Allison DuBois | What Heaven Really Is | Clips 02 | Ep. 179

Allison DuBois | What Heaven Really Is | Clips 02 | Ep. 179

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Welcome back. Today on The Pretty Intense Podcast we have Allison DuBois. Alison is the very talented Medium, that inspired the TV series “Medium” with Patricia Arquette. Patricia plays the character of Allison in this very popular series, that ran for 7 seasons. Allison is also a NY Times Best Selling Author. She has written 6 books, and has her own podcast called “The Dead Life.” Alison is my kind of people, and a specialist in fields I am passionate to learn more about. The spiritual side, past lives, reincarnation, soul connections, fifth dimensional energies. We cover it all.
We talk about how Allison communicates with the dead. She warns us of the dangers of opening portals, when you are not skilled with spirit boundaries. We talk about how past relatives look out for us, and are sending us guiding messages all the time. Find out the biggest messages our dead are sending us from the other side, wanting to guide us to the best life here in the physical world. We hope you enjoy this very awakening episode with Allison DuBois.

00:00 – Communicating With My Dead Dad
02:00 – Your Dead Want To Be Part Of Your Life
04:00 – What Heaven Really Is
06:00 – Reincarnation
07:00 – Message From The Dead

Allison DuBois is a New York Times Best-Selling Author who has published 6 books, Don’t Kiss Them Good-Bye, We Are Their Heaven, Secrets of the Monarch, Talk to Me, Into the Dark, and Love Can’t Tell Time. Her books are printed in several languages, and are popular worldwide helping to guide people through their grief and gain an understanding of paranormal abilities. She inspired the NBC/CBS hit television show MEDIUM, it ran for 7 seasons, Patricia Arquette won an Emmy for playing “Allison DuBois” and it’s still watched by millions of people around the world. Allison hosts the ‘The Dead Life’ podcast (Yea Network) looking at life after death and all things ethereal through the eyes of guests from different walks of life, The Dead Life is in the top 1% of all podcasts. YEA Networks distributes The Dead Life on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and all popular podcast forums. Allison is the founder and Head Mistress of Dead University, her own online school for the gifted, teaching students about Mediumship, Astrology, Earth Magick,and Healing. Allison has conducted live seminars Internationally for 17 years and is presently appearing in select cities in the U.S. Allison DuBois initiated the Amber Alert in the state of Arizona in 2000, and served on the task force to design it. She has helped numerous Arizona charities including Homes for our Troops, Wounded Warriors, Florence Crittenton, Panda, KISS-FMs Christmas Wish program etc. to raise money and bring awareness to causes close to all of our hearts; primarily to help children and our veterans. Allison is married to Joe DuBois and the mother of three daughters. Allison and her husband Joe currently live in Scottsdale, AZ..


34 thoughts on “Allison DuBois | What Heaven Really Is | Clips 02 | Ep. 179”

  1. First time watching this channel…very instresting..From my experiences, with people who are nolonger on the earth they don't ask about their own children..they seem to not have any worries..I've seen women who left behind small children and they don't ask about them.thats the biggest thing that stands out to me , other than them not using their mouth to speak.

  2. Danica your seeking is beautiful and I enjoy coming along on your journey. Learning and being open to anything is what we have in common, and I appreciate your content. I wish I could wipe away all these negative comments for you, but just know you are loved♥️

  3. Danica, You are a beautiful soul, doing what you were brought to earth for with your energy, vibrations and gift of teaching and learning… Thank you for your enthusiasm and dedication to bringing such a gift to others! I use to run in Marathons… You're not missing anything!! From a Vietnam Era Marine Corps veteran.

  4. If we are one Cingular consciousness or the universe experiencing itself , then wouldn’t this mean that anyone you could speak to is literally you in a different form. All is one ♾️

  5. I heard my mothers voice say my name twice as I lay in my bed before going to sleep..her voice startled me! I found out (the next morning) my mother passed away at the exact time I heard her voice, she was saying 'goodbye'…I was 12.

