Alternate Timeline of the Byzantine Empire (473-1933)

Finally, after about a month since May 11th, it is now completed with a total of 1460 slides, yet a 1 hour of experience to watch. I could possibly make another alternative scenario like this however it takes a very long time so its very unlikely.

These events take place after the death of Leo I and near the end of the Western Roman Empire.

I will only show half of the songs here since I don’t know the names for the other songs, but let me know in the comments. (Note the songs listed here will be mixed and wont be in order)
Macedon Theme – Industrial (Civilization 6 OST) Tino Mori
Total War_ Attila – Main Menu Music (Hun Theme)
Bruckner _ Symphony No. 2 in C minor
Arriving in Ancient Rome
Civilization V OST _ Theodora War Theme _ Phos Hilaron
Civilization V OST _ Theodora Peace Theme _ Phos Hilaron
Barbarossa (Arabic battle music)
Fortress Monastery – Soundtrack
Immediate Music – Crusade
Mount&Gladius Soundtrack_Dacian charge
Boulgaroktόnos – Farya Faraji
Manzikert 1071 – Farya Faraji

The Prosperity Indicator indicates the situation of the state with the color format. These color formats are:

Gold with the Chi Rho – Golden Age/Greatest Extent
Gold – Great Extent
Silver – Neutral/The Rise of State
Brown – Stagnation
Red – Decline
Black – Anarchy/Collapse of State

0:00 Fall of the West
3:13 Justinian’s reconquests
6:14 Roman Sasanian Climatic wars
10:10 Arab Conquests
17:10 Bulgar & Lombard campaigns
18:28 Rise of Charlemagne
20:35 Conflicts against the Bulgars
27:52 Byzantine Reconquests
30:17 Reign of Basil the Great & Alexander IV
34:12 Rise of the Seljuks & Normans
37:25 Crusades
44:00 Reign of Nicholas the Great
46:05 Mongol Conquests
47:27 2nd Byzantine Reconquests
54:45 Wars against Illyrians & Timurids
57:52 Reconquests of Constantine X
1:00:17 Full Revival
1:06:32 Times of Troubles in Byzantium
1:07:42 Reconquest of Egypt
1:11:21 Modernization
1:17:34 French Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars
1:19:06 Imperialism & Nationalism
1:24:31 First World War
1:25:20 Fall of Byzantium to the Republic


22 thoughts on “Alternate Timeline of the Byzantine Empire (473-1933)”

  1. Note: Although it's completed there still should have been other stuff I could've added or fixed, such as a few errors I've noticed even though its alternate history. Even with the modern borders being used by the end I haven't thought much of it if they would gain more land northern or if Byzantium would last in modern times, but if I ever wanted to change that then I'll have to go through the pain of exporting it again (so this is the best I could do). So far this could be one of the best projects I've ever made (but not perfect).

  2. Интересное видео. Но 1:21:14 меня смутил: крымская война не началась бы из—за оскорбления христианских святынь, так как византия была бы православной страной, это раз. Даже если бы и началась, совершенно не ясно, га чей бы стороне она выступила: значит, английские, французские и сардинские эскадры не проникли бы через Босфор в Черное море.

  3. Why is there not a single clash with the Habsburgs and Venice and an alliance with the Safavids in 1739? Byzantium had a very weak fleet, why did it include islands?! But the main question is why the eastern territories were not captured by the Mongols: Hulagu and Timur? Especially Timur, because for him the destruction of Byzantium and its population (yes, genocide) means gaining absolute authority in the Islamic world and restoring the Caliphate.


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