Alien Mulching, Infinite Scaling Bullet Heaven! – Survivors of the Dawn

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Run-based roguelike bullet heaven where you create strategic weapon and item synergies to survive the ceaseless hordes. Remember, every step back is a step towards a whole new strategy.

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20 thoughts on “Alien Mulching, Infinite Scaling Bullet Heaven! – Survivors of the Dawn”

  1. Seems cool but the runs feel a bit long for how much building they let you do. Like after the first 10 minutes you seemed adequately OP and by the end of the run it didn't seem like the weapons/build had changed or evolved past numbers buffs. Could cut the runs down by 50%+ and not lose much gameplay value

  2. Thoughts on a system where unlocks have say a "Max Level" (maybe can limit break) and instead of having set values of set stats for each level it random generates a set based on the upgrade level + rarity rolled + other stats like luck or corruption etc (potential stats make sense for the ability). Through each run your weapons would performing slightly different at the same "level" such as it has more projectile split, speed & pierce but less base dmg & size ALSO you could add other "wacky" stat it could rolls that change how a weapon fundamentally works or just change its damage type etc ?

  3. About the Max HP being reset. It kind of also works as a healing effect(it increases max hp and current hp). And you are fully healed between each zone anyway. If the health kept scaling, it would probably be waaay too good if you got several of them early.

  4. I thought we have seen a flood of Bullet Heavens mostly cloning Vampire Survivors Already, but the current Bullet Heaven Festival on Steam has still so many more coming! The only one that tickled me to try over my already extensive library was Antipaint, because the art and setting is so unique. First Boss is Fighting literally the Mona Lisa, while creating your own painting. Totally recommended, when you want something bright and chipper


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