Air Force Fighter Fleet Sukhoi-Yak duty at Navy | Master of the Sky

Air Force Fighter Fleet Sukhoi-Yak with Super Weapons: Tomahawk, Maverik, Satan 2, Hawk, Sparrow | Hell Fire, PL7, Avenger, Phoenix, Sidewinder | GAU 8, M61 vulcan, Mark 12, M39, 12.5mm

Sukhoi-Yak fighter can carry weapons, auxiliary fuel tanks, reconnaissance systems and electronic warfare systems for electronic warfare including jamming radar and infrared countermeasures systems.
The Sukhoi-Yak can also use laser-guided missiles, infrared-guided air-to-air missiles, and laser-guided air-to-surface missiles. It can also carry guided bombs.

The aircraft is equipped with a 30mm cannon placed under the fuselage. It can also carry unguided rockets, conventional bombs and cluster bombs.


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