Alliance of Strength: UK and Norway Unite for Ukraine's Defense – Ukraine war map 12/Dec/2023

Alliance of Strength: UK and Norway Unite for Ukraine’s Defense – Ukraine war map

The situation on the Ukrainian front remains challenging. Despite adverse weather conditions, the Russians are escalating attacks and resuming drone and missile strikes. Explosions were reported in Odessa, and Russian drones were spotted in other regions. The details of these incidents will be available soon. On the Kherson front, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are actively countering Russian forces, preventing significant expansion. The question of a substantial foothold expansion remains uncertain. In various directions, including Zaporizhzhia, Vuhledar, and Avdiivka, the Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully repel Russian attacks, demonstrating resilience. The Avdiivka direction witnesses intense activity, with counterattacks and a significant expansion of the corridor to Avdiivka. In the Bakhmut direction, the front line experiences substantial Russian attacks on multiple positions, but Ukrainian forces successfully repel over 10 attacks, maintaining the line. In the Siversk direction, Russians attempt to storm Spirne and Vesele, but without success. The front line remains unchanged, with ongoing shelling. The infographic shows the countries supplying ammunition to Ukraine, with the United States leading. In the Kreminna and Svatove directions, there are no new attacks, maintaining stability. In the Kupiansk direction, Russians try to advance, but all attacks fail. Frequent repositioning suggests potential personnel issues. The UK and Norway are forming a coalition to provide Ukraine with over 100 million pounds in military assistance for various purposes.

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28 thoughts on “Alliance of Strength: UK and Norway Unite for Ukraine's Defense – Ukraine war map 12/Dec/2023”

  1. USA have a very dysfunctional political system. the problems arising internally should not be affecting Ukraine and if it carries on USA will not be trusted by any country in the world and will lose its might as it does rely on many countries for support in many ways, already its reneging on promises of war machinery. It's a shame as Ukraine has never asked anyone to help with soldiers on the ground as Russia does, and yet Ukraine hasn't got missiles capable of hitting Russia internally but how smart has Ukraine been with using and expanding the uses of drones, once again another war where only the war machinery and weapons along with ammunitions makers are getting wealthier. Slava Ukraine & God Bless🙏

  2. Young lady it matters not if Russia doesn't continue advancing. The reality is Russia has stopped Ukraine in its tracks. The Ukrainian counter offensive was a failure and western support is finished. Ukraine is lost and falling hard. Russia has outlast Ukraine and the 30 plus nations support.
    You may want to change sides my friend.

  3. Is this the feeling in Ukraine, that UK and Norway step up their aid? Why dont you look on the figures the AFU publish? In total the EU deliverd most aid the last 3 month followed by Germany and the USA. Per capita the Baltic states are still ahead and Sweden also inceased a lot. Britain and Norway were stronger in 2022.

  4. I want to sit down with that smug, glib American conservative and go over Russia's antics in Avdiivka over the past two months, the human wave attacks, the running out of body bags, etc…

    I want to show him what was done to the civilians in Bucha in 2022 and what's now being done daily to the civilians in Kherson. I want to show him the aftermath of the Mariupol Theater bombing.

    Then I want to ask him if there's anything in Ukraine he still might think is "worth fighting over".

    Smug prick.

  5. Remind me, which country was it that shut down its government for months, because they couldn’t agre a budget? Was that Ukraine, or the US? Honestly, these bloody Republicans need to figure out whether they want to live under poo tin’s rule, or remain free. If the former, this might be a good time to up sticks and move. You get an awful lot of roubles for your dollar, right now and real estate is almost free! The rest of us have a world to try and save!

  6. Thanks, Mariia. Do you have any information about the russian cyber attack on the mobile phone network? Poo tin’s people doing their usual thing, when they can’t perform well against people who can fight back. They attack the civilian population instead. It’s not likely to be a simple task, returning the favour, given russia’s reliance on paper records, rather than electronic media.
    But hopefully some of the extra volatile cigarettes will find their way into the right filing rooms, especially with the holiday season almost upon us.

