Agency Reveals VTuber's Personal Info Before Termination

New Lola Loading / YFU Baby Discord:


UwU Market Merchandise:

Taiyaki Studios
LOLA Loading
Anime Expo
Haruka Karibu

#filian #LolaLoading #YFUBaby


21 thoughts on “Agency Reveals VTuber's Personal Info Before Termination”

  1. "Losing not just two of the three founders, but the remaining founder being associated with a "for-profit coding school""

    I actually attended said school before it was shut down August 2021, and honestly, let me say I'm not surprised at all.

    Year 2020-2021, they sent all the new students an Oculus Go to for an Open House in RecRoom (VRChat knock off).

    The school also promised we'd have work-life balance and everything. No, they wanted us to be doing projects essentially 9-5 everyday of the week doing projects. Basically told us good luck trying to do part-time job while doing 40 to 56 hours of school stuff a week.

  2. Jesus Christ, that is so messed up. That's got to be a form of abuse, no one should work under those kinds of conditions. I hope she can recover and return under better circumstances. She sounds very talented.

  3. The cracks starting showing pretty fast unfortunately. It's pretty sad when a clipping channel like Cooksie is better at promoting vtubers than the networks themselves. Cooksie sometimes pushes out 5 videos a day and him being one person. Some of these companies YouTube channels maybe push a clip video once a month if your lucky and they have a whole dedicated team I would assume. Is that not embarrassing to them?

    The market has become over-saturated which always happens, but the problem is then preferential treatment comes with it. They only promote the vtubers who are already big and don't need as much help instead of the ones that are small and struggling because it takes too much time and resources. That could end-up in these companies putting all their eggs in one basket. What if someone like Ironmouse decides to become independent tomorrow and buys the rights to her model and usage. Would that company push her videos if she didn't generate them money? Probably not!

    In my personal opinion these companies are turning into the old YouTube networks that claim they will help you grow. Then leave you stranded in the water when you need a life raft. I think if these companies don't offer more incentive to join more people will just become independent since they aren't offering exclusive sponsors. At least becoming independent will mean vtubers can stream whatever they want and won't be restricted displaying certain sensitive material IE "Gore" in a video game or language.

  4. This poor girl. She's so talented- her music and her effort seems like it goes to waste immediately with morons driving her brand into the ground each time. She needs to think hard about the next company she joins.

  5. I came across Lola from her performance of Hanashi (modified for the contest of course) on Filian's hosted VTubers Got Talent and earned and follow/sub from me, because she is so talented and great, and it's fucking awful what has happened to her. She deserves better.

  6. Okay…..from the reading of that letter from Taiyaki, I was sensing SUS from it but to make new songs once a week??? Without help??? Noooooo!!!!!👿👿👿👿👿I know that Vtubing business is hard so make no mistake on that….but that is NOT how you treat people like that!!! Here are two suggestions for future vtubers 1) NEVER WORK OR ASSOCIATE WITH TAIYAKI STUDIOS EVER OR ANY OTHER NAME THIS COMPANY GOES UNDER IN THE FUTURE! If you value your self worth and personal overall health just turn around and run the fuck away from them. 2) If you ever get approach by a unknown vtubing agency promising a contract too good to be true then it most likely is. I would investigate legally and completely inside out before you sign anything and have a lawyer present to boot who knows and understands these kinds of contracts which can be explained clearly to you. As for those who are associated and owners to Taiyaki Studios and any future names your business runs under, may you hire kappa in all your future projects and be prepared to offer you souls to them for being the assholes that you are period.

  7. Thank you for the news.
    People might surprise at how disgusting the situation is but the stories like this is very common when Vtuber still in infancy era back in 2017-2019. It is also one of the reason why I gatekeep myself from other Vtubers aside from Kizuna Ai before Hololive came strong in 2020. Now, as the Vtuber is still new in non-JP community, you can expect more and more things like this happened. Thankfully, JP Vtuber industry already mature and had standards so for new aspiring Vtubers, you can see how it worked in JP before signing any contracts for any Vtuber agencies. Try to notice the bad sign before it is too late. This industry is full of exploitation, corruption, sexual scandal, doxxing, mental health issue, bad worker right, and sometimes criminal act.


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