Amanda the Adventurer V1.3 – The Secret Story Explained

Amanda the Adventurer has recieved a host of updates since our original story explained video a few months back. In this video we take a look at each of these updates and a theory as to what exactly the secret story of Amanda the Adventurer is all about.

Check out Amanda the Adventurer:

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Music by Kevin MacLeod:


43 thoughts on “Amanda the Adventurer V1.3 – The Secret Story Explained”

  1. OK, real talk.
    This… video game… interactive horror experience thingy… whatever you want to call it…
    It's literally bad. Like, low tier, no, BOTTOM tier crap. And I mean no disrespect to the developers when I say this, but Amanda the Adventurer fails in every aspect I can think of.
    First of all, it fails as a horror. Because there is literally no gameplay, you can literally see the jumpscares coming a mile away, and more on that point; freaking JUMPSCARES? I thought this was supposed to be analogue horror? I thought analogue horror was supposed to be about creeping dread and unease, mixed with misplaced nostalgia, but there is literally nothing of the sort here! This game is just bandwagoning off the analoge horror trend, and it does it badly. it also fails to be a horror because it literally "tries to hard to be scary", and if you don't know what that means, it basically goes something like "the more you know about something, the less scary it becomes". The fact that AA is so literally upfront with the fact that it is a horror, not to mention all the information dumping that goes on in it, it diffuses all tension of the unknown, because you it literally tells you what is going on as it does. There aren't any interesting surprises, either.
    Secondly, Amanda the Adventurer straight up fails to be an analogue horror. The artstyle fails to match any form of real media. For example, the first children's TV show to be rendered completely in 3d was Reboot, and if you were to compare the models in AA to reboot, you would find that AA's models are too high poly and too low detail so the literally do not even fit. They should have used 2d animations, and speaking of animation, the animations in AA are straight up awful, downright so basic and ugly that if it wasn't for all the jumpcuts, it look even worse than it already does. Since I'm on the topic of how very thing looks, there is not a single interesting design in all of AA, barring the text, but I doubt that is original. I'll leave it at that.
    Lastly, the game fails as a parody. Dora the explorer is the obvious inspiration, but there is nothing similar between the AA and DE other than "human and animal partner do things with audience interaction". If you've seen literally a single episode of Dora the Explorer, you would know that how things go is that they get to a problem, they ask the audience for help with what to do, then they do the thing, and then there's a fun little segment that shows them, you know, actually freaking doing the thing. Meanwhile, AA is so lazily slapped together that the freaking titular character barely even moves her freaking legs, let alone something actually interesting. Heck, the only thing I can think of that shows the thing actually happening in AA is the butcher being lazily animated to chop meat. Make no mistake, Amanda the Adventurer looking shitty is because it was lazily made, not as an intentional design choice. You want a good example of intentionally crappy design? Freakin' Baldis Basics.

    I would say more about why Amanda the Adventurer is terrible, but I'm so tired of thinking about this waste of imagination that I'm just gonna say this: if it weren't for the """"secret lore"""" making you compulsively think about this game, it would literally be on par with a game jam game that you play once, think "huh, neat I guess" and then forget about for the rest of your life.

    Again, no disrespect for the developers, but you really should move on to a different project. Amanda is bad, and doesn't deserve any further work. Sorry not sorry.

  2. Most people say that amanda is saying "LET ME IN!" In a demonic voice but I hear "Say amen" as if your ending a prayer. You are finishing your prayer in hopes that God will save you from sed demon but it's too late. I don't know though.

  3. Can we just have a moment to appreciate the sacrafice that Wollie has made for the player's sake? It's a very heroric thing to do, and I personally wont dare to say anything if I'm Wollie since Amanda's face looks absoulutely terrifying.

  4. Okay an added theory, youā€™re their sibling, now hear me out, wouldnā€™t you have pictures of your missing siblings to remember them? Also you got the tapes from your grandmas attic, cleaning out the house cause sheā€™s dead maybe? Also to relive simpler times? Perhaps a coping mechanism, I think the brother tried to burn it, aka woolie, thatā€™s why he got taken into the tape, and why you type out his name, and they feel they know it cause their siblings are in it

  5. For the new secret tape, it may look like a scribble but it actually says ā€œfinal episodeā€ if you look closely, so the ā€œmaking new friendsā€ apparently take time prior to this new tape

  6. I have a Theory I dont think woolie is actually dead because In the last tape Its only woolies fur And wouldnt his bones and others There would also be blood on the Fur! U can Also see a shadow resembling woolie so i dont think hes dead

  7. Before the New tape and the update there was a tape and there was a picture of a location that looks like the same location where Amanda and woolie were in the new tape. Did that make any sense and I'm not sure if this is important.


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