  7. Hi Mariia today your Ukraine 🇺🇦 president got some 200 billion or more common soon to Ukraine. I want you to know and it would’ve been a lot faster if president Biden closed the doors at the border that is what the Republicans want and I had talked with my father about this and I was so mad what he told me, I told him you telling me you are willing to risk Ukraine’s life with Russia and that blue and I left because I am on your side. Yes I am American. 🇺🇸 I don’t like when someone willing to risk Ukraine 🇺🇦 people who knows what Russia will do to you do you people in your country a lot of things Putin told threaten you people guts me mad because I don’t want to see any more people get hurt and Ukraine 🇺🇦 you people do not deserve to have someone threat you or use your country to get President Biden to do one thing it will take only two seconds close the borders doors that’s all he had to do close the border south along Mexico border. We have so many terrace killers condemning kids and kidnap girls traffic make them to be slaves somewhere outside of American 🇺🇸 I just want to let you know the real story is going on and I hope you have a good day your friend. I’ll be thinking about you. Stay safe you’re doing for a good job. I enjoy you. I want to see you happy go home to be free live for freedom all Ukraine people and I hope you have not lost any of your family in this war. I don’t know I like to know because I do care about you people

  8. i dont see why losing marinka is such a big deal…the city might just be the most destroyed city in ukraine. i saw drone footage in may and it already looked far worse than bakhmut!!! you cant really engage in urban warfare when most buildings are destroyed.

  9. Russia does not need to lose anything for a fair outcome. All Russia needs to do is get out of Ukraine's internationally recognised territory. Territory that both the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation have also recognised on numerous occasions. Then negotiations can commence.

    Russia was "fresh as a daisy" on the 24 February 2022, with fresh troops and all their hardware up-to-date, at least to Russian standards. All ready and prepared on the Belarusian and Russian borders of Ukraine. Russia had overwhelmingly superior air-force capacity and the Black Sea Fleet, all prim and proper.

    Russia had acquired most of Ukraine's military hardware, including all of Ukraine's Tu-95 heavy bombers, during the military emasculation, referred to below. Russia had sunk or commandeered Ukraine's navy assets and had also sailed 6 other ships from the Baltic Sea into the Black Sea, including 2 Ropucha-class landing ships, one of which was the 'Olenegorsky Gornyak', prior to their 2nd and full-scale invasion on the 24 February 2022.

    Despite the Ukrainians having had to defend themselves against the Russians for the preceeding eight years, the Russians still withdrew, retreated and were routed from Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv and lastly, Kherson in November 20022, following the February 2022 invasion.

    Kherson, about which Putin and the rest of the Russian political, military and media establishment had a grand celebration saying, "Russia in Kherson forever". A few weeks later Russian troops had abandoned the city of Kherson and retreated to the left bank of the Dnieper River, where the Ukrainians are now pursuing them.

    The Russian Black Sea Fleet, what has not been disabled or destroyed, has had to retreat from Sevastopol to the Russian port of Novorossiysk, East of Kerch Strait.

    Russia had militarily emasculated Ukraine between Independence 1991, the Budapest Memorandum 1994 and the Russian – Ukraine "friendship" treaty 1997. Consequently, Russia believed that Ukraine would easily be taken within a month. What a surprise to the Russians and the rest of the Free World when Ukraine fought courageously, determinedly and with excellent tactics, to rout the Russians with old Soviet era tanks and hardware, the few planes and helicopters that the Russians apparently did not want, shoulder mounted anti-aircraft weapons and the civilians with Molotov-cocktails.

    "Oryx, the source for military equipment losses, stopped reporting data on October 1, 2023."
    10 Oct 2023
    "This list only includes {confirmed} destroyed {hardware}, vehicles and equipment of which photo or videographic evidence is available. Therefore, the amount of equipment destroyed is significantly higher than recorded here."
    Source: "ORYX hardware losses in Ukraine" websites, where an extensive list of Ukrainian and Russian hardware and equipment losses, up to the 1st October 2023, of which the following are just a couple of headings, is offered. And no !! I have not got them mixed up. Ukraine's confirmed Total Hardware losses number 4,804 while those of Russia number 13,370.

