AGE OF WONDERS 4 | EP.05 – REGENERATION (Let's Play – Gur Gul & The Growth)

Let’s dive into a brand new let’s play with Age of Wonders 4! Our story takes place on a distant utopian realm that has known peace for eons. The local flora and faun exist in relative harmony, and the natural order of things has remained relatively undisturbed – until now. A Growth has been festering amidst the woods, and it won’t be long before it begins to spread across the ardent fields and pastures of this once blessed and magical realm…

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17 thoughts on “AGE OF WONDERS 4 | EP.05 – REGENERATION (Let's Play – Gur Gul & The Growth)”

  1. That Balor was certainly formidable. The Chaos Eater alone was kind of terrifying.
    Hopefully, that Balor doesn't stick around, but if it does, you may need to abandon that site until you are stronger. It may have been better to retreat before it was summoned, just in case.

  2. Mate, you already have stepped in Akreon's Domain, on your next turn you will get even more grievances and the war that you will declare will have no justifications, therefore you will lose imperium. Also it doesn't seem like it's the enemy's throne city the one you try to capture, maybe he has another one nearby. And just a tip/ suggestion for your videos… you take way too much time to make decisions and that's kinda boring/annoying

  3. That was QUITE a battle!

    Now for the Monday morning quarterbacking (I am not a sports fan but it applies… hehe)
    Let's call it an analysis in order to learn for the future:

    Pretty sure that you were very close to winning before that Balor was summoned!
    Maybe next time (Probably no summoning going on, but still there are other locations out there)
    Go all in.
    You are the attacker so you can control the time of attack and the troops involved.
    Maybe use 2 heros and 2 army stacks. The first hero goes in and softens the enemy up for the second to go in and finish the job. This may be an issue with the summoning mechanic, if the game tracks the turns in combination.
    Spend the mana to delay the summon. I think that you could have finished the other units and the fight before then.
    Use all the buffs and the summons!
    I think that you forgot the sunderers main ability there in the second half. Yes they would have taken a bit of damage, but if you pulled them back and hit with the javelins, the other units would do more damage…

    Not bagging on ya by any means, just offering my perspective to help with the next fight.

    Keep it up!

  4. Well it had to happend at some point and your kingdom is developed enough to handle it. Also remember there is EVIL and theres DISNEY evil, you don't want to go full Disney evil xD

  5. Good call on the Tome of Fertility. Don't sleep on *Animate Flora*, as it is only 15 Mana and summons a disposable Skirmisher Unit anywhere on the map that has any form of Flora Obstacle. You can use it near you for supporting attacks, or clear on the other side of the map just to trick the AI into splitting their forces.

  6. You should consider rally the leiges more seriously anytime you're about to train a new unit in a city. Particularly those serpents. Save money using rally of the leiges


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