All Natural Healing, Aura, Energy’s and Chakras @ReikiHealingCo

All Natural Healing, Auras, Energys and Chakras

There are many different ways you can to strengthen your body’s natural magnetic force and energy flow within yourself.

⚡️Practice meditation or yoga on a daily basis, which may help you become more aware of your body and it’s energy.

⚡️Ground yourself, simply by spending time in nature, walking barefoot on grass, sand or soil, for 30 minutes on a regular basis.

⚡️Using crystals or other natural remedies to help balance your energy.

⚡️Regular exercise, drinking plenty of water, a healthy diet, and getting the right amount of sleep are ways you can improve your overall health and wellbeing.

The aura is the force of energy found outside our physical body. It is unique to each person and comes in different colours, shapes, and sizes. Some people may have vibrant well-define colours while others have a fuzzy and dull aura. The size of the aura can change depending on the person’s mood, emotions, or current life experiences.

The arua has seven main chakras in the physical body, which are energy centres, or portholes in the field. These chakras help to regulate to flow of the energy within in our body and maintain a balance between our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual selves.

Try some of these all natural healing modalities to improve the energy flow and balance in your mind, body, soul, and spirit, for holistic health, and wellbeing.


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