All 50+ of the Empire's Superships!

Super star Destroyers are a big deal in the Empire, but how many did they have?

Edited by MarMarBunBun
Two fleet renders by @mrpuertorican
Additional renders by ConnerJB
ISD models and textures by evilbobthebob
Vengeance model by Terribul, Oseritzel
Vengeance textures by MrPuretorican
Mandator models by Farshot

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38 thoughts on “All 50+ of the Empire's Superships!”

  1. I'm just loving this whole business with "a group of rebels board and steal/destroy an Executor". Like, I can just picture – a quiet day at Wilhelmshaven, the anchorage of the Imperial Navy. A group of dudes on dinghies sneak in, board a dreadnought… and take it out to sea… and actually get away.. It reaches new heights of ridiculous so much so that it's cool😅

  2. I really don't think having ships this big really helps any space faring empire. It can only be in one place at a time, if it goes down you lose a lot, and the resources to keep them running is extreme.
    I would think it would be a lot better to have a ton of smaller ships available for use, especially if you can have some staging planets with the resources for the crews until they need to get deployed. Then you can also put them into skeleton mode at a dock, and if one goes down, no worries.
    Plus, if anything in Star Wars, you see that smaller ships beat the bigger ones. Though with a ton of medium sized cruisers you can setup them up as with capital ship killers, gunboats, or faster attack ships for running down pirates.

  3. It wouldn't be an Imperial project if it didn't have an easily exploitable weakness. Exhaust ports, dangerously explosive reactors, self-destruct buttons behind a single pane of glass, and auto-pilot systems that automatically drive the planet into the nearest larger object in case of pilot disabling…

    I think you'd have a much harder time naming Imperial Super Weapons, Super Ships, and Secret Projects that weren't destroyed by a small plucky team of intruders.


    Look through all the books, comics, movies, TV shows, and what not and like, 95% of all those things were taken out by the actions of either a single person or a small group.

  4. Special thanks to MarMAr for editing, and MrPuertorican and ConnerJB for some of the still-image renders.

    List of what I forgot so far:
    – 2 SSDs that were part of Black fleet (I thought for some reason they weren' confirmed as battlecruisers or SSDs, so I left them out, but Before the Storm does say all 3 are Super-class)

  5. What about hte Arc Hammer? I know it's technically a factory shipand only one made, but at >9,600m that's at least 6 ISDs in length it should definitely be classified as a dreadnaught/supership as well.

  6. I really can see the use of such ships. Unfortunately the empire went too heavy on the big side while pinching pennies on the small starfighter side. Seriously, shielded ties alone would have made a real difference.

  7. Ah a Decipher Star Wars ccg card. Reminds me of when I was younger and instead of buying MtG alpha cards like my friends were I brought them instead, and I still have them, meaning I'd probably still have ten or so long boxes of MtG alpha instead of of Star Wars ccg…I can get maybe 50 bucks for a limited Vader right now, let me go check what a Black Lotus goes for…Oh look, people are asking 100k plus for graded examples…

  8. I like the Mandator 2 and the Bellator-class much more than the Executor-class. In all the games it looks like a smaller ship with the same firepower, so that it is easier to bring all your firepower on one point.

  9. More true-canon vids, please! I simply can't stomach that Disney Wars travesty/trash that they call canon! I'd rather have had the Thrawn-Trillogy on the big screen than Rey-Sue-the-bestest-evar, writen by crummy directors with an ego the size of a galaxy!

  10. The honour of having the thickest plot armour in every franchise, by far, goes to the rebels, hand down. I mean one regular SSD should be enough to wreak havoc on any rebel fleet and their rickety, outdated ships. And yet the rebels have managed to destroy, death stars, SSD and the likes.


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