    Ukraine – Total Hardware (1) and Tank (2) losses 24 Feb 2022 to 1 Oct 2023
    1) Total – 4804, of which: destroyed: 3287, damaged: 377, abandoned: 187, captured: 953
    2) Tanks – 697, of which destroyed: 468, damaged: 57, abandoned: 39, captured: 133

    Russia – Total Hardware (1) and Tank (2) losses 24 Feb 2022 to 1 Oct 2023
    1) Total – 13370, of which: destroyed: 9299, damaged: 601, abandoned: 564, captured: 2906
    2) Tanks – 2526, of which destroyed: 1654, damaged: 141, abandoned: 183, captured: 548

    Russian Naval Ships and Submarines ( –19– now 22, of which destroyed: 12, damaged: 7)
    1 Project 1164 Slava-class guided missile cruiser: (1, Moskva, sunk)
    1 Project 22800 Karakurt-class corvette: (1, B-802 'Askold', destroyed)
    1 Project 636.3 Improved Kilo-class submarine: (1, B-237 'Rostov-na-Donu', damaged beyond economical repair)
    5 Project 03160 Raptor-class patrol boat: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (1, damaged) (2, damaged)
    1 Project 02510 BK-16E high-speed assault boat: (1, destroyed)
    1 Project 640 small patrol boat: (1, destroyed)
    1 Project 1171 Tapir-class landing ship: (1, BDK-65 'Saratov', destroyed)
    3 Project 775 Ropucha-class landing ship: (1, 'Minsk', damaged beyond economical repair) (1, damaged) (2, 'Olenegorsky Gornyak', damaged)
    2 Project 11770 Serna-class landing craft: (1, destroyed) (1, damaged)
    1 Project 1176 Ondatra-class landing craft: (1, damaged)
    1 Project 22870 rescue tug: (1, SB-739 V'asily Bekh', destroyed)
    1 Project 266M Natya-class minesweeper: (1, damaged)

    What would make Russia believe that they can do any better when Ukraine is supplied with superior hardware in greater numbers. We should not let the current political situation in the US become a distraction that causes us to "take our eyes off the ball". And also remember that the Ukrainians care about and conserve their troops. The Russians don't even want theirs returned, either dead or alive.

  10. России не нужно ничего терять для справедливого результата. Все, что нужно сделать России, это выйти из международной территории Украины. Территория, которую Советский Союз и Российская Федерация также неоднократно признавали. Затем могут начать переговоры.

    24 февраля 2022 года Россия была «свежей как ромашка» со свежими войсками и всем их оборудованием, по крайней мере, по российским стандартам. Все готовы и подготовлены на белорусских и русских границах Украины. Россия в подавляющем большинстве имела высокую способность воздуха и черный морской флот, все этому и правильным.

    Россия приобрела большую часть военного оборудования Украины, в том числе всех тяжелых бомбардировщиков Украины Ту-95 во время военных источников, упомянутых ниже. Россия затонула или командовал военно-морским флотом Украины, а также плыла 6 других кораблей из Балтийского моря в Черное море, в том числе 2 посадочных корабля класса Ропуча, одним из которых был «Ольенегорский Горьяк», до их второго и полномасштабного Вторжение 24 февраля 2022 года.

    Несмотря на то, что украинцам пришлось защищать себя от русских в течение восьми лет, россияне все еще отказались, отступили и были направлены из Кива, Чернихива, Суми, Харкива и, наконец, Херсона в ноябре после вторжения в февраль 2022 года.

    Херсон, о котором Путин и остальная часть российского политического, военного и среднего учреждения провели грандиозный праздник: «Россия в Херсоне навсегда». Несколько недель спустя они покинули город Херсон и отступили на левый берег реки Днипер, где сейчас преследуют украинцы.

    Российский черный морской флот, который не был инвалид или уничтожен, должен был отступить от севастополя в российский порт Новороссиски, к востоку от пролива Керч.

    Россия имела в военном отношении выходы Украины между Независимостью 1991 года, Меморандумом о Будапеште 1994 года и Российским – Украином «Дружба» 1997 года. Следовательно, Россия полагала, что Украина будет легко принята в течение месяца. Какой сюрприз для русских и остального мира свободного мира, когда Украина сражалась смело, решительно и с превосходной тактикой, чтобы развернуть русских со старой советской эпохи и оборудованием, немногие самолеты и вертолеты, которые русские, по -видимому, не хотели, плеч Молотов-коктейли с молотовыми-коктейлями.

    «Орикс, источник потерь военной техники, прекратил сообщать данные 1 октября 2023 года».
    10 октября 2023 года
    «Этот список включает в себя только {подтвержденные} разрушенные транспортные средства и оборудование, из которых доступны фото или видеографические данные. Следовательно, количество разрушенного оборудования значительно выше, чем зарегистрировано здесь».
    Источник: веб -сайты Oryx Hardware Losts в Украине », где предлагается обширный список украинских и российских потерь оборудования и оборудования, из которых следующие приведены только пару заголовков. И нет !! Я не заставил их смешать. Украина подтверждено общее количество потерь оборудования № 4804, в то время как россия № 13 370.

