Alleged Teen Car Thieves Fatally Hit Retired Police Chief

Alleged teen car thieves fatally struck a retired California police chief. Their crime spree began when they stole a car in Nevada. Police say they then rear-ended another motorist, which is when the alleged car thieves spotted Andreas Probst. At first, investigators thought it was a hit-and-run. Then the car thieves posted a video on social media, which seemed to make clear that Probst was allegedly struck deliberately. Inside Edition’s Ann Mercogliano has more.


21 thoughts on “Alleged Teen Car Thieves Fatally Hit Retired Police Chief”

  1. I believe that hard labor – life in prison for killers and rapists will deter crime. A clear message has to be sent. The word will get out that you will WORK HARD in prison. No television, no social media accounts… nothing but horrible food and work… no education in there. No comforts that law abiding citizens get. I don't even think murderers and rapists should be allowed visits and phone calls. Demons should be treated as such. Prison has to get tougher in the U.S.. Sorry.

  2. Can I ask you what exactly is alleged? There is no doubt or question on who did this? We know, for fact that those boys were guilty of this. Because they filmed it laughed about it. It was premeditated and I hope they get the chair.

  3. While I hope they get life and/or the death penalty, I hope Everyone that like, commented or share the video without reporting it to authorities is also held accountable. People that supporting this need to know that this is no different to aiding and abetting criminals.

  4. The hell is wrong with those monsters. I can’t believe they just disrespected social media, and every innocent person that were attacked in the streets including a retired cop.


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