All Bosses EXPLAINED in Metroid Prime

Samus battles tons of monsters across the Metroid franchise – and the bosses of Metroid Prime are some of the coolest! Here’s everything there is to know about each and every one of them!

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#nintendo #metroid #nintendoswitch #nintendodirect #metroidvania #metroidprimetrilogy #switch

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P.S. I’m very grateful for you. Thank you for watching, and I’ll see you next time.

00:00 – Tallon IV Bosses!
05:47 – Chozo Bosses!
08:19 – Space Pirate Bosses!
14:18 – (Meta) Ridley.
16:45 – The Metroid Prime


30 thoughts on “All Bosses EXPLAINED in Metroid Prime”

  1. So, to my understanding, the American release was the first one since it was made in Austin. It had its own lore about the Metroid Prime getting into the Leviathan. In the international release, they retconned that and said it was already in the Leviathan when it landed

  2. I would like to think my suggestion is responsible for this video, even though it probably isn't. If you are going to start doing Metroid theories, do you have a Discord server? That's something I'd participate in.

  3. You made a mistake regarding Mertoid Primes origin. In one of the last rooms on Phaaze, where you find the juvenile leviathan, there are corpeses of other Metroid Primes scattered across the room. Which implies that the Prime of Talon IV was trapped inside a leviathan even before it left Phaaze.

    But how does a Metroid end up on Phaaze in the first place, you ask? The answer lies on Elysia. When the Elysia-Chozo discovered Phaaze, they sent a reseach satelite to it to survey the anomaly. That much can be read from the database entries in Prime 3.
    But my headcanon is that the Elysia-Chozo lented a bunch of Metroids from the SR-388-Chozo, because they are remakably resilient and would make a great remote survey squad. To maximize their survivability, the Chozo epuipted them with beam weapons and put them into the satelite. Then they were influenced by phazon, grossly mutated and one got trapped in a leviathan.
    That would also explain why the Talon IV Prime had chozo weapons at its disposal

  4. 7:06 In Prime lore, the Chozo who live of Tallon IV specifically had put away their advanced technologies in order to bring themselves into better understanding of the natural and spiritual. Them locking away power-ups could just be a way for different subgroups of this clan storing away their former technology. Or, it could even be that some of the upgrades are not actual power-ups, but rather Samus' suit being able to absorb and retrofit certain Chozo technologies, although that has no lore basis and is merely a cool concept.

  5. Excellent video!! Glad to see more metroid content, and pretty accurate stuff too! I've been playing the Metroid games for years, and I'm vaugely obsessed with the lore, so I have an Idea about how the presence of Metroids on Talon IV before the space pirates arrived. It's explained in Samus Returns (the Metroid II remake) as well as in Metroid Dread that Metroids were created by the Chozo to exterminate the X parasites. In Fusion it is also explained that Metroids adapt to their environments, hence why the metroids tend to look different across games. Metroids on SR388 can evolve through the natural life stages we see in Samus Returns, while thise put on other planets will evolve differently. This is why there are Tallon Metroids, and why they look different from Metroids elsewhere in the series, as well as why they evolve into the Fission Metroids and Metroid Prime instead of Alpha and Gamma Metroids and so on. It's not (just) art direction to make them look different, it's actually lore that they look different! That said, for there to be Tallon Metroids, they had to have been around for quite a while, and having been creations and controllable by the Chozo, were likely brought with them when they populated Tallon IV. At that point, when the leviathan hit, it just grabbed one of the local Metroids.
    Thank you all for coming to my TED Talk XD

  6. Metroid Prime has some absolutely awesome boss-battles (though Quadraxis from Echoes is still one of Nintendo's best boss battles, in my humble opinion). The only one I actually kinda hate is the one against the Omega Pirate, when you get the Phazon Suit, because of all the Fission Metroids showing up to be annoying. That battle somehow became way harder for me in the Switch Remaster, despite the rest of the game being a lot easier than I remembered it being…


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