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Robin ►

Robin | Only nine: 00:00:00
Robin | Click to be held: 00:19:49
Robin | oh no: 00:32:51
Robin | good to know: 00:46:05
Robin | he wasnt born: 01:01:24



  1. There is a reason space is just a big vacuum, if there were stuff in space like Air we would get killed as it would be pulled into earths atmosphere and would kill us all because of the heat and pressure.

  2. 35:29 They have two ribcages, two hearts, two stomachs, four lungs, two livers, double of pretty much every organ, an extra long digestive track, and their genitalia are on the horse part. Can we stfu about the centaur stuff?

  3. 34:04 I just recently worked as a delivery driver for a pizza place. My very last day we had a terrible storm, tornado watch and all. People that had ordered for pickup called and said that they wanted to change their order to a delivery because IT WASN'T SAFE TO DRIVE. Like okay, thanks. I'm putting my actual life on the line for your pizza because yours is worth more than mine. None of them even left a tip, though I don't think we let many people change.

  4. I've had bad pizza, pizza so bad I refused to ever eat it again.

    When I was in elementary school every Thursday was pizza day, the pizza the school served us the crust was like cardboard and the cheese was like Elmer's glue, it was horrible, why the other kids liked it I'll never know, but I hated it, so did my sister, so Thursdays we'd always have mom to pack us a lunch for school.

    Fortunately in middle school the pizza was far better, I did like it, I'm not sure why they served different pizza between the two school levels, it was the same city, same public school system, but the food was completely different.

  5. 13:50 No.

    Cut heir does not give DNA evidence. You need hair follicles for that. Unless she's ripping the hair out of her head to donate it.

    Which would be the depth of commitment I'd not expect to see from a 12 yr old girl.

  6. 0:34 wait wait ima do this even tho im not even close to 25 yet
    -yes ive had 2
    -no is that normal or smth
    -i only got to chapter 3 but like i had this big idea for the plot but got lazy and deleted it
    -used to when i believed in cringe culture but not anymore


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