Air Force Spec Ops Fleet Arrival – Rarely Seen! – EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2021

A combat demonstration by US Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) aircraft followed by the arrival of many rarely seen AFSOC aircraft types for static display during the Thursday airshow at EAA AirVenture 2021 in Oshkosh, WI.

Look for:
MC-130J Commando II
CV-22 Osprey
AC-130J Ghostrider
EC-130J Commando Solo
C-146A Wolfhound
U-28A Draco
MC-12W Liberty
C-145A Combat Coyote

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44 thoughts on “Air Force Spec Ops Fleet Arrival – Rarely Seen! – EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2021”

  1. Oshkosh would be amazing regardless just with all the private pilots that participate and show off their aircraft. But the fact that the military participates in this manner makes this undoubtedly one of the best air shows in the world.

  2. It's great when they all work as designed. Proves money can provide the needed tools for a job.
    But none of it is worth salt depending on who (or what) is at the Helm of it all.

    Blessings to all of our Nation's line and ground military members who serve.

  3. JTACs and PJs are trained pretty well, the rest of the "ground" forces from USAF don't hold a candle to MARSOC/SF Group guys/Seals. Every SOWT will try to say otherwise… No one likes the weather guy.

  4. I was in the military 22 years. Out of all that time I ran into one para-rescue that I went to NCO academy with. I had to go in and repair something, a SF compound at Incirlik AB. That was it. That’s how small they are and secretive. 😂. I never met anyone in the Coast Guard the entire time I was on active duty so they’re even more special than that : ). I really never saw the Marines either very often. Oh, I forgot. I went to school across the street from the Combat Controllers, but we were all in training, that met the 19th squadron and I was at the 13th. We used to harass them when they were out information at the same time we were. They had their quarter telephone pole that they had to carry around for PT. 😂. I forgot I’ve been in a fight with special forces. The 19th and 13th Squadron had a bottle rocket fight for 4 July 1982. We were shooting bottle rockets from windows across the street at each other. We all ducked inside when Security Forces came by.😂. The TALCE refused to come into the main camp at night so special forces killed the entire group every night we were there, I think. : ). We dug up foxholes for the first time just to have them throw satchel charges into the foxholes the next night. So then we had to learn how to put roofs on the fox holes. One of them crawled in the camp and was laying right next to our command tent where we were operating. We almost stepped on it when we tried to evacuate because they were attacking. So he was laying right there and could’ve walked in and stole all the classified material. 😂. One evening they came in the camp jumped over a strand of Barbwire that was up on a berm a couple of feet. He took two steps and cleared all of that. The cops came out of their tent, and accidentally shot each other, and he walked away. 😅

  5. Years ago and I mean decades ago we camped. That night a tremendous storm blew in. High winds but luckily no hail. All throughout the night I expected to see upon daylight, mangled rare airplanes but surprisingly no damage. But the thought did occur what if a freak tornado happen to snake it's way though thousand of pristine rare and one of a kind aircraft. I guess this far north such tornado generating weather is rare enough to feel comfortable holding this event in Oshkosh all these years.

  6. 16:13 all people speaks about C130, but this plane C145A combat coyote is …russian and polish plane. Called Antonov 28 bryza and PZL Mielec M28 skytruck. Very rare the USA used planes from East countries. May bé reliable and rustic plane for short field performance !!!. Israël did it also with I.A.I Arava
    England with Short Skyvan( they are like…clones)


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