Stream starts at 1:31

Journalist and founder of The Electronic Intifada (LINK: Ali Abunimah joins for special coverage of Palestine’s latest wave of resistance to Israeli occupation.

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#Palestine #Gaza #Israel



  1. Superlative explanation of historic and present Palestinian by guest Ali Abunimah. Impressive presence – gravitas – intensity and more. If only the US had a government that consisted of more than superficial, inane clowns deranged by insatiable greed and power lust. Unfortunately for the American people who – for too long – trusted these betrayers, our collective comeuppance will make the Great Depression look like a picnic in the park.

  2. i don't believe Israel had no idea this was coming. there's actually more evidence to suggest they knew & let it happen. Netanyahu is terribly unpopular w/ his ppl. they're pissed about being used as lab rats w/ experimental shots for a flu & the judicial reforms he's trying to institute.

    Bibi also knows that NATO is going to collapse. He wants ALL his enemies dealt with before that happens because NATO nations are who truly protect this country. So he needs Hamas, Hezbollah, the ppl in Gaza, Iran & Syria taken out before that happens because once he doesn't have the money and arms and military of others to fight his battles, Israel is in big trouble.
    they've been terribly unkind at best, to the rest of the world. they're despised by far too many of the people in this world for their land theft and savagery.

    so, don't be surprised if Al-Aqsa mosque gets destroyed…an event that will trigger anger in the muslim world, from even the fence sitters. Bibi's on borrowed time & he needs this, cuz nobody gets deposed in the middle of a large scale 'surprise attack' & the war for revenge that follows. it's his ticket to infinite power & avoidance of being prosecuted for previous crimes.

  3. Thank you for sharing the FACTS with the viewers, we now understand the situation for the Palestinian struggle for the last 70 years! The Palestinian Resistance (Freedom Fighters)are the only hope for the Palestinians against ZIONIST Israeli military tyrannical regime, the massacres/torture of Palestinian civilians and ultimately secure a FREE PALESTINE!

  4. So Israel is doing what was done to them in Germany on POC sanction by US & UK. Classic colonial blueprint. The Palestine people did nothing to the Jewish people (foundational) but getting the brunt of their hate. They are going to regret this in the long run! Justice is long but bends towards the innocence. The oppressors time will end eventually. The oppressors have to keep doing things to protect themselves the evil they are doing to the other (building walls, domes etc). Their time will come sooner than later. Everything they do will turn to ash!!

  5. Danny, are the 40 babies found murdered in Israel, some beheaded to be counted as “Administrative detainees “?
    You nodded your head in agreement with this coward.
    You’re a fake Marxist coward Danny.

    Operation “Ground and Pound” is now getting ready.
    This will be a Historic win for the west.
    Gaza is already lost forever.
    And you watch. The fake Muslim countries will do everything in their power to keep the Palestinian refugees OUT of their countries.
    You watch.
    Ground and Pound

  6. Robertrogers
    I guess they had been thrown out of their incubators had they Rog. ? Babies are such a threat to Palestine and obviously the "touring" Palestinians would find them "high value targets".
    Much like the "Russian Orcas that looted Bucha". They are enticed by 2nd hand sofas and fridges – and TVs are such a great prize to these "Primitives" !. 😅

  7. US is happy to start another Israeli proxy war in the Middle East. HAMAS attack is nothing compared to the Israeli killing of Palestine people past decades. Thanks for the Guest opinions but with US backing Israel can't be defeated by Hamas who has no air defenses.

  8. Teodorachim
    "We have exterminated the property owners in Russia.We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America". "The Jew" publication
    December 1925, Zinobit

    "We (Jews) intend to turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negros…. ruled over by the Jews". Jewish EU "Founding Fathers, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi: "Praktischer Ideanlismus' 1925

  9. Do you know that
    * Collective punishment
    * Cutting off electricity
    * Cutting off water
    * Cutting off aid
    all of which are war crimes‼

    I know what Hamas did was barbaric and I condemn it, but how could Hamas make such a surprise attack on Israel with all its intelligence capabilities so easily. Or did the Israeli intelligence agencies know it was going to happen and let it happen to justify the recent right-wing Government’s racist policies that talk about apartheid etc that has many of the world’s governments questioning their relationship with Israel. Just look at the USA and Israeli relationship now, after the recent Israeli Right-wing Government’s Racist Policies. Obviously, after the latest attack, the relationship is back to normal now.

    The infuriating thing is Israel does what Hamas did all the time murdering unarmed children, women, babies, pregnant women, men, the disabled, the elderly, medics, reporters and pets but it’s never reported on western media. So when this happens to Israeli’s and it’s reported on western media it’s a huge shock. Israel has the right to protect its self, but what about the Palestine’s❓Israeli’ can go hide inside their bomb shelters to keep them safe. Where do the Palestine’s go❓

    Let’s pray 🙏 for the all the children and innocent victims on both sides.

  10. So happy that Ali says we shouldn't even listen or care about what the imperialists say. I think that's a bit of a switch from his usual stance.
    So happy for him as a whole you can tell he's ecstatic about it. Also a good point of his : rebuking the defeatist viewpoints that have been going around.

  11. "Senior officials", where's Robert Fisk when ya need him?

    Ah well. I"ll lift a glass of 'Cracked Canoe' from Moosehead brewery to him and Wob Canoe. The new Premier of Manitoba. Still amongst us and someone Robert would 'mos def' raise a glass or two to. Cheers mes amies. Keep up the splendor and who knows? We might even exit stage right in time for some new acts.

    Toodles, salud, sante, and the hell with the sturm and drang of Von der Layen and her petit bourgeois ilk. "Les bourgeois son comme les cochon…", and sll that.

