Alex Thomson: Both East & West Are Interested in WW3 or an Eternal Penumbra of Doomsday

Former GCHQ Officer Alex Thomson discusses the Anglo-American establishment’s fixation on Ukraine as the underbelly of the World Island and how it is not in the interest now of either the West or the Russians to de-escalate. The logic of the expansionist system on both sides is that they’re more interested in a Third World War or an eternal penumbra of Doomsday as opposed to the return of a Westphalian order. There is not a better world solution coming from Russia or China where there also exists world domination-minded elements. Very few national leaders remain who are willing and able to oppose globalism, there is an inevitable trend toward world government. He’s optimistic about being able to survive the Algorithm Ghetto via parallel structures and also comments on prophecy, information operations, and antisemitic trolls.

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About Alex Thomson
After learning what today’s British Establishment was all about at Rugby School and Cambridge, Alex Thomson served in a Christian mission in the former Soviet Union and went on to spend the rest of his twenties as a GCHQ officer.

He moved to the Netherlands aged thirty in 2009 and has spent the last decade more quietly as a translator and interpreter and a researcher of networked evil.

Since 2014, Alex has presented his emerging findings via the Eastern Approaches brand on UK Column News, where his specialisms are Europe, geopolitics, religious affairs and constitutional matters.

He maintains the Eastern Approaches channel, mostly of careful readings of key documents indicating the scope of corruption of British and Western public life.

*Podcast intro music is from the song “The Queens Jig” by “Musicke & Mirth” from their album “Music for Two Lyra Viols”: (available on iTunes or Amazon)


25 thoughts on “Alex Thomson: Both East & West Are Interested in WW3 or an Eternal Penumbra of Doomsday”

  1. Good discussion. Humanity is transiting a global exponential vortex paradigm shift of high degree, which will determine a binary outcome – Freedom or Slavery (Good or evil). Fortunately, the extant social construct (matrix), due to its being based on violence (police/military force), exists outside Natural Law and is evil, and therefore is doomed to collapse (hallelujah). Since Justice is part of Natural Law, everyone gets their Just desserts, so as Socrates said "I exhort everyone to the philosophic life, for an unexamined life is not worth living". In God and Gold I Trust

  2. Joel Skousen is the ultimate Russia/China with global empire aspirations conspiracy theorist. He is literally blinded by his fear and/or hatred towards these countries.
    America and the "west" are bankrupt- but they currently have control of the "ponzi scheme".
    This is being eroded by direct transactions between non-western countries- cutting out the USD and western financial system.
    A new financial system based on grams of gold is about to appear, backed by Russia, India, China, Saudi Arabia and more. This will end the fiat money ponzi scheme in the west.
    During 2023 Russia will decisively end the conflict in Ukraine.
    A humiliating defeat for NATO and America.
    Aside from going nuclear and destroying earth, there is nothing America or NATO can do to prevent this.
    Russia will take Ukraine , create a DMZ on the west border and a solid defense line to the east of the DMZ.
    Post war Russia along with the "rest" of the world, will get on with cooperatively developing and improving their lives without the domination and exploitation of the "west".

  3. social darwinism as expressed by the likes of the 19 century english philosopher herbert spencer is still alive & kicking amongst the english upper class, in my opinion, folks 😂

  4. Ah yes, the "ignorant" "low-life" "antisemites", like the extremely cultured scholars who have documented throughout history how the Jews have taken over the world. Called such by no less than an evangelical Christian! Come on now, censor this comment and keep spreading hogwash.


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