Against All Odds: The Forgotten Battle of Irish Courage #shorts

Against All Odds: The Forgotten Battle of Irish Courage #shorts

In September 1961, a small group of 155 Irish soldiers were deployed to the city of Jadedville in the Congo to protect the local population. Despite not expecting an attack, the Irish commanders made sure that their men were prepared. On the morning of September 13th, a force of 3,000 enemy militia arrived with heavy weapons, artillery, and air support. The Irish were heavily outnumbered and only lightly armed, but due to their outstanding leadership and good preparation, they were able to repel the enemy again and again. After a few days, they radioed headquarters for reinforcement, but none could get through. On the fourth day, the Irish were forced to surrender. The enemy suffered 300 killed and 1,000 wounded, while the Irish had only five wounded. Despite their bravery, the incident was swept under the carpet in Ireland and the soldiers were ridiculed for their surrender. It wasn’t until 40 years later that they received the recognition they deserved.


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