All Fallout New Vegas companions ranked from worst to best (no DLC) #shorts

All Fallout New Vegas companions ranked from worst to best.
This is my ranking of all the base game companions from Fallout New Vegas, feel free to agree or disagree. #shorts #fallout4 #falloutnewvegas #fallout76 #fallout3 #fallout


47 thoughts on “All Fallout New Vegas companions ranked from worst to best (no DLC) #shorts”

  1. Arcade: "You aฬถcฬถtฬถiฬถvฬถaฬถtฬถeฬถdฬถ ฬถAฬถrฬถcฬถhฬถiฬถmฬถeฬถdฬถeฬถsฬถ put me at the bottom of the list? What the hell are you thinking?"
    OP: "Oh, uh…. Whoops! I thought that the list was in reverse order."

  2. Wow you really have weird taste? Arcane behind lily and cass? You for real? And boone behind rex and raul?

    Way i see it, Ed-e is always first of course, them veronica takes second cuz shes a beast especially with power armor, boone is next because having that sniper watch your six especially when legion hunting is just superb. Arcane is next because his story is amazing and the usefulness of companipns after him arent that amazing or useful. But since they must be ranked after arcane is cass cuz you dont get addicted to stuff. Rex i guess is next, raul, than lily. Because lets be honest, any one of them is better than lily, and rex is just meh…

  3. Unless you like the legion, Boone should always be 2nd on a list like this. Arcade has great offense and perks, top 4 for sure. Cass is funny but no help in combat I put her last

  4. If we're ranking them by the combination of their combat skills/utility/their overall character my list is as follows: (explaination below)
    8. Lily

    First, Lily. She's just awful honestly. She's a huge target, both very easy to hit accidentally(especially with explosives) and very prone to taking damage from NPCs. Her perk, I honestly don't even remember what it does, so it could be decent, if you remind me it's function I may move her up the ranks. Other than that she's just an annoying loud character, and she's a melee character which is useless, when there is literally Veronica.

    Then Rex. Although he's the dogmeat of this game and pretty iconic for it, when it comes to gameplay he's pretty useless. I like his quest, but in combat he can't really offer that much and his perk is useless for the most part.

    As much as I love Ed-E's vibes, he's offset by the fact he's, like Rex, pretty useless in combat. His laser in his mark1 form is weak and after the upgrade doesn't get that much better, the armor upgrade is nice to have though. His usefullness is mostly as a pack mule and as utility, because although his perk is pretty bad, you can use him as a portable workbench and ammo workbench, which is extremely useful for any kind of guns build.

    Cass, I cannot really say anything bad about her, other than she's a pretty restrictive character if you have bad carma (and seeing as I always steal everything that is not bolted down, I usually do). Other than that she's cool, her quest is awesome and non linear, her perk is useful, no matter what anyone says, it's pretty good as a little bonus. In combat she's nothing special but she's not bad. She is the kind of companion you kit out yourself for the most part tho. Give her a good gun and some light armor and she becomes very strong and her character is pretty amusing. I also believe she is a love interest for straight male couriers but I'm gonna have to check that. I do know that the developers planned a potential wedding quest for her and the Courier but desided against it so there's that.

    Boone is cool, I don't know what else to say, he's a cool character if you're into cold broken loners (fun fact his Charisma stat is 1). His quest is amazing and very emotional but pretty annoying to actually get so unless you're constantly with him, without reading the wiki it's very easy to miss his quest entirely. Combat wise he is one of the best, literally can carry you if you're on a big open terrain, pops the heads of fiends and legionaries like water mellons. The only bad things I have to say about him is his perk is awful and I found it so disruptive that I had to download a mod to change it and he's unavailable if you ever want to do a Legion playthough. ALSO don't take him on the "kill the fiends leaders" quest which I forgot the name of, that you get at Mccarran, because he is hard-coded to always headshot NPCs, and therefore you'll get a significantly lesser reward for the quest.

    Raul is awesome, pretty much everyone further on is. He's one of the better characters in terms of his personality, his quest and the way you meet him is very good. His perk is literally the best one in the game, and that's the maij reason that pushes him this far. It's useful on literally any kind of build unless you are playing a naked character without any weapons. He's available on any playthrough which makes him one of the few good companions available on an evil legion playthough. The only limiting factor about him is that unless you absolutely kit him out, he dies very easily which is extremely bad on survival, so make sure that with him especially, you have some good armor and weapons specifically for him, he's the most kit dependable companion.

    Now the last two are pretty much a draw for me but Veronica is a little bit below Arcade for a couple very minor reasons.
    First of all Veronica is probably the best companion in terms of combat, she absolutely shreds everything she comes across in melee and considering she's one of only 2 chatacters in the game you can kit out with power armor, you absolutely should as soon as you can, because she then becomes a terrifying tank, literally Doomguying through NPCs. Seriously I'm pretty sure you can let her loose in a suit of power armor against a pack of Deathclaws and she would probably come out victorious. Other than that she's one of the funniest and cutest characters in the entire game and is a potential love interest for a lesbian courier, although I haven't veryfied it, but by all intents and purposes she should be. Her quest is very good and she actually sees some meaningfull character development, although that's true for pretty much everyone of the companions. The only bad things about her is her perk, which is literally useless if you have ED-E with you, like I'm not trying to be mean, but it quite literally is, it does the same thing and also there are situations where you don't want a melee companion, and when it comes to any type of ranged combat she is very bad.

    And now finally Arcade. I honestly can't find a single bad thing to say about him. In terms of character he's basically male Veronica. He is the second character equipable with power armor in the game, he for once has a very good perk that is actually super useful, he is both decent in melee and ranged (he has a ripper and a plasma defender by default how cool is that). His quest is actually very important for the lore of the series and the battle of Houver Dam (I won't spoil it, but just know he's more that just a doctor from Freeside). In combat he is pretty squishy unless you find power armor for him. In that case just like Veronica he's pretty much a tank. He's not annoying like Lily, he's not useless like Rex, he's not mega squishy like Raul, the only limiting factor about him is that like Boone, you can't use him on a Legion playthough, which is literally the only thing remotely bad about him. And he is also a love interest if your Courier is gay.

    My advice is always have ED-E with you, because him or Rex you can always have alongside one other companion and IMO ED-E is better than Rex. As for other companions, honestly try them all, complete their quests, experience it and then pick your favourite. For me the endgame is usually Arcade + ED-E or Raul + ED-E. I do take Verinica sometimes when I feel like it.

    ALSO make sure you have Arcade on your side when you're about to start the last quest for your respective faction, because it's the only time his quest triggers and you really wanna finish that one, it's frickin awesome.


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