Amazon's NEW WORLD MMO – PvP Updates, New Weapon & Expeditions!

So we are back with some more of Amazon’s New World MMO as we get stuck into the April update taking a look at the new PvP updates including faction capture points, the new weapon in the form of the Ice Gauntlet as well as the introduction of two new expeditions!

Patch Notes:

I have also now set up a patreon 🙂






10 thoughts on “Amazon's NEW WORLD MMO – PvP Updates, New Weapon & Expeditions!”

  1. honestly with more updates this game is shaping up rather nicely, and if they can get out regular updates and expansions or even events, this game will be amazing and rather worth its price, i just can;t wait to get my hands on it again or the full release and finally get to enjoy this game again, mostly just the Musket cause it was the most satisfying weapon i've ever used in an MMO

  2. I am definitely concerned about how little impact pvp incentives might have in this game. I was super hyped about it as a survival game, interested to see how it will pan out, love the coverage!

  3. "Gentlemen, whats the most popular ONLINE game around all about right now? PVP! Ok focus on that" Game still looks to me like devs have just cookie cutter list of things amazon requires them to put in the game rather than doing something out of passion or out of inspiration. Ashes of Creation still #1 on my list, new GW2 expansion close second.
    Considering im wrong on these matter, i'm calling this game (you're welcome) be cancelled soon


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