  12. Good job ensuring a disproportionate amount of death and suffering to your own people bc you just had to commit some of the worst atrocities to humanity.

  13. Egypt closes the border to Palestinian refugees!
    Social Justice cometh.
    Those of you who support terrorism , why all the whining and crying when you get your ass kicked in war?
    Isn’t it evolution at work in real time?
    The strongest smartest most clever win .
    Survival of the fittest according to Richard Dawkins.
    Get your F’ing stories straight man before you start bloviating about poor minority communities.
    Those poor minority communities don’t even want to live with the people of poor minority communities.
    Just ask Egypt.
    Or Baltimore here in U.S. as soon as one of the members gets paid out, they take their families to the nice safe white racist neighborhood to live.
    You all are fakers, you know the truth, you just suppress it because of your prideful ego.
    But your envy and jealousy of all things western betrays your true heart.
    Fake ass liars the lot of ya.
    Down with Palestine and all the fake victim communities crying racism and oppression.
    We all know this Jesse Jackson HUSTLE by now.
    Advice: come up with a service or a good that others want, find out what they want or create that want, then work your ass of to provide it with the best quality you can.
    You have to put in the time and effort.
    Western dominance didn’t happen by chance.
    You have to work you stupid F’ers.
    Compete you cowards.
    But no, you run to the Jesse Jackson’s of the world to get your ears tickled with lies that make you feel pride, anger, envy and self righteousness.
    Your failure and doom in life is justified

  14. I supported Palestine…but why take innocent people & foreigners hostage, children and rape Women. They could have been your Mother, sister or daughter. Yes Hammas attacked , but didn't stay to fight the soldiers. Does Ali live in Palestine ? Of course not. Palestine has lost the majority of the world's support because of the barbaric evil on the innocent people.

  15. Hamas did what the protesters couldn't, for the order services and for the people, the police can rest after this turmoil and the people will have their prayers answered, "he will step down", only that can make Israel take this defeat with their heads up, RESIGNATION and it is the only thing that can unite the Israeli's who are now too divided again and even the contact between Israel and Gaza will go up. I mean if that wasn't worth a thousand deaths for those Israeli's that want NETANYAHU to dissapear out of politics, than what is? Israel's dillema, to enter Gaza or not to enter Gaza, if they don't enter now already, but opt for the slow way, the Russian way, the rocket stream won't end and the Russians will confess to that, but if they enter too early, they wont find them any bit weaker! I know for sure that it isn't worth two thousand deaths to see him go and see him go fast, there is no time to spill nor is it time for games, tell him that the LAW will let him GO FREE (after resignation) but he won't touch the LAW. That is the best I can propose in this condition, me, myself, I oppose Israel and I oppose Palestine, two bad idea's, me, myself, I would propose the ONE NATION SOLUTION or the TWO EMPIRES SOLUTION. ONE NATION SOLUTION is that Israel, Westbank, Gaza, Golan and Libanon have to become ONE COUNTRY, no border fights and walls anymore, ONE COUNTRY under ONE CONSTITUTION that treats everyone EQUAL and that would be indeed a BRICS+ worthy country. But even better than that is the TWO EMPIRES SOLUTION, for both, for ISAAC and for ISHMAEL, it is still not all that they want, but nothing comes in a day, sometimes it takes two or three days, let there be TWO EMPIRES, an ISLAMIC EMPIRE and a JEWISH EMPIRE, this solution is also taking the THREE RELIGIONS, ISLAM, CHRISTIANITY and JUDAISM into account, that means also things like the TEMPLE OF SOLOMON and simple things like each's LEBENSRAUM and each's COMFORTZONE or shall we call it the wishes and the worries of ABRAHAM who had the story of ABEL and KAIN in mind and wanted something else for his own two? But for that solution, we also need the APPROVALS of CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA, EUROPE, AFRICA and the USA, because the landmap will change drasticly. Christians won't get an own empire, they are welcome in the ISLAMIC EMPIRE, as Muslims always have believed that those religions would join eachother at the End of Times, which will have Seven Provinces, each containing a number of countries, first some things about the JEWISCH EMPIRE, it will be Israel, Westbank, Gaza, Golan, Lebanon and Jordan, all of it free of Muslims and Christians, the TEMPLE OF SOLOMON will be allowed to rise up again but only after the safe transportation of the ISLAMIC TEMPLES, Abu Simbel, to Damascus, where Muslims believe that JESUS will appear first. THE ISLAMIC EMPIRE has Seven Provinces, which are Maghrabia, Misria, Arabia, Turkia, Persia, Africia and Taliqania. Each province has its own ways of believe, in Taliqania you have more Hardcore Sunnis, in Persia more Shia, in Turkia and Misria a mix of Christians and Muslims living in peace side by side and the people inside those Seven Provinces can travel VISA FREE and even emigrate from Province to Province inside the ISLAMIC EMPIRE. The Palestinians that will leave JERUSALEM, a HOLY CITY for MUSLIM and JEW, can get a better home in MECCA or MEDINA, the other TWO HOLY CITIES for Muslims or can choose another Province to live in and assure themselves, that it was the right to leave Jerusalem, the Antichrist as Muslims believe, won't enter the Holy Cities Mecca and Medina, but he will come out of Jerusalem, that is why that third Holy City is not off limits for him. One day, I will tell you another thousand beautiful things about those TWO EMPIRES, but for now, have a good fight, I will wait.

  16. New documents released by MSNBC show Hamas killers were targeting elementary schools and a youth center when they stormed the border last week.

    Over 1,300 Jews were slaughtered in the Hamas attack. At least another 120 Jews were taken hostage and moved to Gaza.

    Now there is evidence that Hamas targeted schools, a youth center, and an outdoor youth concert.


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