Alien Spores Fell on Earth And Giant Monsters Grew Everywhere Causing Worldwide Catastrophe

A group of American soldiers is sent abroad to protect the US’ interests from the monsters, but in the end they’ll learn that the real monster is always human.

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45 thoughts on “Alien Spores Fell on Earth And Giant Monsters Grew Everywhere Causing Worldwide Catastrophe”

  1. Imagine having a dog, making him fight an alien and then getting mad when the alien defends itself. You just killed your dog and an alien for no reason

  2. Young boys die while their governments fill their pockets with cash and laugh at luxurious parties.

    Worst part about it all? These boys go home to a country that has pedos for teachers, opinionated dipshiets for influencers and a government thats probably s*xually abused children.

    Poor basterds…


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