‘Alarm bells!’ Royal expert reacts to Prince Harry & Meghan Netflix news | Palace Confidential

‘Alarm bells!’ Royal expert reacts to Prince Harry & Meghan Netflix news | Palace Confidential

News that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are working on ‘a bunch’ of projects for Netflix has raised eyebrows on the set of our royal talk show Palace Confidential.

Netflix’s chief content officer Bela Bajaria has said that the pair have a selection of unscripted and scripted ideas which are all in ‘very early development’.

The Daily Mail’s Diary Editor Richard Eden believes that the fact that they are still in development is key and raises questions as to whether we will see them all come to fruition. ‘Forgive me, but I am a bit dubious about it, the proof will be in the pudding of what we actually see,’ he tells the programme.

This week’s panel, which also includes the Daily Mail’s Royal Editor Rebecca English and the Mail on Sunday’s Editor at Large Charlotte Griffiths also discuss the latest updates on the King and Princess of Wales who both left hospital this week and debate whether or not it’s fair to call the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh ‘junior’ royals.

0:00 King and Kate released from hospital; Harry and Meghan’s latest ‘dilemma’ and more on today’s Palace Confidential
0:45 Royal health update: Queen Camilla and Princess Anne are taking charge!
3:40 ‘I’m not getting out!’ The time Princess Anne shut down a kidnapper
4:45 The latest news on King Charles and Kate Middleton
8:57 King Charles VISITED Kate Middleton when they were at the same hospital
11:10 Your best comments!
14:22 The SHOCKING story about a Prince Harry-related charity in Africa
16:00 Is this another reminder of the role the Royal machine plays?
17:14 Richard reacts to Prince Harry & Meghan’s Archewell troubles
17:55 ‘Dubious!’ Will Harry & Meghan’s Netflix deal be renewed?
19:05 What do Harry and Meghan do next? Richard analyses their ‘dilemma’
20:45 A special viewer comment about Prince Edward and Sophie
23:56 Was Palace aide denied gong for not saying God Save the King at Queen’s funeral?
25:34 It’s Montage Time! The extraordinary hats of King Charles!

#royals #palaceconfidential #princeharry #meghanmarkle


46 thoughts on “‘Alarm bells!’ Royal expert reacts to Prince Harry & Meghan Netflix news | Palace Confidential”

  1. "I don't want to be ageist! But…" proceeds to be as ageist as you can get… Sophie has more glamour in her pinky than the Yorks have in their whole bodies. They dress better now, but glamourous?? No.

  2. Thank goodness for your tie Richard , and Jo Elvin do you realise your attire makes you blend in perfectly with the bookcase behind you 😁- Maybe the backdrop should have been changed for this one 😉

  3. Maybe the best thing for the toxic duo is too completely ignore the snivelling obnoxious guttersnipes. Do us all a favour and officially strip them of their titles and remove that entire family group from any line of succession.

  4. Can u guys keep Harry n Meg out of ur mouths?😂 they aren’t royals anymore. Worry about ur WORKING royals and how news got out about divorce, Kate sleeping with Andrew n virgin mobile guy, pic of Kate being a yacht girl or bottle girl, Andrew sleeping with minors, all the yelling n pillow fights in the castle😂, Kate in coma, Kate not goin home…then Kate out and at home but not one single person standing n s outing exits saw her leave and only saw her hubby visit her once for a few mins…no flowers, card…no love that’s for sure. Odd no? And why are her parents not allowed or haven’t seen her? Brits need to worry about their working royals instead of worrying about H and M😒 u didn’t wanna em..so keep em out ur mouth 👄 😂

  5. I am not watching you anymore. You can't stop talking about the Whinger and the Ginger. No one cares about them or wants to hear about them. What they did to The Queen, Prince Phillip and Catherine, Princess of Wales verges on the criminal. Just stop reporting on them.

  6. I just love watching Palace Confidential as you fill us in on so many issues and Royal events or news with no shouting matches. I am here in the New England part of the US freezing and watching your panel, all fabulous, feeling a bit better hearing what is going on across the pond.
    I hope to visit the UK one day as both my parents have British roots. I must admit I am a huge fan of the Princess Royal Anne. I loved her since I was a child who loved horses and riding. Plus I was always a hard worker but unlike Anne I am a hugger. I am 63 and do hope I see William become King, though I'm not rushing Charles as he has waited his entire life to be King.

  7. Harry was President of the Africa Parks charity for 8 years… (just before Meghan wormed her way in?) – he was also alerted in person, by means of a letter addressed to him & his wife, in May 2023, to the abuse that had been going on for about 10 years, and did absolutely nothing until some 6-7 months later, when he was moved from being the President to being a Board Member (lower level of accountability), only then speaking out amid calls for him to step down from the Charity so as to disassociate himself from it. Meanwhile he and his wife are still labelling themselves 'humanitarians' – they who volunteered the fact that they had their staff members "collapsed on their desks, weeping with exhaustion', because of how they were working round the clock to 'battle against the media'. In other words, they had them working hard just trying to contradict every single morsel of media, social and otherwise, that wasn't 100% complimentary to the Demanding Duchess who responded to claims of her bullying staff with "It's no my job to coddle them". Such 'humanitarians'…!

