually pay every month, is simply disrespectful and disgusting.

  5. I get what they're saying here, but the company has made a product and if games jam packed with microtransactions turn you off that much, don't play it. If it turns enough people off, they won't make the games like that because they won't be profitable. This isn't some nefarious scheme. They think there's a market for this shit. If there is, they'll make money.

  6. Azmon Is still alive!!! wuhtt… ;p 6:07 Its a multi faceted problem, They will almost always sell boosts now Even the decent games, unless they are one of us like say PATH OF EXILE and GGG (for now) The fact is their is some lazy arse people, And theirs people that call themselves gamers when in reality they just started calling themselves gamers because of youtube, alot of them never played games until they talked about games on their youtube channels. Those are the people who pay them and the people they market which unfortunately usualy outnumbers the majority of us, Because they are the ones shoveling millions of dollars for nothing.

    Although on the convivence 25:06 I don't pay for convivence period lol But millions of people do every time they go to 711 and buy a 20 oz versus a 2 liter so forth and so on but at least that has value i suppose because they can carry it with them, they can keep the bottle so forth so on. @ 4xs the price, compared to a game where the only thing you are doing is saving a couple hours? Amazon is a company failing atm anyway so honestly not surprised. At launch lol which is anywhere form 1 day – 1 month and they don't even specify that part so i mean its going to happen sooner rather than later.

  7. I dont believe in selling boosts, period. Learn how to play your class, learn how to group without being a tard. The journey is half the fun, theres no accomplishment in boosting.

  8. all these bull make me feel fking good that im already refund the game.why the fk you monetise the paid game. it's not like it's free game?
    IMO some people that come out and def amazon is paid to say those thing on internet.

  9. I don't think cash shops are an issue. If you have a competetive mindset in video games that's a you-problem. FF14 has a cash shop and most people don't care because the rest of the game is amazing.
    Also guys, Blizzard did the same thing in Patch 7.3.

  10. Problem is Jeff said "give me WoW" not realising that people only put up with the BS in WoW cos of it's good foundation and people's commitement to their characters. No game on release can get away with the same shop/sub/box buy that WoW does, but because it's already established, players PUT UP with it.

  11. I prefer monthly subs, as I can end it at any time, but I am guaranteed the content on an equal footing with everyone else. This game looks really fun but I hate cash shops, so I am not gonna buy it 🙂

  12. To me, im not that invested though, it sounds like you all were complaining that they were going to put in "QoL" boosting characters at launch, and they responded that the shop will be only cosmetic at launch ie no boosting characters at launch as an answer to the complaints about boosting characters. That just how it sounds to me, as i said tho, im not that invested.

    I wouldnt mind if i could boost an alt after my main in max level, and is something i wouldnt care if they were planning before game release.

  13. I work 10 hours on the 3rd shift about 3 to 4 days a week then I'm only off for A day and a 1/2 or 2 that I'm back again and I still think this system is dumb and is not for me you know what I'm gonna do when I get home off of work Im gonna play the game bust my ass for like 4 hours then take a nap go to sleep for about 6 wake up play for an hour or 2 longer go to work rinse repeat until it's my day off. On my day off I then just bust my ass playing for hours and hours that is what my plan is its not to pay for some stupid fucking boost that makes the game less fun… so they can stop that BS right now…

  14. I think people in general have trouble being critical of things they enjoy. Its easier to defend everything about something you enjoy than to say "I love it but I really dont like this or that thing about it". I think a person will tell them self all kinds of nonsense to avoid that inner conflict.

  15. My only point would be that the idea that boosts mean the original content wasn’t good anyway doesn’t make sense. Does that mean that since tbc boosts exist the leveling content was bad? I don’t think so. Boosts are also used when you’ve already played through the content once, and don’t want to again. (I don’t support the boost btw, just an idea I had)

  16. Amazon would probably make gourmet food and market it like "Tired of eating steak for all that cholesterol, fats and carbs but have to go through all that annoying tastiness and savory deliciousness? Fear not! Try our new Amazon steak where you can skip all the flavor and go right to the fat in your veins just the way we all want it. Don't have time to chew? Its fine, we have a special buy now promo for an extra 29.99 where we will inject the steak fat right into your heart. No flavor, no taste and only heartache….just the way we ALL love it"


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