Aliens: Is It WRONG for Christians to Believe in Them?

In this episode of Off the Cuff, Bodie Hodge and Robb Webb discuss whether or not aliens are real, why our culture is obsessed …


26 thoughts on “Aliens: Is It WRONG for Christians to Believe in Them?”

  1. Yes Pluto is a planet even though Saturn has always been my favorite planet since a kid. I would have to say Star Wars OG is still my favorite alien type fiction. But no Disney Wars garbage minus Rogue One. lol I also have always liked Battlestar Galactica '78, Star Trek TNG and Flight of the Navigator is a classic movie. And OG 80's Gen. 1 Transformers of course! Anyway great points presented here and I have thought for a very long time, that aliens are just a distraction from the Truth of God and the Bible. God Bless!

  2. Didn't Jesus say I have sheep of another fold which you know not of? Believe in God Almighty and Jesus and the holy Spirit and I also believe in fallen which maybe some of these UFOs could be why though would've fallen Angel need a spaceship? Also why would these fallen Angels abducting people be putting strange objects and their bodies which we cannot figure out where these alloys come from? What about the experiments that they do on people and why would they want to do that? Could it be that there are in fact perhaps millions of other beings in this universe that the almighty has created? Maybe even there could be another heaven or maybe even multiple heavens for these other life-forms beings that the Lord has created and we just don't know about it because he didn't tell us? Hopefully one of these days I'll get to heaven and maybe I'll remember to ask Jesus.

  3. Earth has been around for billions of years, and there's no evidence at all any 'aliens' have ever been here. Extraterrestrials are basically a reflection of ourselves, where we've given them human characteristics instead of projecting them as 'secular' science would require…that we couldn't even recognize them, or wouldn't even be correlated to them.

  4. They are NOT aliens from outer space.
    They DO EXIST however! They are fallen angels and demons.
    I'm confident they WILL BE USED TO DECEIVE people when Jesus RETURNS!

    Read Genesis, Revelation and the Book of Enoch to learn!

  5. Not only do Seventh Day Adventists believe that there is life "out there", but they believe that those worlds are unfallen! They say that the "sons of God" in the beginning of the book of Job are the inhabitants of these unfallen worlds.

  6. Just stick your head in your Bible and ignore reality. If alien life does end up in existing which it probably will, you can just make some stuff up to fit your belief system 😂

  7. Why would God make a universe this massive with a bunch of neatly packed together spheres & make it all empty dead space except for one planet? What a waste of a perfectly good universe

  8. He said that there hasn’t been any “earth-like” planets discovered and that this is evidence that the Bible is correct and earth is the only planet with life but this isn’t true. Astronomers have discovered 55 earth like planets in our galaxy alone and they keep finding more. The fact that there’s billions of other galaxies in the universe means there could be an absurdly large amount of planets that could support life.

  9. Anything we can't explain, we call aliens. With the vastness of the universe, It would be great ignorance that we are the only species created by the Divine Creator. Remember, the Divine Creator is the creator of all things seen and unseen.

  10. I'm a Christian and believe there is possibility that aliens exist. And its not even close to his argument of saying im looking for the meaning of life or bc im looking to fill my life with something other than God. Completely disingenuous argument.

  11. Believi g in aliens does not take away from the Bible. There are a few other planets that have been found like earth BTW. Book of revelations speaks of creatures coming out of skies and the ground. And yes Yahweh created heavens and earth but never says it’s the only thing made out there! Let’s get real guys

  12. I don't know if when we take the Bible in proper context, that it absolutely rules out life outside of the Earth. Given to whom the book was written, it wasn't even in the mind of the Jews or the early Christians. But I don't think it confirms it, other than to state that there are other forms of intelligence (angels, spirits and demons) in creation. I would caution people about being anything other than skeptical about UFOs because of the possible link between demonic activity and both UFOs and Bigfoot sightings. Be wise and take your counsel first and foremost from the Bible, not through myths and legends of UFOs, Bigfoot and the like.

  13. When the rapture happens millions of christians will instantly vanish from the Earth and I believe the unbelievers will try to explain it away by saying That they were abducted by aliens lol

  14. When the rapture happens the world unbelievers will say I believe that they were abducted by UFO's aliens In their minds this will explain the sudden disappearance of millions of christians

  15. Oh my brothers
    Yall are wrong

    The so called aliens are the demons or the nephilims the children of the fallen ones

    How can you sit up there and claim Jesus and not knowing our true history

    The old God and goddesses
    Are the aliens of the new world

  16. There's no alien life out there because out there refers to outer space and outer space doesn't exist, the heliocentric universe is a mass delusion, distant bodies / galaxies are based on mathematical data, words and numbers while completely devoid of physical experience, all built on faith, another belief system built on faith is RELIGION, every planet including distant bodies are CGI and cartoons, this heliocentric universe needs to exist in order to consolidate other deceptions such as evolution, big bang, the social sciences which all gives justification to the secular world and its political systems


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