  6. I love your work Allison and you both are Awesome ;-p As a Past Life Hypnotherapist we started every session with a Prayer to our Guardian Angels for protection and guidance. I know of 6 friends who got messed up with Ouija boards with negative Earth bound spirits. A White Light cleansing with Holy water washes away these pests too.

  7. This whole thing is so bizarre. It's not bizarre from the perspective of whether or not we live in something like a hard enough 'simulation' for not just Newtonian physics as an effective theory but also QM and GR to be applicable, it's not bizarre even in the sense that consciousness would be eternal or that there'd be many incarnations into a place like this, rather it's the incoherence at this level of what this even is or why we're doing it – let alone why it's not only so often meaningless but additionally agonizing. It's all the fun stuff that Dostoevsky, Shestov, and other existentialists would write about… and I'm almost to the point of saying that any authentic spirituality has to explain the world that Prof. John Gray writes about in books like Straw Dogs. Darwinian game theory and multipolar traps as well as the evil all of that has us pinned into, the ways in which so many lives are worse than dead ends in ways that can't be pinned down to simple personal choices (being born at the wrong place and time) which interrogate the notion that we're necessarily here for individual progress, the fundamentally predatory nature of genetic arms races, the only sense I can make of it is that this experience is here to (alchemically) pound on our subconscious / unconscious layers and intellectual learning or even trying to 'learn by example' isn't enough, that these lessons need to be recursively brutalized all the way down to the bone. That almost seems to suggest that what we're experiencing isn't for 'us' but rather it's something like an industrial process that some piece of consciousness on a larger being is getting put through and by the nature of that it's simply not escapable other than by death.

    While some people bring up soul traps in the context of ideas like Pleroma vs. Kenoma, I can't buy the idea that we're lorded over by Archons or these demiurgic super-beings or if they do exist I really doubt their overall importance in the bigger picture. The bigger picture seems to me that the universe is following it's fundamental laws and the best and worst that we experience is coded for in those laws including the local supremacy of power, first defector advantage, and all of the things that Slate Star Codex described in 'Meditations on Moloch' that make stable civilization almost impossible long term. What I mean by that last part – so much of what we hate about this reality are features rather than bugs, it really stands to reason that whatever created this didn't make a mistake (it doesn't really map on to an aeon named Sophia biting off more than she could chew, the consequences of entropy are too obvious and it's hard to believe that Karl Friston is smarter than she is no matter how many sets of shoulders he's standing on).

  8. Please interview Dr. Jeff O’Driscoll (Physician | Author | Artist | Speaker) Spiritual Mentor
    His story with Jeff Olsen is what solidified Dr Raymond Moody’s belief in the afterlife (after 50 years of academic research!!)
    You won’t be disappointed.

  9. Oh Ms Danica…please don't be misled by this satanic mumbo jumbo. People can't communicate with dead people. If you want to know the truth…the only truth that can set you free…read the Bible.

  10. Autodidactic – "Electric Realm" (Live!) – youtube! Duck duck go – The Sun/Moon/Stars are Plasma/?/ & Infinite plane/stationary/flat earth/crater moon plasma world map/?/ & They're using plasma/laser lightning/frequency weapons trying to break through the dome/firmament/?/ & President Trump announces plans to build a "Dome"/Shield over the U.S. to protect from nuclear attacks/2023/?/

  11. Good grief Danica, if you really want to know the truth then look up all of the prophecies that were given to us by the old Testament prophets in regards to what was going to happen to the Jews. Read what God told Moses about their "future" "BEFORE" they ever entered into the Holy Land. Then get a encyclopedia and look up what happened to the Jews from 70 AD till 1948. The regathering of the Jews was foretold to us "BEFORE" they ever left in 70 AD. Read Ezekiel 37-38-39. If you really want to know the truth you can find it, I just gave you the blue print. Not only has this woman deceived you, but you are spreading her deception all over the world.

  12. It is hard to be human. It is interesting how many different people you have on this podcast. There are many different philosophies that are in search for answers, but the I believe an individual makes there own philosophy through there experience.


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