  8. "Something must be done!" is not "escalating it", it's a word salad sound bite.
    Harry could have used his platform to influence what was going on, instead of using it to garner as many fake awards as possible and insulting his family for money.

  9. When are we going to be told the truth about the Sussex children? Why are they even in the line of succession when there is noproof that they were born of the body. DNA tests for Charles, Harry and these chilidren please.

  10. It's almost guaranteed they were NOT invited to the "One Love" premiere by the boss of Paramount: there were several indications to that effect:
    1. The Paramount boss & his wife, Brian & Tracy Robbins, were on the red carpet when H&M sidled up and carpet-crashed them, just as Brian was about to leave [rather hastily, by the looks of it], only his wife holding him back out of pure politeness allowed a joint snapshot being taken of the 4 of them 'on the carpet'.
    2. Neither Brian nor Tracy acknowledged the Sussexes' presence by a single glance, not even budging sideways to let them into the frame for the photograph, to the point where Harry was half-in, half-out (ironically!) of the red carpet, and Tracy actually held her left arm a little awkwardly in front of her, away from Meghan, so as to avoid any physical contact.
    3. As the photo opp finished, Brian & Tracy Robbins left without looking once at Harry or Meghan, who'd done an on-the-spot-Plan B U-turn to exploit the anti-Monarchist's PM's presence by posing with him Ithe actress with the familiar fake Cheshire-Cat-grin), then hustled along to catch up with Brian & Tracy Robbins – see 1. and 2.
    4. Brian & Tracy Robbins were nowhere to be seen as they headed to the VIP section, while H&M were shown to a mid-row of cheap seats (no bottles of water provided), where Meghan struggled to bundle her over-the-top Disney princess ballgown skirt into the folding cinema seat, then seemed to have a bit of an argument with Harry before ushering him off on a errand, looking none too pleased.
    With all of that in mind, would they have been "invited guests", or were they there to tout for business, the same way they'd done for the Lion King premiere, where Harry touted for voice-over business with the Disney boss, instead of attending the memorial service for the Marines (the military he apparently cared so deeply about) as Guest of Honour? I know they used the excuse of "security issues" but everyone knows that was as lame as excuse as Meghan claiming she "was unable to attend the [fake] Living Legends award ceremony because one of their children had become unwell", instead she'd already been in Jamaica ahead of that Friday, partying ahead of Harry's arrival – two eco-warriors, flying separate 6,000-mile round-trips by private jet to make "a surprise appearance" at a 2-hour minor movie premiere.

  11. I just got home from the hospital for my own abdominal surgery. I was only gone for one night, and it was so hard – I can’t even imagine poor Catherine away from her family for 2 whole weeks. My heart goes out to her and I’m glad she’s back home. Also I think it’s very sweet that Charles visited her while they were both at the hospital. I’ve always seen them as being close family and it’s nice to see the evidence of that. Best wishes from California ❤
    Also Jo – you may need to have your glasses prescription adjusted. I saw you moving your card further away to be able to read it.

  12. Correction: the Coronation wasn't running late, the King & Queen arrived early because none of the potential hold-ups for which a time margin is allowed, happened.
    Nonetheless William & Catherine were criticised for 'being late' (which they weren't).
    I could have sworn the Herald did conclude with "God Save the King!", but perhaps he didn't. It is rather a significant detail to leave out.

  13. Prime Minister Andrew Holness told Jamaican the newspaper The Gleaner: "I was pleased, and I was also very happy to see royals coming to participate in this major event. "Unsuspecting—little did I know—that I'd be drawn into some internal issues in the United Kingdom.” 🇬🇧😂 “But so it is, more publicity for Jamaica. 🇯🇲 #Jamaica Jamaica is now trending number on in the United States.” 🇺🇸 #PrincessMeghan #DuchessMeghan #DukeofSussex #DuchessofSussex #PrincessofMontecito #USA #UK #RoyalFamily #TheWindsors
    #peoplesprincess #RoyalWife #UnitedKingdom

  14. The latest scandal involving Harry shows the depth of his ineptitude & indifference. Having been advised of these atrocities one year ago & and done, nothing shows who they are. Despicable the two of them.

  15. Why are you trying to con us all into believing Harry did anything at all about the Africa Parks. With his clout you know if you cared & actually did something then there would have been real action. He did nothing & you know it, so do we.

  16. Very happy to hear that the Royals that have been in the hospital are doing well. Harry is complicit in this issue, and so is Meghan. We all know they talk big, but don't have any kind of real-life understanding to lead anything or anyone. Thanks for being a great source of Royal News. 🙂

  17. I do disagree with Charlotte's opinion that not all royals are glamorous. The royals are not celebrities leading glitzy, shallow lives. Sophie and Princess Anne are always well groomed, elegant. They dress with style appropriate to their station in life and their own figures.

  18. Please, the extreme negative comments about Meghan and Harry are exhausting. It’s clear, you all hate them both. Why spend so much time talking about them? Please for the love of Queen Elizabeth, stop talking about them if you have nothing nice to say. It’s embarrassing.


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