The Start Of Our NEW SERIES! Playing on the largest map with 190 Planets Join us as the Rebel Alliance struggle to claim victory!

Welcome to Empire at War Awakening of the Rebellion a mod for the Classic RTS game Empire at War. 2.11.2 THE NEW UPDATE

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15 thoughts on “ALLIANCE UNDER SIEGE on Expert Difficulty! ( EMPIRE AT WAR AOTR ) EP 1”

  1. I see that you don't have the "Independencies" sub-mod loaded. šŸ™ – changes 3 planet starting alignments (I'm actually trying a CSA run, don't know if I'm a strong enough player but I'm keeping it on "hard", just can't bring myself to do "normal" aka 'easy' )

  2. Campaign logs of Admiral Enigma. Awaiting assignment.

    It all begins with a choice

    I fought for the Republic, I cheered, like most when Palpatine declared his new order. It seemed like a bright new future was in store for the galaxy…I was the leader of an anti-piracy task force, sent to the outer rim to fight the Black Sun and other such criminals, I suppose that's what cept me around in their ranks for so long. Rumors abounded of exactly what was going on out there for a number of years but it was made frighteningly obvious when security briefs started using the term… "Strategic Extinction" in relation to uncooperative alien species. It wasn't lost on me that in spite of the fact that the Republic had come to so many planets as liberators during the clone wars we were now lording over the place like Victorious Hutts of old even if it was from palaces of Cold Steel rather than red brick. It started small, I misplaced file here, and ship out of formation there. But there was little harm I could actually do and little hope I had.

    In the meantime the fires of rebellion had spread from isolated cells of insurgents and terrorists to open military action and the high profile defection of Mon Mothma from the Imperial Senate to join the Rebellion. No longer could it simply be dismissed as a scattering of malcontents, Confederate holdouts and Pirates, but an organized force, growing by the day and almost 19 years since the formal surrender of the Separatist Alliance I found myself thanking my lucky stars that my career hadn't gone anywhere important because cream of the Imperial Navy was blown to smithereens along with their shiny new weapon.
    Who had masterminded this incredible Rebel Victory? This astonishingly unprecedented defeat for the empire. Who had done with 30 snub Fighters a fleet of Star Destroyers would have failed to accomplish? My old commanding officer, Jan Dodonna. You know, I'd always thought he'd like to have seen Tarkin blown up after what happened in the clone wars but never in a million years did I think he'd actually do it. Not long after, I got an encrypted call from him. My malicious compliance to the Empire had been noted, now with the opening he and someone named Skywalker had given, The rebellion and I had a chance to really hurts those bastards for real. An admiral, Starry I believe his name was, had already begin to strike at the Empire, I had heard of a close call at Ord Ibanna. Too keep this going he told me, their was a great need of experienced officers of my caliber.

    It all begins with a choice. And I have made one. I'm taking my personal shuttle to the rendezvous coordinates not to meet with Admiral Starry and hopefully get a command. How do I feel abandoning my duty, my old life to run off with this ragtag bunch? I must admit, I haven't felt his happy in a long time. I fought for the Republic, it's time we get her back.

    For the Republic LOG END

  3. Data Log 1# This is Lieutenant Major Dovakin of the rebel alliance, while I wasn't there at the battle of Yavin myself. I had seen what had happened when high command retreated to hoth. I'm was devastated to see the losses to take out the death star, but i cannot let that take me down in my responsibility to help the alliance take down the empire. I have to head out Adrimal Starry Is calling a meeting with high command for the coming future

  4. Iā€™d say as the rebels on the new map you need to be really aggressive because you donā€™t have that many planets and the enemy AI tends to pump out crazy amounts of units

  5. Personal log entry one – Captain Zachary of the alliance to restore the Republic.
    We finally done it. We've destroyed the death star over yavin the road to victories. Only just beginning rebel Lions myself included. Have a long road to March before we are able to restore a Republic. This evil empire, the corrupt pirates in the sinister hapein consortium stand in our way to restore Republic.
    At this time I'm currently assigned to be a diplomatic aid and military strategist to Mon mothma and rebel high command I have high hopes for our commanding leadership that they'll be able to secure victory for us in this war one day. Hopefully I'll be able to even help lead the liberation of my home world the planet Forosest. But that is currently a distant dream. We need to secure ourselves in the outer room before we can even move into the outer core.
    But at this time long live the rebellion. May we get to our goal over storing the republic.
    End of data log 1 Captain Zachary.

  6. I play expert difficulty too and all I can say is make sure your fleet is not to balanced to take on one certain fleet. If you take out a fleet completely with your fleet the AI will keep throwing different combinations of ships at you. The strike cruiser for the empire has to be the most dangerous unit in the game paired with an ISD. So good luck soldier

  7. Ok after watching I have some tips for you. When fighting in space you need to personally control your starfighters so they donā€™t die. One thing about expert AI is that it loves to target ships youā€™re not paying attention too which in most cases is your starfighters. Donā€™t hyperspace close near a target unless you have some good distance. Even if you know you can win the AI plays very smart and will pick your units apart piece by piece. When In fleet formation donā€™t have your capital ship lead. In my case there are only 3 rebellion capital ships that can hold a front line against ISD and victories. The MC independence, Liberty, and Freedom are great frontline capital ships all of the other ones are support and should have ships helping them fight larger targets. Donā€™t keep all your heroes in the same fleet. Since youā€™re playing on expert the black sun and empire are going to snipe your heroes especially if they know where they are so keep them moving. Lando is better as an economic leader rather than a leader in space you should probably keep him on bespin. Think more about places you break because it might leave an opening spot for important planets for example you probably should have kept the planet above Bespin neutral because now you can get hit from 3 different positions in that sector since the black sun now have access to bespin. Playing impatient will get most of your units killed so take the time to pause the game during battles. When smuggling place the unit over the planet first you get more money. Iā€™m telling you right now if you donā€™t bunker down more near Hoth or take Sullust you will lose that sector once the black sun and Empire attack. Never keep corvettes in one spot they actually kill more fighters while moving. Maurders are great units especially in pairs they can take out shields quick. I wouldnā€™t use Leia in space either since she is in a corvette she can easily die. Han should be used as a ground leader as well since heā€™s not really good at taking anything out unless itā€™s by itself. MC Justice is your best friend but donā€™t keep it in front or it will die especially if the empire has Tectors. U wings are good but I prefer the bulk freighters either fighters and quasars for healing fighters. I like the neb b assault frigate but I would pair it up with general Snubs dauntless since that ship can jam. Also you would rather want to lose bulk freighters than corvettes since you have to mass produce corvettes for them to be effective in battle. Play how you play obviously but these are definitely the tips I have for you cuz the AI is just building units to strike you out for good. Also on the ground donā€™t put your infantry first they will die quick use a tank as a sponge and then send in your infantry. Try not to get all your tech too soon because you will just be wasting money if you canā€™t defend the location itā€™s in. Lastly get Mon mothma to Mon Cala asap. Break the wheel and connect your forces through Kashyyk donā€™t go the other way and try and hit Yaga minor because the imperial fleet will just be go that direction since itā€™s technically close to the core. Commodore will be a focus point for the empire and Lantilles in the center near Kashyyk. You donā€™t have to worry about the Hapes until week 60ā€™s. Make sure you always have a fleet near Commodore.


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