    Украина – общее оборудование (1) и бак (2) Потери 24 февраля 2022 года по 1 октября 2023 г.
    1) Всего – 4804, из которых: уничтожен: 3287, поврежден: 377, заброшен: 187, захвачен: 953
    2) Танки – 697, из которых уничтожен: 468, поврежденные: 57, заброшенные: 39, захвачен: 133

    Россия – общее оборудование (1) и бак (2) Потери 24 февраля 2022 года по 1 октября 2023 г.
    1) Всего – 13370, из которых: уничтожен: 9299, поврежден: 601, заброшен: 564, захвачен: 2906
    2) Танки – 2526, из которых уничтожен: 1654, поврежден: 141, заброшен: 183, захвачен: 548

    Российские военно-морские корабли и подводные лодки (-19– 22, из которых уничтожены: 12, поврежденные: 7)
    1 Проект 1164 Слава-класс
    1 Project 22800 Carakurt-Class Corvette: (1, B-802 'ashold', уничтожен)
    1 Проект 636.3 Улучшенная подводная лодка класса кило-класса: (1, B-237 'Rostov-Na-Donu', поврежденная за пределами экономического восстановления)
    5 Проект 03160 Патрульный лодка класса Raptor: (1, уничтожен) (2, уничтожен) (3, уничтожен) (1, поврежден) (2, поврежден)
    1 Проект 02510 BK-16E Высокоскоростная штурмовая лодка: (1, уничтожен)
    1 Проект 640 Небольшой патрульный лод: (1, уничтожен)
    1 Проект 1171 Посадочный корабль класса тапир: (1, BDK-65 'Saratov', уничтожен)
    3 Проект 775 Посадочный корабль класса Ропуча: (1, «Минск», поврежден за пределами экономического ремонта) (1, поврежден) (2, «Ольенегорский Горньяк», поврежден)
    2 Проект 11770 Серна-посадочный корабль: (1, уничтожен) (1, поврежден)
    1 Проект 1176 Посадочный корабль Класса Ондатры: (1, поврежден)
    1 Проект 22870 Rescue Tug: (1, SB-739 V'Asily Bekh, уничтожен)
    1 Проект 266M Natya Class Minesweeper: (1, поврежден)

    Что заставит Россию поверить, что они могут сделать лучше, когда Украине снабжается превосходным оборудованием в большем количестве. Мы не должны позволять нынешней политической ситуации в США стать отвлечением, которое заставляет нас «отвлечься от мяча». А также помните, что украинцы заботятся и сохраняют свои войска. Русские даже не хотят, чтобы их возвращались.

  11. Ukrainian armed forces until they have guarantees of new shipments of weapons should choose there battles more wisely for they can not afford to lose men and equipment as tge Russians can and if they are going to defend every insignificant little settlement as if it was another Bakmute then their situation only deteriorate further

  12. Tradução para o inglês:

    Ukraine mother land,

    Lord our heavenly father,

    Bless us.

    Bless us.

    I'm going to destroy the enemies.

    I'm going to destroy the enemies.

    Let my hand be strong to destroy enemies.

    Let my hand be strong to destroy enemies.

    May my eye be clear to destroy enemies.

    May my weapons be capable of destroying enemies.

    Let my will be steel to destroy enemies.

    Ukraine mother land,

    Lord our heavenly father,

    Bless us, our decisive offensive, our sacred vengeance, our secred victory!

    Tradução para o português:

    Ucrânia terra mãe,

    Senhor, nosso pai celestial,



    Eu vou destruir os inimigos.

    Eu vou destruir os inimigos.

    Que minha mão seja forte para destruir os inimigos.

    Que minha mão seja forte para destruir os inimigos.

    Que meu olho esteja claro para destruir os inimigos.

    Que minhas armas sejam capazes de destruir os inimigos.

    Que minha vontade seja de aço para destruir os inimigos.

    Ucrânia terra mãe,

    Senhor, nosso pai celestial,

    Abençoe-nos, nossa ofensiva decisiva, nossa vingança sagrada, nossa vitória secreta!


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