Age of Sigmar Stats Centre | Huge weekend for Soulblight Gravelords

Welcome to #TheHonestWargamer. Rob goes through the weekend’s #ageofsigmar #competitive events results.


29 thoughts on “Age of Sigmar Stats Centre | Huge weekend for Soulblight Gravelords”

  1. I have to admit, as a new player that just started warhammer AOS, I'm really confused on what army to start. I like demons, greenskins, death, everything remotely evil looking and bad ass. I have a lot of options, with the new updated battle tomes I'm also now leaning towards seraphon? I have no idea how lists look now or what to play. Let's say Seraphon, is their whole range getting updated? I can't find enough info on these kind of things since most famous websites just showcase a few models.

  2. Yes. Alongside the recent releases. V3 was going so great, and then they power creeped the whole thing and turned it into rock-paper-scissors xD

    Still planning to start Lumineth, but some matchups feels bad

  3. Shout out to Jack for taking Grave Guard with shields, I feel like you only ever see Great Wight Blades.
    Curious to see if Legion of Blood catches a nerf, though the book is so new the meta might just adjust.

  4. I think the "Galletian Veterans" question is really interesting, I know it's beloved by a lot of players but I think there also might be an element of "adapting to skew" going on here where people are just used to the meta created by universally accessible fight-in-2-ranks that they've decided it's fine. There are substantial drawbacks to giving this to every army for free, and while I'd love, for example, Skaven to get a better and more horde-appropriate ability, Strength in Numbers is a perfect example of an inadvertent power-down to a faction from this battalion existing. They lose an identity-defining piece of being "the horde faction that can fight in ranks" when every army gets to extend the range of their 1" weapons to 2 ranks and ignore base size. I think the limitations of piling-in, weapon range, and fitting base sizes into coherence is a core part of the balance of AOS warscroll stats, and GV kind of destabilizes that core principle.

  5. Question to Neferata: Can u re-set up the units with her ability closer than 9' to enemy Territory so u have e.g. graveguard 9 from enemy units before the game even Starts? (If the opponent deployed as near as possible?

  6. Sounds like you’ve been getting your research in on the armies/units ahead of worlds 😊 now just some practice needed on the player names judging by some of the attempts 😂

  7. I just want to give a big shout out to everybody at The Really Good GT!

    I was unable to attend as I was in a bad car accident the weekend prior while on my way home from an RTT. Iong story short, I lost my entire army in the accident, and they ran a fund raiser without my knowledge so I could get back on the tables! I am beyond humbled and can't thank this community enough!

  8. It baffles me that no one is actually reading the warscroll. The Ulfenkarni Phylactery does NOT give a 5+ ward save. It increases the ward save roll by 1. This is significant, because Torgillius changes the ward save to 5+. The reason it's so significant is that the phylactery and Torgillius together provide a 4+ ward to summonable units, as it is still a +1 to the save, due to Torgillius changing Deathless Minions to 5+, not conferring a +1.

  9. Well I may have a theory about why you aren’t seeing Gitz or Sylvaneth… you need their faction terrain pieces, which are super hard to get with GWs supply chain/production issues.

    That’s just my theory.

  10. Personally i dont see why LoB needs a nerf. Its all balanced well for the points. The only problem i see is the VLoZD is slightly to cheap u see it in basically every list or you see the kastelai boy… hes just to cheap for what he does. Make him 480 or 500 points and its good


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