Aliens Laughed at Earth's Ancient Warship And Called It A Relic, Until… | HFY | Sci-Fi Story

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HFY Story , Short Sci-Fi Stories
Galactic Scifi
#scifi #story #aliens #humanity #hfy


6 thoughts on “Aliens Laughed at Earth's Ancient Warship And Called It A Relic, Until… | HFY | Sci-Fi Story”

  1. I am subscribing. I just hope you take a little more time in proofing before publishing. Good stuff otherwise. The Voice really helps sell the story. For Example! 20:57 is supposed to say COM Link's. I would fix that ASAP.

  2. Why does the AI voice have a lisp? Also, wasn't the ship supposed to be broken? It never said anything about the crew fixing it, so I am wondering how it started working again all of a sudden. I assume it was abandoned since it was still functional and there isn't a single mention of bones or remains onboard. Too many plot holes and repetition.


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